anaconda cloud是什麼
Anaconda Cloud 是管理公共或者私有python notebook、conda、環境和packages的地方,可以方便分享和追蹤。
Anaconda客戶端是Anaconda Cloud的命令列介面(CLI),可用於登入,登出,管理帳戶,上傳檔案,生成訪問令牌,檢視令牌以及執行以下所示的其他任務:
anaconda -h
anaconda usage: anaconda [-h] [--disable-ssl-warnings] [--show-traceback] [-v] [-q] [-V] [-t TOKEN] [-s SITE] ... Anaconda Cloud command line manager optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -V, --version show program's version number and exit output: --disable-ssl-warnings Disable SSL warnings (default: False) --show-traceback Show the full traceback for chalmers user errors (default: False) -v, --verbose print debug information ot the console -q, --quiet Only show warnings or errors the console anaconda-client options: -t TOKEN, --token TOKEN Authentication token to use. May be a token or a path to a file containing a token -s SITE, --site SITE select the anaconda-client site to use Commands: auth Manage Authorization Tokens label Manage your Anaconda Cloud labels channel [DEPRECATED in favor of label] Manage your Anaconda Cloud channels config Anaconda client configuration copy Copy packages from one account to another download Download notebooks from Anaconda Cloud groups Manage Groups login Authenticate a user logout Log out from Anaconda Cloud notebook [DEPRECATED in favor of upload/download] Interact with notebooks in package Package utils remove Remove an object from Anaconda Cloud. Must refer to the formal package name as it appears in the URL of the package. Also use anaconda show <USERNAME> to see list of package names. Example: anaconda remove continuumio/empty-example-notebook search Search Anaconda Cloud show Show information about an object upload Upload packages to Anaconda Cloud whoami Print the information of the current user build Anaconda build client for continuous integration, testing and building packages worker Anaconda build client for continuous integration, testing and building packages
usage: anaconda auth [-h] [-n NAME] [-o ORGANIZATION] [--strength {strong,weak}] [--strong] [-w] [--url URL] [--max-age MAX_AGE] [-s SCOPES] [--out OUT] (-x | -l | -r NAME [NAME ...] | -c | -i) Manage Authorization Tokens optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -n NAME, --name NAME A unique name so you can identify this token later. View your tokens at -o ORGANIZATION, --org ORGANIZATION, --organization ORGANIZATION Set the token owner (must be an organization) token creation arguments: These arguments are only valid with the `--create` action --strength {strong,weak} --strong Create a longer token (default) -w, --weak Create a shorter token --url URL The url of the application that will use this token --max-age MAX_AGE The maximum age in seconds that this token will be valid for -s SCOPES, --scopes SCOPES Scopes for token. For example if you want to limit this token to conda downloads only you would use --scopes "repo conda:download" --out OUT actions: -x, --list-scopes list all authentication scopes -l, --list list all user authentication tokens -r NAME [NAME ...], --remove NAME [NAME ...] remove authentication tokens -c, --create Create an authentication token -i, --info, --current-info Show information about the current authentication token Manage Authentication tokens
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