The Future of the English [Supplementary Exercises]


The Future of the English [Supplementary Exercises] I. Translate the following into Chinese. 1.It was a challenge, but luckily we had the experience to draw on. 這是一個挑戰,但幸運的是我們有經驗可以借鑑

2.As the journey drew on, he started to feel tired.

3.She lit her last cigarette, and drew on it slowly.

4.I had to draw on my savings to pay for the repairs.

5.Most of the plants stood up well to the heat.

6.Silvia is capable of standing up for herself.

7.He’ll respect you more if you stand up to him.

8.I was supposed to go to a concert with Kyle on Friday, but he stood me up.
我本來星期五要和凱爾去聽音樂會的,但是他放我鴿子了。 失約

9.Charles was an odd character whom Kelly had never really taken to.
“take to” 在這裡表示 “喜歡;對…… 產生好感”。
整個句子的意思是 “查爾斯是個古怪的人,凱莉從來沒有真正喜歡過他”。
10.Dee’s taken to getting up at 6 and going jogging.
“take to” 在這裡表示 “開始從事;養成(某種習慣)”。
句子的意思是 “迪伊養成了六點起床去慢跑的習慣”。

11.It was a nice house, but it wasn’t quite what we had in mind.
表示 “心中所想;想象中的”。
整句的意思是 “這是一所不錯的房子,但不完全是我們心目中所想的(房子)”。
用法分析:在這裡 “in mind” 用於描述與人們心中預先設想或期望的事物進行對比。

12.You must always keep the reader in mind when writing a report.
表示 “考慮到;顧及”。
該句的意思是 “寫報告時,你必須時刻考慮到讀者(的需求、感受等)”。

13.She’s the type of person who just says what’s on her mind.
表示 “心裡所想的事情;內心的想法”。
句子的意思是 “她是那種心裡想什麼就說什麼的人”。
用法分析:此處 “on her mind” 等同於 “in her mind”,都是指一個人內心的思想內容。

14.Insurance was the last thing on my mind when we set off that day.
表示 “在某人的腦海中;在某人心裡(被想起或被考慮)”。
整句的意思是 “我們那天出發的時候,我壓根兒就沒想到保險這回事”。

“last thing”是一個常用的英語表達,意思是“最不可能想到的事情”或“最後考慮的事情”。當時並不重要或被忽視了。

15.It had completely slipped her mind that Dave still had a key to the house.
表示 “被(某人)忘記”。
該句的意思是 “她完全忘記了戴夫還有房子的鑰匙”。

16.Who in their right mind would want to do that job?
表示 “心智正常;頭腦清醒”。
句子的意思是 “頭腦正常的人誰會想做那份工作呢?”
用法分析:“in one's right mind” 是一個固定表達,用於反問句中表示對做某事的人的合理性的質疑,暗示該工作可能不好或有不合理之處。

17.We’re in a strong position, but we mustn’t take victory for granted.
表示 “處於(有利、不利等的)狀況;處境”。
整句的意思是 “我們處於優勢地位,但絕不能把勝利視為理所當然”。
用法分析:這裡的 “in a strong position” 用來描述主體(we)在某個情境(如競爭、事件發展過程等)中所處的一種比較有利的狀態。

18.She is in the enviable position of having three job offers.
表示 “處於(某種特殊的)狀況;境地”。
該句的意思是 “她有三份工作可選擇,處於令人羨慕的境地”。

19.All parking signs have now been placed in position.
表示 “在正確的位置;就位”。
整句的意思是 “所有的停車標誌現在都已放置到位”。
用法分析:這裡 “in position” 描述物體(parking signs)被放置到了它們應該在的正確地點或位置。

parking signs / ˈpɑːkɪŋ saɪn / 停車標誌

20.Ned says I’m always late? He’s in no position to talk.
句子的意思是 “內德說我總是遲到?他沒資格說這話”。
用法分析:這種用法用於表達某人(he,即 Ned)是否具備某種合理的基礎(如自身行為良好等)來進行某種言論(說別人總是遲到)。

II.Translate each of the following sentences into English, using one of the words or expressions in the box.
draw on clear of feel at home take refuge in be in one’s right mind
alien to denounce hang upon in…position to sweat one’s guts out
to one’s credit dubious about be committed to on all counts keep one’s mind open to
conform to take to stand up to harden into fall between two stools
a.This book is highly academic. I'm afraid I'm in no position to evaluate it.…position含義:處於…… 位置;處於…… 狀況。例如:He is in a difficult position now.(他現在處於困難的狀況。)
a.To John's credit, the movie was a great success. one’s credit含義:值得讚揚;在…… 名下。例如:To his credit, he has donated a large amount of money to the poor.(值得讚揚的是,他向窮人捐贈了大量的金錢。)
a.When he first arrived in Beijing, he didn't feel at home at all. (feel at home)
a.A man of integrity should stand up to unjust behaviors. (stand up to)
a.When their anger hardens into hatred, I'm afraid we can do nothing. (harden into)
a.Despite his advanced age, he keeps his mind open to new things. (keep one's mind open to)
a.Conforming to the routine usually won't go wrong. (conform to)

  1. “in no position”:表示“沒有資格;沒有權利(做某事)”。在句子“I'm in no position to evaluate it.”中,表達說話者認為自己沒有資格對這本學術性很強的書進行評價。
  2. “to one's credit”:意思是“值得讚揚;在……名下”。在“To John's credit, the movie achieved great success.”裡,表明約翰做出了某種貢獻使得電影獲得巨大成功,這是值得讚揚約翰的地方。
  3. “feel at home”:含義為“感覺自在;無拘束”。“he didn't feel at home at all”表示他剛到北京時,對周圍的一切都感覺不自在,沒有那種在家或者熟悉環境中的舒適感。
  4. “stand up to”:有“經得起;抵抗;勇敢面對”的意思。“stand up to unjust behaviors”表示正直的人應該勇敢地去抵抗不公正的行為。
  5. “harden into”:表示“變得堅硬;硬化成”。在“When their anger hardens into hatred”中,描述憤怒逐漸變得像仇恨一樣強烈,就像一種情感從較柔軟、易消散的狀態變成了堅硬、難以化解的狀態。
  6. “keep one's mind open to”:意為“對……持開放態度”。“he keeps his mind open to new things”是說他雖然年事已高,但對新事物持開放、願意接納的態度。
  7. “conform to”:表示“符合;遵照;順應”。“Conforming to the routine”表示遵照常規做事,按照常規的要求、模式或者規範去行動。

1. **draw on** - **含義**:利用;憑藉;支取(金錢等)。例如:You can draw on your experience to solve this problem.(你可以利用你的經驗來解決這個問題。) 2. **clear of** - **含義**:遠離;清除。例如:Keep clear of the dangerous area.(遠離危險區域。) 3. **feel at home** - **含義**:感覺自在;無拘束。例如:In this friendly environment, everyone can feel at home.(在這個友好的環境裡,每個人都能感覺自在。) 4. **take refuge in** - **含義**:避難於;求助於;用……來逃避。例如:When facing difficulties, some people take refuge in alcohol.(當面臨困難時,一些人借酒消愁。) 5. **be in one’s right mind** - **含義**:心智健全;神志正常。例如:No one in his right mind would do such a stupid thing.(神志正常的人沒人會做這樣愚蠢的事情。) 6. **alien to** - **含義**:與……相異;與……格格不入。例如:This concept is alien to our traditional values.(這個概念與我們的傳統價值觀格格不入。) 7. **denounce** - **含義**:譴責;告發;公然抨擊。例如:We should denounce any form of discrimination.(我們應該譴責任何形式的歧視。) 8. **hang upon** - **含義**:取決於;依靠;視……而定。例如:The success of the project hangs upon the support from the government.(這個專案的成功取決於政府的支援。) 9. **in…position** - **含義**:處於……位置;處於……狀況。例如:He is in a difficult position now.(他現在處於困難的狀況。) 10. **to sweat one’s guts out** - **含義**:拼命工作;竭盡全力。例如:He sweated his guts out to pass the exam.(他拼命努力以透過考試。) 11. **to one’s credit** - **含義**:值得讚揚;在……名下。例如:To his credit, he has donated a large amount of money to the poor.(值得讚揚的是,他向窮人捐贈了大量的金錢。) 12. **dubious about** - **含義**:對……懷疑;對……半信半疑。例如:I am dubious about his explanation.(我對他的解釋表示懷疑。) 13. **be committed to** - **含義**:致力於;委身於;以……為己任。例如:He is committed to environmental protection.(他致力於環境保護。) 14. **on all counts** - **含義**:在各方面;完全。例如:This plan is excellent on all counts.(這個計劃在各方面都很出色。) 15. **keep one’s mind open to** - **含義**:對……持開放態度。例如:We should keep our minds open to new ideas.(我們應該對新思想持開放態度。) 16. **conform to** - **含義**:符合;遵照;順應。例如:All products must conform to safety standards.(所有產品必須符合安全標準。) 17. **take to** - **含義**:喜歡;開始從事;養成(習慣)。例如:He took to painting when he was a child.(他小時候就喜歡上了繪畫。) 18. **stand up to** - **含義**:經得起;抵抗;勇敢面對。例如:This material can stand up to high temperature.(這種材料能經得起高溫。) 19. **harden into** - **含義**:變得堅硬;硬化成。例如:The lava will harden into rock over time.(隨著時間的推移,熔岩會硬化成岩石。) 20. **fall between two stools** - **含義**:兩頭落空;雞飛蛋打。例如:If you try to do two things at once, you may fall between two stools.(如果你試圖同時做兩件事,你可能會兩頭落空。)
