Learn English 10 times faster with these tips
Learn English 10 times faster with these tips
How to start thinking in your target language?
Learn 4 techniques to stop translating in you head, and start thinking in your target language.
1. Surround yourself with your target language
You will completely immerse yourself in the language without realizing it, you'll be learning pronunciation, sentence structures, grammar, and new vocabulary.
2. Learn through observation
This is how we all learned our native languages as kids.
The words will have their own meanings, rather than meanings in reference to your torgue.
3. Speak out loud to youself
It makes you listen to how you speak and makes it easy to spot grammar mistakes.
4. Practice daily
If you practice all in one day you don't retain the information.
Little of the information will be absorbed. (吸收)
The brain can realistically only focus for 30 minutes.
Studying everyday allows you to absorb better.
How to overcome the top4 language learning fears?
I don't think I'm making any progress.
What if I never reach my goals?
We all get them from time to time.
But are they worth being scared of?
What are the fears learners tend to have the most?
Here are the top4 language learning fears according to our users.
1. I'm not good enough to start speaking yet.
2. I'm afraid I'll never be fluent.
3. I'm not making any progress.
4. I'm afraid of not understanding anything I hear.
Solution: The best way to get good at speaking is to start speaking from day1.
Top5 shortcuts to learning a language
1. Create a study schedule and set some goals
Many language learners are unorganized.
Creating a schedule allows you to free up time to study consistently.
Goals give you motivation and something to strive for.
2. Make it fun.
3. Find a language partner
4. Use word lists to build up a solid vocabulary
5. Make mistakes
Nothing helps you improve more than correcting your own errors.
You're likely to remember it the next time around.
Everyone makes mistakes! Learn form them!
5 review tactics that will sharpen your learning language.
1. Listen to lines over and over again.
2. Use a voice-recording tool to perfect pronunciation
3. Master recorded conversations
4. Use mobile devices to reinforce previously learned conversations.
5. read with line by line notes.
pick up the rhythm of a language.
constant review is the best, and only way to perfect your learning language.
incorporate it into your music playlist.
You'll be able to casually listen and understand everything.

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