XiaoIce Band:流行音樂的旋律與編曲生成框架 | KDD論文推薦


國際知識發現與資料探勘大會(ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining,簡稱SIGKDD)是資料探勘領域的頂級國際會議。我們將持續對近年KDD的部分論文進行解讀。

KDD 2018共收到投稿論文1479篇,其中研究性論文983篇,應用資料科學論文496篇,均創下新高。本文選取了KDD 2018最佳學生論文獎獲獎論文進行介紹:

  • 論文題目

XiaoIce Band:A Melody and Arrangement Generation Framework for Pop Music

  • 作者

Hongyuan Zhu、Qi Liu、Nicholas Jing Yuan、Chuan Qin、Jiawei Li、Kun Zhang、Guang Zhou、Furu Wei、Yuanchun Xu、Enhong Chen

  • 會議/年份


  • 連結(點選閱讀原文也可獲取)

https://www.aminer.cn/archive/xiaoice-band-a-melody-and arrangement-generation-framework-for-pop music/5b67b45517c44aac1c8607e9

  • Abstract

With the development of knowledge of music composition and the recent increase in demand, an increasing number of companies and research institutes have begun to study the automatic generation of music. However, previous models have limitations when applying to song generation, which requires both the melody and arrangement. Besides, many critical factors related to the quality of a song such as chord progression and rhythm patterns are not well addressed. In particular, the problem of how to ensure the harmony of multi-track music is still underexplored. To this end, we present a focused study on pop music generation, in which we take both chord and rhythm influence of melody generation and the harmony of music arrangement into consideration. We propose an end-to-end melody and arrangement generation framework, called XiaoIce Band, which generates a melody track with several accompany tracks played by several types of instruments. Specifically, we devise a Chord based Rhythm and Melody Cross-Generation Model (CRMCG) to generate melody with chord progressions. Then, we propose a Multi-Instrument Co-Arrangement Model (MICA) using multi-task learning for multi-track music arrangement. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments on a real-world dataset, where the results demonstrate the effectiveness of XiaoIce Band.

  • 摘要


XiaoIce Band:流行音樂的旋律與編曲生成框架 | KDD論文推薦

XiaoIce Band:流行音樂的旋律與編曲生成框架 | KDD論文推薦

XiaoIce Band:流行音樂的旋律與編曲生成框架 | KDD論文推薦

XiaoIce Band:流行音樂的旋律與編曲生成框架 | KDD論文推薦

XiaoIce Band:流行音樂的旋律與編曲生成框架 | KDD論文推薦

XiaoIce Band:流行音樂的旋律與編曲生成框架 | KDD論文推薦

XiaoIce Band:流行音樂的旋律與編曲生成框架 | KDD論文推薦

XiaoIce Band:流行音樂的旋律與編曲生成框架 | KDD論文推薦

XiaoIce Band:流行音樂的旋律與編曲生成框架 | KDD論文推薦
