
Running the rootcrs.pl command flags
-deconfig -force
enables you to deconfigure Oracle Clusterware on one or more nodes without removing installed binaries.
This feature is useful if you encounter an error on one or more cluster nodes during installation when running the root.sh command, such as a missing operating system package on one node. By running rootcrs.pl -deconfig -force on nodes where you encounter an installation error, you can deconfigure Oracle Clusterware on those nodes, correct the cause of the error, and then run root.sh again.

To deconfigure Oracle Clusterware:

1. Log in as the root user on a node where you encountered an error.

2. Change directory to Grid_home/crs/install. For example:

# cd /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/install

3. Run rootcrs.pl with the -deconfig -force flags. For example:

# perl rootcrs.pl -deconfig -force    

Repeat on other nodes as required

4. If you are deconfiguring Oracle Clusterware on all nodes in the cluster, then on the last node, enter the following command:

# perl rootcrs.pl -deconfig -force -lastnode

The -lastnode flag completes deconfiguration of the cluster, including the OCR and voting disks.

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