SAP Organizational Structure Overview(組織架構)
[@more@]Client: the highest level in SAP R/3. The data in a Client may not be accessed by another Client. (客戶/集團:SAP R3系統中的最高階別組織。一個客戶不能存取另一個客戶的資料)
Chart of Accounts: an organized list of all general ledger (G/L) accounts used by one or more Company Codes.(總賬科目表:所有總賬科目的有組織列表,可以供一個或多個公司程式碼使用。)
Credit Control Area: an Organizational Unit assigned to a Company Code used to set credit limits for customers.(信用控制域:指定給公司程式碼的一種組織單元,用來為顧客設定信用限制。在集團範圍內對客戶實行信用控制,防止客戶拖欠集團下的各個公司的欠款而超過信用額度。)Organizational unit in which all account receivable from a customer are totaled. Can be defined in such a way that it can be used in several company codes.
Company Code: the Organizational Unit within a Client that is used to represent an independent legal entity. It is the level at which balanced financial statements are produced.(公司程式碼:客戶內部的組織單元,用來表示一個獨立的法人實體。在公司程式碼級別上產生資產負債表。)一個公司(分公司)雖然不是法人,但是如果需要單獨核算,對外出具資產負債表和損益表,也可以設定成單獨的公司程式碼。
Business Area: an Organizational Unit within financial accounting which represents a separate area of operations or responsibilities within an organization. One company code can be divided into several business areas. One business area may also be used in multiple company codes. Business area only used to provide in-house information in sap system.(業務區域:財務會計中的一種組織單元,表示一個組織內部業務或者職責獨立的區域。一個公司程式碼可以劃分作幾個業務範圍,每個業務區域也可應用於多個公司程式碼中。業務範圍在SAP系統中只是用來提供資訊。)內部用於企業內部管理,是建立內部資產負債表和損益表的組織結構。可以按照不同的部門或業務種類等多種方式在SAP R/3系統中來設定業務範圍。滿足集團層面對某種業務範圍的經營情況的分析查詢需要。也可將其用於滿足外部分段報告的需要。
Controlling Area: 成本控制範圍,可以跨公司程式碼進行成本控制。成本控制範圍確定一個用來收整合本和收入的單獨的組織結構。每一個成本控制範圍可以包含一個或多個分配給它的公司程式碼。成本控制範圍是管理會計的組織結構單元,用來核算企業的收益及費用支出使用情況。在成本控制範圍下可建立成本中心(組)或內部定單等成本控制物件。一個成本控制範圍可包含多個公司程式碼,但一個公司程式碼只能分配給一個成本控制範圍。所有的成本中心(即費用發生單位)都將包括在此成本控制範圍中。因此,對公司外部運營情況的考核需要透過每個公司程式碼的資產負債表和損益表來揭示,而內部管理的考核可以跨整個集團公司的範圍進行。
Operating Concern: 經營組織,可以跨公司程式碼進行利潤分析。是獲利能力分析中的核心組織要素,控制區域應對應到唯一一個經營組織,用於內部管理的盈利分析報告。Operating Concern又譯做業務關聯區。是管理會計的組織結構單元,一個業務關聯區可有多個成本控制範圍,一個成本控制範圍只能指派給一個業務關聯區。業務關聯區是獲利能力分析中的核心組織結構,用來監控及分析該業務關聯區內各"獲利段"的運作情況和獲利能力。"獲利段"可以是銷售地區、產品、客戶等屬性的靈活組合。因此可以按照各獲利段為依據生成獲利分析報表,考核其獲利能力。
Function Area: 功能區域是根據生產、管理、銷售以及分銷、市場推廣、研製開發等所要求的銷售成本會計核算將費用進行分類。透過將成本細分為這些功能區域,成本會計核算可給出企業成本的構成並表明這些費用的經濟目的。
Dunning Area: an optional Organizational Unit within a Company Code that if used, can denote different internal areas within the Company Code responsible for following up on past due customer invoices.(催款組織:是公司程式碼內的一個可選組織單元。如果使用的話,可以用來指示公司程式碼內不同的內部域,這些域負責追蹤過期的客戶欠款發票。) dunning procedures are often managed in the accounts receivable or accounts payable department. But if dunning is managed independently in several organizational units you must create dunning area.催款程式通常是在應收或者應付會計部門進行管理的。但是,如果要在幾個組織單元中分別獨立進行管理,就必須建立催款組織。
Purchasing Organization: an Organizational Unit within a Company Code responsible for acquiring goods and services, and negotiating terms of purchase with suppliers.(採購組織:公司程式碼內的組織單元,負責採購貨物和服務,以及和供應商進行採購專案的談判)
Purchasing Group: a buyer or group of buyers responsible for purchasing activities. (採購組:採購員或者採購小組,負責具體的採購活動)The purchasing group is a special subdivision within a purchasing organization that handles certain specific purchasing activities, namely the day to day buying. Please note that a purchasing group can perform this function for several purchasing organizations. The Purchasing Groups are not assigned to any organizational unit. Security authorizations assigned to a users system ID will be maintained to ensure that Purchasing Groups only procure for their designated areas of responsibility. 採購小組沒有指定給任何組織單元。(因為)系統給每個使用者的安全授權保證了採購小組只能在指定的職責允許範圍內進行採購。
Plant: an Organizational Unit within a Company Code that produces and / or stores goods and / or renders services.(工廠:公司程式碼內部的組織單元,生產和/或儲存貨物和/或提供服務)。
Shipping Point: an Organizational Unit at a fixed location from which goods are shipped. (裝運點:位於一個固定地方的組織單元,貨物從這裡起運。是獨立的機構實體,負責計劃及處理向客戶交貨以及將交貨再充滿自己的倉庫。 一次交貨通常僅由一個裝運點來完成。裝運點依賴於下列標準∶交付工廠、裝運型別 (如火車、卡車)、必要的裝載裝置)。
Loading Point: a place within the Shipping Point where goods are loaded.(裝載點:運輸地點內的一個地點,貨物從此地點裝載。裝運點可以分為裝載點)
Storage Location: an Organizational Unit that allows the differentiation of material stocks within a Plant.(倉庫:工廠中存放不同物料的組織單元)
Sales Organization: an Organizational Unit that represents a selling unit within a Company Code. It can be used to subdivide sales markets regionally. (銷售組織:公司程式碼內部表示銷售單元的組織單元,用來按區域劃分銷售市場)The organization in sales and distribution is represented in the system with the help of sales organizations. Every sales organization stands for a selling unit in the legal sense, being responsible, for example, for product liability and other recourse claims made by customers. Regional subdividing of the market can also be carried out with the help of sales organizations. Each business transaction is processed within a sales organization.
Distribution Channel: a channel through which salable materials or services reach customers. Examples include wholesale, retail and direct sales.(銷售渠道:貨物或者服務抵達客戶的渠道。例如批發、零售、直銷)In order to provide for the market in the best possible way, sales and distribution works with various distribution channels. Typical distribution channels are, for example, wholesale trade, retail trade, industrial customers or direct sales from plant. Within a sales organization a customer can be supplied through several distribution channels. In addition, the material master data relevant for sales, such as prices, minimum order quantity, minimum quantity to be delivered and delivering plant, can differ for each sales organization and distribution channel.
Division: an Organizational Unit that can be used to define a division-specific Sales Organization (by product group, for example).(產品組:用來表示特定產品銷售組織的組織單元。如產品組,銷售某一種特定產品。)In the SAP R/3 System you can define a division-specific sales organization. Product groups, i.e. divisions, can be defined for a wide-ranging spectrum of products. For every division you can make customer-specific agreements on, for example, partial deliveries, pricing and terms of payment. Within a division you can carry out statistical analyses or set up separate marketing.
Sales Area: a combination of Sales Organization, Distribution Channel & Division.(銷售區域:銷售組織、分銷渠道和部門的有機結合組織)A sales area is defined as a combination of sales organization, distribution channel and division. In the above figure, for example, a combination of sales organization 1000, distribution channel 10 and division 01 constitutes a sales area. Via the sales area it is possible to specify which materials can be sold through a distribution channel. Within a sales area you can carry out analyses. For example, the sales within a sales area can be analyzed. All data relevant for sales can be defined per sales area. For example, you can define a customer-specific price agreement for each sales area.
Sales Office: an Organizational Unit assigned to a Sales Area. It can be used to define geographical designations of the organization.(銷售據點:銷售區域中的銷售單元,用來定義組織的地域性稱呼)The staff of a sales office may be subdivided into sales groups. For example, sales groups can be defined for individual divisions.
Sales Group: a subdivision of the Sales Office that can be used for reporting purposes.(銷售團隊:銷售部的細分,用作彙報目的)The staff of a sales office may be subdivided into sales groups. For example, sales groups can be defined for individual divisions.
Sale persons: Individual personnel master records are used to manage data about salespersons. You can assign a sales person to a sales group in the personnel master record.
Cost center:成本中心是在成本控制範圍中的代表獨立的成本發生地點的一個組織單元。 成本中心可以根據職能需求、分配原則、提供的作業或服務、地點和/或職責範圍建立。成本中心是管理會計中的最小職責單位,是每一筆費用的具體接收者。成本中心建立後需要將每個成本中心分配給標準成本中心組。這樣才能保證費用記帳在成本中心及部門上。成本中心的標準層次結構反映了成本中心與成本中心、成本中心與成本中心組、成本中心組與成本中心組之間的關係。標準層次結構中的每個節點代表一個成本中心組,當然除了標準層次結構中的成本中心組之外,還可根據業務需求在標準層次之外自己定義需要的成本中心組。
Fund Management (FM) Area: (1)Used to plan the deployment of funds.(2)Identical to the company code in broad items. (3)Controls budget management in a independent unit that draws up its own accounts. (4)you can assign several company codes to one FM area. 資金控制範圍:(1)用作計劃資金配置;(2)在很多方面與公司程式碼完全相同;(3)在一個設定自己帳戶的獨立單位中,用來控制預算管理。(4)你可以將多個公司程式碼設定一個資金控制範圍。
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