DirectX8程式設計指南-1 (轉)

DirectX8程式設計指南-1 (轉)[@more@]

Tutorial 1: Getting Started:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas--com::office" />

DirectX 教程一:

What you will need


DirectX 8.0 SDK (able from )

DirectX 8.0 SDK (可以從 )
Microsoft Visual C++ 6 (SP5)

Microsoft Visual C++ 6 (升級包5)
General knowledge of programming

General knowledge of C++ and -Oriented programming




Welcome to my DirectX tutorials. This is the first in a number of tutorials that should at least help you on the way to make Windows games using Microsoft DirectX 8. I have decd to write these tutorials for two reasons. Firstly, I’m a complete beginner when it comes to DirectX. So, the idea is that as I learn, I can write a short tutorial that should reinforce my knowledge. Secondly, the SDK isn’t the most helpful thing in the world for complete beginners starting out in game development. Also, there isn’t a great deal of stuff out there on the Inte for beginners and DirectX 8, so this should help. One other thing, as I said, I am a beginner. So, if you spot something that is incorrect in these tutorials then please let me know by eing me at:">

歡迎你閱讀我的DirectX教程。這是在很多教程中第一個應該至少可以在你使用Microsoft DirectX8通往製作Windows遊戲道路上幫助你的教程。我決定寫這些東西出於很多個原因。首先,當我拿起DirectX的時候我是一個徹底的初學者。因而,在我學習的過程中我有一個想法,我可以寫一個小的教程來加深我的理解。其次,對於剛進入遊戲開發領域的完全的初學者,SDK不是最有用的東西。而且,在網上沒有很多關於Directx8的材料給初學者,因此這個東西可能會很有幫助。另外一方面,正如我所說的,我是一個初學者。因此,如果你在這些教程中發現了一些不正確的東西,使我知道它。


What is COM? Well, the Component Object Model is basically a library of methods. You can create objects in your program and then call the methods that they expose to you. Methods are grouped together in collections of related methods. These collections are known as Interfaces. You could think of a COM object as a library of functions arranged by subject. DirectX provides a whole host of these libraries that will enable you to create 3D games. The best part is, that DirectX takes care of a lot of the hard stuff for you, so it is pretty easy to get something simple up and running.


There is a lot more to COM than that, for a full description take a look in the SDK. All you really need to worry about is that you release all of your COM objects/interfaces before your program tenates. You should make sure that you release them in the reverse order to that which you created them. For example:


1. Create interface A.
2. Create interface B.
3. Release interface B.
4. Release interface A.

You release the COM object by calling their Release method.


Page Flip


What is Page Flipping? Well, think of a flipbook. This is a number of pages with a slightly different drawing on each page. Then, when you hold the corner and “flip” the pages, it looks like the picture is moving. This is how DirectX Graphics works. You draw all of your objects onto a hidden page, known as the “Back Buffer”. Then when you have finished, flit to the Front Buffer and repeat the process. As the user is looking at the new front buffer, your program will be drawing onto the back buffer.

什麼是Page Flipping?呃,想想flipbook。他是有很多繪有稍微不同的圖畫的頁的書。然後,當你提著一個角然後“flip”這些頁,看上去圖象就在移動。這就是DirectX Graphics如何工作的。你在一個隱藏的頁上繪上你所有的物體。那個隱藏的頁就是被稱為“Back Buffer”的東西。然後當你繪完之後,把它翻到前面然後重複這個過程。當在觀看前臺的時候,你的程式又在後面繪畫。

What would happen without Page Flipping? Without Page Flipping, the user would see each object appear as it was drawn, which isn’t what you want at all.

如果沒有Page Flipping會發生什麼?沒有Page Flipping,使用者可能看到每個物體的繪出過程,而這不是你根本不是你想要的。

So, your game will basically consist of a l, known as the “Game Loop”. Each time around the loop you process your game logic so you know where your objects will be. Next, you clear the Back Buffer. Then draw the current scene onto it. When this is done, flip it to the front and start the loop again. This will continue until the game is shut down. You may have a number of Back Buffers, this is known as a “S Chain”.

因此,你的遊戲基本上包含一個迴圈,稱為“遊戲迴圈”,每次在迴圈中,你處理你的遊戲邏輯因而你知道你的物體將到哪裡。然後,你清除Back Buffer。然後把當前場景繪進去。當這完成了之後,把flip到前面又一次開始迴圈。這個都要不停的進行,直到你的遊戲結束。你可能有很多的Back Buffer,這又稱為“Swap Chain”(鏈)。



What is a device? Basically, a device (as far as DirectX Graphics is concerned) is your machines 3D card. You can create an interface that represents your device and then use it to draw objects onto the back buffer.

什麼是裝置?簡單來說,一個裝置(就DirectX Graphic來說)是你機器的3D卡。你可以建立一個表示你的裝置的介面然後使用它來在back buffer中繪物體。

Game Loop


What is the game loop? Well, the game loop is a code loop that loops until the program is shut down. Inside the game loop is where it all happens: objects are drawn (rendered), game logic is processed (AI, moving objects and ring etc) and ssages are processed. Then it's all done again until the program is closed down.


Creating Your First Project


Okay, that’s enough theory lets get started. Follow the step-by-step guide below to create your first DirectX Graphics project.

好的,理論已經足夠了,我們開始吧。跟隨下面的一步一步的指導來建立你的第一個DirectX Graphics工程

1. In Visual C++ create a new Application.
 a. File > New
 b. From the Projects tab Win32 Application
 c. Enter a name for your project such as “DX Project 1”
 d. Select a folder for the location of your code files
 e. Click Next
 f. Select the empty project option.
 g. Click Finish
2. Make sure that your project settings are correct.
 a. Project > Settings...
 b. On the Link tab, make sure that "d3d8.lib" is in the list of Object/Library Modules. If it isn’t simply type it in.
3. Make sure that your search paths are correct.
 a. Tools > Options > Directories Tab
 b. In the "Show directories for" drop-down, select "include files".
 c. If it does not exist already, add the following path: include.
 d. Make sure that this path is at the top of the list by clicking on the up arrow button (if needed).
 e. In the "Show directories for" drop-down, select "library files".
 f. If it does not exist already, add the following path: lib.
 g. Make sure that this path is at the top of the list by clicking on the up arrow button (if needed).
4. Add the source code.
 a. File > New
 b. From the Files tab, select C++ Source File
 c. Enter a filename such as “Main.cpp”
 d. Copy the code segment below, and then paste it into your new file.
5. Build and Run the program.
 a. Press F7 to build your project
 b. Press F5 to run



HRESULT InitialiseD3D(HWND hWnd)
 //First of all, create the main D3D object. If it is created succesully we
 //should get a pointer to an IDirect3D8 interface.

 g_pD3D = Direct3DCreate8(D3D_SDK_VERSION);
 if(g_pD3D == NULL)
 return E_FAIL;

 //Get the current display mode

 if(FAILED(g_pD3D->GetAdapterDisplayMode(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, &d3ddm)))
 return E_FAIL;

 //Create a structure to hold the settings for our device

 ZeroMemory(&d3dpp, sizeof(d3dpp));

 //Fill the structure.
 //We want our program to be windowed, and set the back buffer to a format
 //that matches our current display mode


//我們想要我們的程式用視窗顯示,並且設定back buffer為和我們當前顯示模式匹配的格式。
 d3dpp.Windowed = TRUE;
 d3dpp.BackBufferFormat = d3ddm.Format;

 //Create a Direct3D device.

 return E_FAIL;
 return S_OK;

void Render()
 if(g_pD3DDevice == NULL)

 //Clear the backbuffer to a green color

 g_pD3DDevice->Clear(0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DCOLOR_XRGB(0, 255, 0), 1.0f, 0);
 //Begin the scene

 //Rendering of our game objects will go here

 //End the scene

 //Filp the back and front buffers so that whatever has been rendered on the back buffer
 //will now be visible on screen (front buffer).

//翻動back和front buffer因而無論在back buffer中如何渲染可以在螢幕上可見(front //buffer)。
 g_pD3DDevice->Present(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

void CleanUp()
 if(g_pD3DDevice != NULL)
 g_pD3DDevice = NULL;

 if(g_pD3D != NULL)
 g_pD3D = NULL;

void GameLoop()
 //Enter the game loop

 MSG msg;
 BOOL fMessage;

 PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0U, 0U, PM_NOREMOVE);
 while(msg.message != WM_QUIT)
 fMessage = PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0U, 0U, PM_REMOVE);

 //Process message

 //No message to process, so render the current scene



//The windows message handler

LRESULT WIN WinProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
 return 0;
 case WM_KEYUP:
 switch (wParam)
 case VK_ESCAPE:
 //User has pressed the escape key, so quit

 return 0;


 return DefWindowProc(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam);

//Application entry point

 //Register the window class

 WNDCLASSEX wc = {sizeof(WNDCLASSEX), CS_CLASSDC, WinProc, 0L, 0L,
 GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
 "DX Project 1", NULL};

 //Create the application's window

 HWND hWnd = CreateWindow("DX Project 1", " Tutorial 1",
 WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, 50, 50, 500, 500,
 GetDesktopWindow(), NULL, wc.hInstance, NULL);

 //Initialize Direct3D

 //Show our window

 ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_SHOWDEFAULT);

 //Start game running: Enter the game loop


 UnregisterClass("DX Project 1", wc.hInstance);
 return 0;

You should finish up with a window with a green background (shown below). Okay, it’s not much I know, but everyone has to start somewhere.


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So, what is going on here?


This is the applications entry point. Code execution will start here. This is where we register, create and show our window. Once that is complete, we initialise Direct3D and enter our game loop.


This is the applications message handler. Whenever Windows sends a message to our application, it will be handled by this function. Notice that there are two messages that our application will handle: WM_DESTROY and WM_KEYUP, all other messages are passed to DefWindowProc for default message processing.


This is a pointer to an IDirect3D8 interface. From this interface we will create our Direct3D Device.

這會是一個指向IDirect3D8介面的指標。用這個介面我們將要建立我們的Direct3D 裝置。

This is a pointer to an IDirect3DDevice8 interface. This will actually represent your hardware graphics card.


This does exactly that: initialise Direct3D. First of all, we create the IDirect3D8 object. From this object we can determine the users current display mode. Finally, we use this information to create a compatible device.


Once our window is created this function is called. This function contains the main game loop. If there are no windows messages to handle, it calls our Render() function.


Firstly we clear the back buffer ready for drawing. Then we use the BeginScene method of our device object to tell DirectX that we are about to start drawing. We can then start to draw our game objects (). Once we have finished drawing, we use the EndScene method of our device object to tell DirectX that we have finished drawing. The final step is to "flip" (present) the back buffer, this will display our game objects to the user.

首先我們清除了back buffer來準備繪畫。然後我們使用我們裝置物件的BeginScene函式來告訴Directx我們要開始繪畫了。然後我們可以開始繪我們遊戲的物體(教程2)。一旦我們完成了繪圖,我們使用我們裝置物件的EndScene函式來告訴DirectX我們已經完成了繪圖。最後一步是“flip(翻動)”(呈現)back buffer,這將顯示我們的遊戲物體給使用者。

Simply cleans up by releasing our objects.




Ok, that’s it for the first tutorial. I know that the finished program wasn’t the most spectacular thing in the world, but just wait for the next tutorial when we will be drawing some shapes!


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