單位符號的英語說法 -引用
1/2 = a (or one) half
1/3 = a (or one) third
1/4 = a quarter or one fourth
1/5 = a (or one) fifth
2/3 = two thirds
9/10 = nine tenths
53/4 = five and three quarters
15/64= fifteen over (or by) sixty-four
15% = fifteen per cent
4‰ = four per mill
R’ R prime
R” R double prime, R second prime
R1 R sub one
100° C one hundred degrees Centigrade
+ plus; positive
- minus; negative
´ multiplied by; times
¸ divided by
± plus or minus
= is equal to; equals
º is identically equal to
» is approximately equal to
( ) round brackets; parentheses
[ ] square brackets
{ } braces
a>>b a is much greater than b
a³ b a is greater than or equal to b
aµ b a varies directly as b
lognX logX to the base n
the cubic root of x
the nth root of x
x2 x square, x squared, the square of x
Xn X to n factors; the nth power of x; x to the power n
x -8 x to the minus eighth power
ï xï the absolute value of x
the mean value of X
the sum of the terms indicated; summation of
D x or d x the increment of x
dx differential x
dy / dx the first derivative of y with respect to x
ò integral
¥ infinity
1/2 a half; one half
2/3 two thirds
5/123 five over a hundred and twenty-three
eight and three over fourths; eight and three quarters
0.01 O point O one; zero point zero one; nought point nought one
6 % 6 percent
3‰ 3 per mille
2 : 3 the ratio of two to three
r=xd r equals x multiplied by d
5´ 2=10 five times two equals ten
x3/8=y2 x raised to the third power divided by eight equals y squared
(a+b-c´ d)/e=f a plus b minus c multiplied by d, all divided by e equals f
y = (Wt-W)/x y equals W sub t minus W over x
~ tilde
# Pound(USA) / Hash(UK). period 句號
≈ is approximately equal to 約等於號, comma 逗號< is less than 小於號: colon 冒號> is more than 大於號; semicolon 分號≮ is not less than 不小於號! exclamation mark 驚歎號≯ is not more than 不大於號? question mark 問號
≤ is less than or equal to 小於或等於號 ̄ hyphen 連字元
≥ is more than or equal to 大於或等於號
' apostrophe 省略號;所有格符號% per cent 百分之…
- dash 破折號
‰ per mill 千分之…
' ' single quotation marks 單引號
∞ infinity 無限大號
double quotation marks 雙引號∝ varies as 與…成比例
( ) parentheses 圓括號
√ (square) root 平方根
[ ] square brackets 方括號∵ since; because 因為《 》 French quotes 法文引號;書名號∴ hence 所以
... ellipsis 省略號∷ equals, as (proportion) 等於,成比例
¨ tandem colon 雙點號∠ angle 角
ditto 雙點號⌒ semicircle 半圓‖ parallel 雙線號⊙ circle 圓/ virgule 斜線號○ circumference 圓周& ampersand = and
π pi 圓周率~ swung dash 代字號△ triangle 三角形
§ section; division 分節號⊥ perpendicular to 垂直於→ arrow 箭號;參見號∪ union of 並,合集+ plus 加號;正號∩ intersection of 交,通集- minus 減號;負號
∫ the integral of …的積分
± plus or minus 正負號
( ∑ sigma) summation of 總和
× is multiplied by 乘號
° degree 度
÷ is divided by 除號
′ minute 分= is equal to 等於號
″ second 秒
≠ is not equal to 不等於號# number …號≡ is equivalent to 全等於號℃ Celsius system 攝氏度≌ is equal to or approximately equal to 等於或約等於號@ at 單價
Pronunciation of Numerals 數詞的讀法
1.Cardinals and Ordinals 基數和序數
(1)100以內的數詞基數 序數
Roman Arabic
Numerals Numerals羅馬數字 阿拉伯數字 讀法 數碼 讀法
I 1 one 1st the first
II 2 two 2nd the second
III 3 three 3rd the third
IV 4 four 4th the fourth
V 5 five 5th the fifth
VI 6 six 6th the sixth
VII 7 seven 7th the seventh
VIII 8 eight 8th the eighth
IX 9 nine 9th the ninth
X 10 ten 10th the tenth
XI 11 eleven 11th the eleventh
XII 12 twelve 12th the twelfth
XIII 13 thirteen 13th the thirteenth
XIV 14 fourteen 14th the fourteenth
XV 15 fifteen 15th the fifteenth
XVI 16 sixteen 16th the sixteenth
XVII 17 seventeen 17th the seventeenth
XVIII 18 eighteen 18th the eighteenth
XIX 19 nineteen 19th the nineteenth
XX 20 twenty 20th the twentieth
XXI 21 twenty-one 21st the twenty-first
XXV 25 twenty-five 25th the twenty-fifth
XXX 30 thirty 30th the thirtieth
XL 40 forty 40th the fortieth
L 50 fifty 50th the fiftieth
LX 60 sixty 60th the sixtieth
LXX 70 seventy 70th the seventieth
LXXX 80 eighty 80th the eightieth
XC 90 ninety 90th the ninetieth
IC 99 ninety-nine 99th the ninety-ninth
C 100 one hundred 100th the hundredth
CII 102 a hundred 102nd the (one) hundred
and two and second
246 two hundred and forty-six
751 seven hundred and fifty-one
1,000 = one thousand 一千
10,000 = ten thousand 一萬
100,000 = one hundred thousand 十萬
1,000,000 = one million 一百萬
10,000,000 = ten million 一千萬
100,000,000=one hundred million 一億
(3)十億以上的大數,英美有不同的讀法:英國 美國十億 one thousand million = one billion百億 ten thousand million = ten billion千億 one hundred thousand million = one hundred billion萬億 one billion = one trillion
2.Fractions 分數通常將分子讀為基數,將分母讀為序數。
1/2 = a (or one) half
1/3 = a (or one) third
1/4 = a quarter or one fouth
1/5 = a (or one) fifth
2/3 = two thirds
9/10 = nine tenths
53/4 = five and three quarters
15/64= fifteen over (or by) sixty-four
15% = fifteen per cent
4‰ = four per mill
3.Decimals 小數
0.4 = zero (or nought) point four
.01 = point (or decimal) nought one
12.34 = twelve point three four
567.809 = five hundred and sixty-seven point eight nought nine
30.45 = thirty point four five, five recurring
0.3% = decimal three percent
4.Mathematic Forms 數學式
(1) Addition 加法
1+2=3 One and two are three.
2+3=5 Two plus three equals five.
4+0=4 Four and nought is equal to four.
45+70+152=267 45,70 and 152 added are (or make) 267
the sum (or total) is 267.演算時的讀法: Three and seven are ten; I write(or I write down,or I put down)a nought
and carry one. Four and one that I carry are five, and eight make thirteen,and three
sixteen; I write down six and carry one. One and one (that I carry) are two; I put down
two.- The sum (or total, or the result of the addition) is two hundred and sixty. 37,80
and 143 added together, and(or make) 260.
(2)Subtraction 減法
9-4=5 Nine minus four equals (or is equal to) five.
15-7=8 Seven from fifteen leaves eight.
23,654-8,175=15,479 8,175 (take or subtracted) from 23,654 leaves 15,479. The difference
(or The remainder) is 15,479.
Nine from five won`t go.演算時的讀法:Nought from nought (leaves) nought. One from one leaves nought (or nothing).
Two from three (leaves) one. I can`t take (or subtract) five from four; I must borrow ten;
five from fourteen leaves nine.- The difference (or The remainder) is nine thousand one
hundred. 5210 (take or substracted) from 14,310 leaves 9,100.
(3)Multiplication 乘法
1×0=0 One multiplied by nought equals nought.
1×1=1 Once one is one.
2×1=2 Twice one is two.
3×5=15 Three times five is fifteen
6×0=0 Multiply six by nothing, and the result is nothing.演算時的讀法: Five times nine (or Nine multiplied by five) are forty-five; I put down five
and carry four. Five times seven are thirty-five and four (that I carry) are thirty-nine; I write
down nine and carry three. Five times six make thirty and three (that I carry) thirty-three; I put
down thirty-three.
Eight times nine (or Eight nine) are seven two; I write two and carry seven. Eight sevens make
fifty-six and seven are sixty-three. I put down three and carry six. Eight sixes make forty-eight
and six fifty-four; I write down fifty-four.
I now add the partial results (or products) Five. Two and nine are eleven. Three and three are
six and one are seven. Four and three make seven. Five.
(4)Division 除法
9÷3=3 Nine divided by three maks (or is equal to) three.
20÷5=4 Five into twenty goes four times.
4567÷23=198餘13 23 into 4567 goes 198 times, and 13 remainder.
The quctient is 198, and 13 remainder.演算時的讀法: Fifteen into thirteen won`t go ; fifteen into one hundred and thirty-eight goes nine
times; nine times fifteen are one hundred and threty-five; one hundred and thirty-five from one hundred
and thirty-eight leaves three; I bring down seven; fifteen into thirty-seven goes twice; twice fifteen
are thirty; thirty from thirty-seven leaves seven. The (exact) quotient is ninety-two, and seven remainder; 15 into 1387 goes 92 times, and 7 remainder.
5.Time 時間
(1)Hours 鐘點
2h.5'8" = two hours five minutes eight seconds 2小時5分8秒
6.18 = six eighteen 6時18分
8.30 a.m.= eight thirty a.m.['ei 'em] 上午8時30分
the 6.05 p.m.train = the six (nought) five p.m.['pi:'em] train 下午6時零5分列車又二十四小時混合制的寫法和讀法如下:
0900 = 0 nine hunderd (上午)9時
0910 = 0 nine ten (上午)9時10分
1300 = thirteen hundred 13時(下午1時)
1525 = fifteen twenty-five 15時25分(下午3時25分)
2000 = twenty hundred 20時(下午8時)
at 5 o'c =at five o'clock 五點鐘
(2)Date 日期
Oct.1 =October first 10月1日
Oct.1st = October the first 10月1日
Ist Oct. 1949 = teh first of October, nineteen forty-nine 1949年10月1日
3/5 = [英]May (the) third 5月3日;[美]March fifth 3月5日
(3)Year 年份
684 B.C. =Six eighty-four B.C. ['bi:'si:] 公元前684年
1960 = nineteen sixty; nineteen hundred and sixty
19- nineteen something
1950's nineteen fifties 二十世紀五十年代
6.Numbers 號碼
(1)Telephones Numbers 電話號碼
1023 = one O two three; ten twenty-three
1227 = one double two (or two two) seven
0386 = O three eight six
0096 = double O(or O O )nine six
7000 = seven O double O = seven thousand
No.26= Number 26 第26號
Room 201 = Room two O one 第201房間
10 Changan Street = Ten Changan Street 長安街10號
(2)Writings 書籍作品
Vol.I = Volume one (or the first volume) 卷一
Chap.II= Chapter two (or the second chapter) 第2章
Page 3 = page Three (or the third page) 第3頁
See pp.5-10 = See Pages five to ten 見第5-10頁
Act V = Act five (or the fifth act) 第5幕
Hamlet III 1:56 = Hamlet Act Three, Secene One.Line fifty-six 《哈姆雷特》第3幕第一場第56行
Matt.7:12 = Matthew, Chapter Seven, Verse Twelve 《馬可福音》第七章第12節
Beethoven Op.49 = Beethoven Opus forty-nine 貝多芬作品第49號
4to = quarto 四本開 8vo = octavo 八本開
(3)Other 其他
World War I = World War One 第一次世界大戰
World War II = World War Two 第二次世界大戰
Charles I= Charles the First 查理一世
Henry V = Henry the Fifth 亨利五世
Mr.- = Mr. Dash; Mr. So-and-so 某某先生
Mr.B - = Mr. B
-Esq.,of -= the town of Blank Esquire of Blank University 某大學某某先生
the town of = the town of Blank 某某城
The result of the game was 3-0 比賽結果是三比零。
7.Money 貨幣
(1)British currency 英幣
6d. = six pence 六便士
1/2d. = a halfpenny 半便士
11/2d. = a peney halfpenny or three halfpeny or three halfpence一便士半
1/4d. = a farthing 一個銅元
33/4d.= three pence three farghings 三便士三銅元
1s.6d.(or 1/6) = one (shilling) and six (pence) 一先令六便士£1.18 = (or£1.18s.)= one pound eighteen (shillings) 一鎊十八先令£1.3s.6d. = one pound, three shillings (and) sixpence
4/51/2(or4s.51/2d.) = four (shillings) and five pence halfpenny
(2)U.S. currency?1.20 dollar (and) twenty (cents) 美金一元二角?4.25 = four dollars twenty-five cents 美金四元二角五分
(3)Soviet currency 前蘇聯幣
6 Rb. 15 = six roubles fifteen kopecks 六盧布十五戈比
(4) German currency 德幣
1 m. 60 = one mark sixty pfennig -馬克六十芬尼
(5)French currency 法國幣
1 fr.30 = one franc. thirty (centimes) -法郎三十生丁
0 fr.15 = fifteen centimes 十五生丁
(6) Chinese People's Currency 人民幣?1.50 = one yuan and a half 一元五角
JMP 10.35 = JMP ten yuan thirty-five (fen) 人民幣十元三角五分附註:yuan單複數沒有變化:?也可作為日本本位幣“圓”的符號。
8. Weight and Measures 度量衡
(1)length,area, and volume 長度、面積和容積
3 in = three inches 三英寸
15 ft.5 in = fifteen foot five (inches) 十五英尺五英寸
[附註] 尤其在inches省略時, ft.讀作foot;如果inches也念出來,ft可以讀作fett.
18'6 5/1"= eighteen foot six and a fifth (inches)
10×8feet= ten by eight feet 十英尺長,八英尺寬
5"×4×31/2 = five inches by four by three and a half 長五英寸,寬四英寸,高三英寸半
[附註] 以上二例中,乘號×表示面積或容積。
(2)Weight 重量
12 dr. 23 gr.= Twelve drams twenty-three grains 十二打蘭二十三喱
10 oz. 4 dr. = Ten ounces four drams 十盎司打蘭
(3)Capacity 容量
3 gi. = three gills 三及耳
1 qt. 1 pt = one quart one pint 一夸脫一品脫
[附註] qt.,pt. 的複數是qts.,pts.,也可以不加s.
20 gal. 5 qt. =Twenty gallons five quarts 二十加侖五夸脫
5 bu. 3 pk. = Five bushels three pecks 五蒲式耳三配克
1/2 = a (or one) half
1/3 = a (or one) third
1/4 = a quarter or one fouth
1/5 = a (or one) fifth
2/3 = two thirds
9/10 = nine tenths
53/4 = five and three quarters
15/64= fifteen over (or by) sixty-four
15% = fifteen per cent
4‰ = four per mill
R’ R prime
R” R double prime, R second prime
R1 R sub one
100° C one hundred degrees Centigrade
+ plus; positive
- minus; negative
´ multiplied by; times
¸ divided by
± plus or minus
= is equal to; equals
º is identically equal to
» is approximately equal to
( ) round brackets; parentheses
[ ] square brackets
{ } braces
a>>b a is much greater than b
a³ b a is greater than or equal to b
aµ b a varies directly as b
lognX logX to the base n
the cubic root of x
the nth root of x
x2 x square, x squared, the square of x
Xn X to n factors; the nth power of x; x to the power n
x -8 x to the minus eighth power
ï xï the absolute value of x
the mean value of X
the sum of the terms indicated; summation of
D x or d x the increment of x
dx differential x
dy/dx the first derivative of y with respect to x
ò integral
¥ infinity
1/2 a half; one half
2/3 two thirds
5/123 five over a hundred and twenty-three
eight and three over fourths; eight and three quarters
0.01 O point O one; zero point zero one; nought point nought one
6 % 6 percent
3‰ 3 per mille
2 : 3 the ratio of two to three
r=xd r equals x multiplied by d
5´ 2=10 five times two equals ten
x3/8=y2 x raised to the third power divided by eight equals y squared
(a+b-c´ d)/e=f a plus b minus c multiplied by d, all divided by e equals f
y = (Wt-W)/x y equals W sub t minus W over x
符號的英文讀法. period 句號
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/11122431/viewspace-968018/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
≈ is approximately equal to 約等於號, comma 逗號< is less than 小於號: colon 冒號> is more than 大於號; semicolon 分號≮ is not less than 不小於號! exclamation 驚歎號≯ is not more than 不大於號? question mark 問號
≤ is less than or equal to 小於或等於號 ̄ hyphen 連字元
≥ is more th

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