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This document outlines various procedures to effectively gather 10046 trace for use with Query Performance issues. For use by DBAs, Developers and Support personnel
Gathering 10046 trace
Event 10046 is the standard method of gathering extended SQL_TRACE information for Oracle sessions.
For details of the event see:
For Query Performance issues the typical requirement is to record wait and bind variable information for queries. This is achieved using 10046 with level 12. The following examples outline how to set the event in various scenarios:
- Trace Location
- Session Tracing
- Tracing a process after it has started
- Instance wide tracing
- Initialisation parameter setting
- Tracing sessions via a logon trigger
- Collecting Trace with SQLT
- Tracing with DBMS_MONITOR
- Alternative Trace Possibilities for Specific Scenarios
- Trace Interpretation
Trace Location
11g R1 and above:
With the introduction of the new diagnosability infrastructure introduced in Oracle Database 11g Release 1, traces and core files are placed in a location controlled by the DIAGNOSTIC_DEST initialization parameter.
To show the location of the DIAGNOSTIC_DEST, the following command can be used:SQL> show parameter diagnostic_dest
Pre 11g R1:
Event 10046 tracing will produce a trace file in the <Parameter user_dump_dest> for user processes and <Parameter background_dump_dest> for background processes.
To show the location of the user_dump_dest, the following command can be used:SQL> show parameter user_dump_dest
NOTE: Some examples include setting a 'tracefile_identifier' to assist with finding the resultant trace output.
Session Tracing
This tracing can be used where the session is accessible to the user prior to the start of the statement(s) to be traced.
To gather 10046 trace at the session level:
alter session set tracefile_identifier='10046';If the session is not exited then the trace can be disabled using:
alter session set timed_statistics = true;
alter session set statistics_level=all;
alter session set max_dump_file_size = unlimited;
alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever,level 12';
-- Execute the queries or operations to be traced here --
select * from dual;
alter session set events '10046 trace name context off';Note that if the session is not closed cleanly and tracing is disabled, then important trace information may be missing from the trace file.
NOTE: "statistics_level=all" is set here so as to gather some level of statistics in cases where the parameter has been changed from the default and recommended level of "TYPICAL" (to BASIC). In order to diagnose performance issues, some level of statistics is required. A value of "ALL" may not be absolutely necessary but has been chosen over "TYPICAL" so as to have the most comprehensive information for diagnosis.
Tracing a process after it has started
If trace from an existing session is required then oradebug can be used to attach to the session and initiate 10046 tracing.
- The first step is to identify the session to be traced by some means:
For example, in SQL*Plus, start a session to find the OS process id (spid) for the target session:
select p. PID,p. SPID,s.SIDSPID is the operating system Process identifier (os pid)
from v$process p,v$session s
where s.paddr = p.addr
and s.sid = &SESSION_ID
PID is the Oracle Process identifier (ora pid)
If you do not know the Session ID then you can use a select similar to the following to help you identify the target session:
column line format a79
set heading off
select 'ospid: ' || p.spid || ' # ''' ||s.sid||','||s.serial#||''' '||
s.osuser || ' ' ||s.machine ||' '||s.username ||' '||s.program line
from v$session s , v$process p
where p.addr = s.paddr
and s.username <> ' ';
Document For multi threaded processes in 12c, use newly added column stid from v$process to find specific thread, as Oracle combines many processes into a single ospid. To find the specific thread, use following sytax:
oradebug setospid <spid> <stid>
- Once the OS process id for the process has been determined then the trace can be initialised as follows:
Lets assume that the process to be traced has an os pid of 9834.
Login to SQL*Plus as a dba and execute the following:
connect / as sysdbaRemember to replace the example '9834' value with the actual os pid.
oradebug setospid 9834
oradebug unlimit
oradebug event 10046 trace name context forever,level 12
NOTE: It is also possible to attach to a session via oradebug using the ' setorapid'.
In this case the PID (Oracle Process identifier ) would be used (rather than the 'SPID') and the oradebug text would change to:
connect / as sysdbaRemember to replace the example '9834' value with the actual ora pid.
oradebug set orapid 9834
oradebug unlimit
oradebug event 10046 trace name context forever,level 12
To disable oradebug tracing once tracing is finished:oradebug event 10046 trace name context off - The first step is to identify the session to be traced by some means:
Document For multi threaded processes in 12c, use newly added column stid from v$process to find specific thread, as Oracle
combines many processes into a single ospid. To find the specific thread, use following sytax:
oradebug setospid <spid> <stid>oradebug unlimit
The tracefile name will be something like <instance><spid>_<stid>.trc.
Instance wide tracing
NOTE: Please be cautious when setting system wide, as this will impact performance due to every session being traced.
This setting will trace every session that is created after the parameter is set. Existing sessions will not be traced.
Setting system-wide 10046 tracing can be useful for scenarios where a problem session is known to occur but cannot be identified in advance.
In this situation, tracing can be enabled for a short period of time, the problem can then be reproduced and tracing disabled and the resultant traces searched for evidence of the problem.
System-wide tracing can be enabled as follows:
alter system set events '10046 trace name context forever,level 12';The setting can be disabled in all sessions by using the following command:
alter system set events '10046 trace name context off';
Initialisation parameter setting
This setting will trace every session in the instance when it is restarted.
event="10046 trace name context forever,level 12"The setting can be disabled by removing the parameter and restarting the instance or by using an alter system command as follows:
alter system set events '10046 trace name context off';
Via a Logon Trigger
There may be some situations where it is necessary to trace the activity of a specific user. In this case a logon trigger could be used.
An example is provided below:CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER SYS.set_trace
lcommand varchar(200);
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'alter session set tracefile_identifier=''From_Trigger''';
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'alter session set statistics_level=ALL';
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'alter session set max_dump_file_size=UNLIMITED';
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'alter session set events ''10046 trace name context forever, level 12''';
END se t_trace;
/NOTE: In order to trace a session, the user executing the trigger needs to have been explicitly granted 'alter session' privileges. i.e.:
grant alter session to <USERNAME> ;
Collecting Trace with SQLT
Using SQLTXPLAIN with the "Xecute" option produces a 10046 trace as part of the SQLT output. As the name XECUTE implies, SQLT executes the SQL being analyzed, then it produces a set of diagnostics files (including a 10046 trace). See:
Document 215187.1 SQLT (SQLTXPLAIN) - Tool that helps to diagnose SQL statements performing poorly (Doc ID 215187.1)
Trace produced in this way will be included in the SQLT output package in the format:sqlt_s 12345_10046_execute.trc
Where 12345 is the SQLT report id
Tracing with DBMS_MONITOR
Also note that the DBMS_MONITOR package provides a number of methods of enabling trace. For more details see:
Document 293661.1 Tracing Enhancements In 10g Using DBMS_MONITOR
Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference
10g Release 2 (10.2)
Part Number B14258-02
Chapter 60 DBMS_MONITOR -
Alternative Trace Possibilities for Specific Scenarios
Document 21154.1 EVENT: 10046 "enable SQL statement tracing (including binds/waits)"
Document 1274511.1 General SQL_TRACE / 10046 trace Gathering Examples
Document 160124.1 How to Set SQL Trace on with 10046 Event Trace which Provides the Bind Variables
Document 371678.1 Capture 10046 Traces Upon User Login (without using a trigger)
Document 1102801.1 How to Get 10046 Trace for Parallel Query
Document 258418.1 Getting 10046 Trace for Export and Import
If you are running PL/SQL procedures or packages then use of the PL/SQL profiler can be useful to determine where time goes while using PL/SQL routines.
Instructions on the use of the profiler can be found in the following article:
Document 243755.1 Implementing and Using the PL/SQL Profiler
Trace Interpretation
Document 199081.1 SQL_TRACE (10046), TKProf and Explain Plan - Overview Reference
Document 39817.1 Interpreting Raw SQL_TRACE and DBMS_SUPPORT.START_TRACE output
Document 224270.1 Trace Analyzer TRCANLZR - Interpreting Raw SQL Traces with Binds and/or Waits generated by EVENT 10046
Document 41634.1 - TKProf Basic Overview
Document 32951.1 - TKProf Interpretation (9i and below)
Document 760786.1 - TKProf Interpretation (9i and above)
Document 214106.1 - Using TKProf to compare actual and predicted row counts
Document 199083.1 * Primary Document SQL Query Performance Overview
Document 398838.1 * FAQ: SQL Query Performance - Frequently Asked Questions
- How to Set SQL Trace on with 10046 Event Trace which Provides the Bind Variables
- Important Customer information about using Numeric Events
- Interpreting Raw SQL_TRACE output
- EVENT: 10046 "enable SQL statement tracing (including binds/waits)"
- Script to produce HTML report with top consumers out of PL/SQL Profiler DBMS_PROFILER data
- TRCANLZR (TRCA): SQL_TRACE/Event 10046 Trace File Analyzer - Tool for Interpreting Raw SQL Traces (NO LONGER SUPPORTED - Use SQLTXPLAIN sqltrcanlzr.sql)
- General SQL_TRACE / 10046 trace Gathering Examples
- How to Get 10046 Trace for Parallel Query
- TKProf Interpretation (9i and above)
- Tracing Enhancements Using DBMS_MONITOR (In 10g, 11g and Above)
- Using TKProf to Compare Actual and Predicted Row Counts
- All About the SQLT Diagnostic Tool
- Capture 10046 Traces Upon User Login (without using a trigger)
- TKPROF Basic Overview
- SQL_TRACE (10046), TKProf and Explain Plan - Overview Reference
- Getting 10046 Trace for Export and Import
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