【TRACE】如何設定或動態跟蹤Oracle net偵聽器



Oracle Net Services - Version to [Release 11.2 to 19]
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 12.2]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


 This document is intended to clarify that from 11.2 onwards, there is no need to first set any tracing parameters under listener.ora or reload the listener to activate listener tracing with timestamps.
Listener tracing can be enabled dynamically through 'set trc_level' command in lsnrctl utility. Independent if ADR is or not enabled, the trace is created with timestamps.

Please note that if the   is set to ON for the Listener, then this cannot be done. This parameter needs to be set to OFF or commented out for Dynamic commands to work.



If your listener name is not using the default name of "listener", then run the command " set current_listener <listener name>"  in lsnrctl utility , before any other command is used.

LSNRCTL>  set current_listener LISTENER_TEST
Current Listener is LISTENER_TEST

  1. To enable SQL*Net listener tracing dynamically run 'set trc_level 16' command in lsnrctl utility:


LSNRCTL>  set trc_level 16
Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=<hostname.domain>)(PORT=1529)))
LISTENER_TEST parameter "trc_level" set to support
The command completed successfully


The trace generated has timestamps recorded. There is no need for any other previous tracing parameters to be added under listener.ora file.

 If ADR is enabled for the listener , the trace is generated under $ORACLE_BASE/diag/tnslsnr/<hostname>/listener/trace on UNIX or $ORACLE_BASE\diag\tnslsnr\<hostname>\listener\trace on Windows. Default trace name is ora_xxxx_xxxxxxxxx.trc

LSNRCTL>  show trc_file
Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=<hostname.domain>)(PORT=1529)))
LISTENER_TEST parameter "trc_file" set to ora_17351_47472935529200.trc
The command completed successfully

  If ADR is disabled for the listener , the trace is generated under $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace on UNIX or $ORACLE_HOME\network\trace on Windows. Default trace name is <listener_name>.trc

LSNRCTL>  show trc_file
Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=<hostname.domain>)(PORT=1529)))
LISTENER_TEST parameter "trc_file" set to listener_test.trc
The command completed successfully


2. To disable SQL*Net listener tracing dynamically run 'set trc_level 0' command in lsnrctl utility:


LSNRCTL>  set trc_level 0
Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=<hostname.domain>)(PORT=1529)))
LISTENER_TEST parameter "trc_level" set to off
The command completed successfully



As mentioned above, if you have the  set to ON for the Listener in the listener.ora file, then you cannot issue any dynamic commands against this listener.
For example:
ADMIN_RESTRICTIONS_<listenername> = ON

The error that will be thrown is:

LSNRCTL> set trc_level 16
Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=<hostname.domain>)(PORT=1529)))
TNS-12508: TNS:listener could not resolve the COMMAND given

This parameter would need to be set to OFF or commented out, for Dynamic commands to work:

Now this will work:

LSNRCTL> set trc_level 16
Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=<hostname.domain>)(PORT=1529)))
LISTENER parameter "trc_level" set to support
The command completed successfully


來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/29487349/viewspace-2856260/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
