The online basketball universe is being redesigned
The online basketball universe is being redesigned. NBA 2K22 is out and anyone who is a fan of basketball some bit will be able to
enjoy this game. It's more complete than ever before. There have been improvements made, small annoyances remain. At 60 euros, can't find a more enjoyable game like this.
NBA 2K22's Meet the Designers quest has been challenging for many players recently on the internet. A lot of players are not sure how to get through the quest or be able to find it, which led to mass confusion amongst players worldwide. Luckily, we've got the entire story boiled down for you, and completing this quest should be effortless.
Your designer will vary depending on your City Affiliation whether it be one of the North Side Knights, South City Vipers, Western Wildcats, or Beasts of the East. Carlos, Sasha, Sarah Andrew, and Sasha Andrew are each associated to a different city. Shop at the clothes shop for the city your player is affiliated with. When you've gotten the items, you can head on the City Runway and show off your figure. To complete the quest, players need to wear the outfit for the next game that they play in and the quest will be end.
For Carlos the only thing that players have to buy an accessory headband. The headband cost is 1000VC thus it's affordable for anyone who has not exhausted all of their VC purchasing jerseys. Equip the headband and head toward the City Runway to get the confirmation of Carlos' approval of your attire.
For Sasha you can visit the store's clothing section and purchase a The Primary Logo Hoodie. The team does not matter and
you can purchase one for the team you'd like. After obtaining it, head over to City Runway and show it off. You will receive an task at this point notifying you that the dress was approved by Sasha.
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