


ARM 64位架構介紹

  • ARM 64位架構介紹
    • ARM架構概況,v8-A及其他架構概況
    • ARM架構擴充套件到v8-A, v8.1A, v8.2-A等版本
    • v8-A介紹和原理
    • 支援v7遺留程式碼
      • AArch32和AArch64狀態
      • v7指令集變更
        • 廢棄
        • 新增功能(一些新的64位特性也被新增到32位執行中)


  • 示例SoC
  • 多核處理器
  • 互連(ACE或CHI)
    • 一致性和互連
  • 分散式中斷控制器
    • 韌體的角色
    • 啟動


  • 整數操作
  • 指令集
    • 整數操作
    • 記憶體操作
    • 堆疊
    • 系統指令
      • 系統控制暫存器
      • 與v7支援和協處理器的關係
    • 呼叫約定
    • 記憶體訪問(DRAM和裝置)
      • 排序模型
        • 屏障
          • dmb, dsb, isb
          • 負載-獲取和儲存-釋放
          • 領域
          • 訊號量
      • 快取管理
    • 浮點,先進的SIMD,加密
      • 暫存器和指令
    • 異常級別
      • 4個異常級別
      • 棧模型,處理程式和執行緒
      • 向量表
      • 核心實現選擇
      • 切換AArch32和AArch64狀態
    • 異常和中斷處理
      • 控制異常和中斷的傳遞
      • 綜合暫存器
      • 切換異常級別
      • 從異常中返回
    • 分頁
      • 使用頁表進行記憶體管理
      • 4K, 16K和64K粒度
      • 頁大小
      • 使用頁表實現的特性,例如“永不執行”
      • 地址空間技巧——不屬於地址的一些欄位,例如標籤和指標認證
      • TLB管理


  • 處理器特性,適用於虛擬化
    • 使用異常級別
    • 記憶體管理
      • 二級頁表
      • 記憶體分割槽
      • I/O MMU (SMMU)
    • 啟動過程中使用EL2進行UEFI執行
    • 增加了Secure EL2架構


  • 硬體快取一致性
  • 軟體責任
  • 軟體中的快取控制


  • TrustZone功能
    • 安全記憶體
    • 連結到其他架構中的TrustZone
    • 32位或64位TrustZone
    • 異常級別上的影響和Secure EL2的增加
    • 切換TrustZone的位寬
    • 動態TrustZone,也稱為Realms,是ARM的機密計算架構的一部分


  • 核心電源管理,外部電源控制器
    • 電源模式(休眠,關閉)
    • WFI, WFE, SEV
  • 除錯(硬體和軟體除錯)
    • 偵錯程式,虛擬機器監控程式,作業系統
    • RAS(可靠性,可用性,可維護性)
    • 啟動過程

Introduction to ARM 64-bit Architecture

  • Introduction to ARM 64-bit Architecture
    • ARM architecture profiles, what is v8-A and the other architecture profiles
    • ARM architecture extensions to v8-A, the v8.1A, v8.2-A, etc
    • v8-A introduction and rationale
    • Support for v7 legacy code
      • AArch32 and AArch64 state
      • v7 instruction set changes
        • Deprecation
        • Additional features (some new 64-bit features have also been added to 32-bit execution)

64-bit Platform Architecture Overview

  • Sample SoC
  • MP Core
  • Interconnect (ACE or CHI)
    • Coherency and the interconnect
  • Distributed interrupt controller
    • Role of firmware
    • Booting

A64 ISA (Instruction Set Architecture)

  • Integer operations
  • Instruction set
    • Integer operations
    • Memory operations
    • Stack
    • System instructions
      • System control registers
      • Relationship to v7 support and co-processors
    • Calling conventions
    • Memory access (DRAM and device)
      • Ordering model
        • Barriers
          • dmb, dsb, isb
          • load-acquire and store-release
          • Domains
          • Semaphores
      • Cache management
    • Floating point, advanced SIMD, crypto
      • Registers and instructions
    • Exception levels
      • The 4 exception levels
      • Stack model, handler and thread
      • Vector table
      • Core implementation choices
      • Switching AArch32 and AArch64 state
    • Exception and interrupt handling
      • Control of delivery of exceptions and interrupts
      • Syndrome registers
      • Switching exception levels
      • Return from exception
    • Paging
      • Memory management with page tables
      • 4K, 16K and 64K granules
      • Page sizes
      • Features achieved with page tables, such as execute never
      • Address space trickery – fields in pointers that are not part of the address, such as tags and pointer authentication
      • TLB management

EL2 Overview

  • Processor features intended for virtualization
    • Use of exception levels
    • Memory management
      • Second level page tables
      • Memory partitioning
      • I/O MMU (SMMU)
    • The use of EL2 for UEFI execution during boot
    • Addition of Secure EL2 to the architecture


  • Hardware cache coherency
  • Software responsibilities
  • Cache control in software

Security (TrustZone)

  • TrustZone functionality
    • Secure memory
    • Links to TrustZone in other architectures
    • 32-bit or 64-bit TrustZone
    • Implications on exception levels, and the addition of secure EL2
    • Switching bitness of TrustZone
    • Dynamic TrustZone, also called Realms, part of ARM's Confidential Compute Architecture

Other Topics

  • Core power management, external power controller
    • Power modes (dormant, shutdown)
    • WFI, WFE, SEV
  • Debug (hardware and software based debug)
    • Debugger, hypervisor, OS
    • RAS (Reliability, Availability, Serviceability)
    • Boot process
