Unknowm Intel PCH (Bx7110) detected
[8.376681] Unknowm Intel PCH (Bx7110) detected [8.36795] Marning: Intel Kabylake processor with unknowm PCH - this harduare has not undergone upstream testing. Please consult [9.889342] sd 2:8:8:8: [sdal ssuming drive cache: write through[9.811477] sd 2:0:1:8:[sdbl Assuming drive cache: write through [11.660659] ip_local_port_range: prefer different parity for start/end ualues.[12.711682] piix4_smbus 8a00:00:0?.3: Host SMBus controller not enabled ? [13.519523] intel_rapl: no ualid rapl domains f ound in package
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