LeetCode Trie常見的題型以及要注意的點
LeetCode: Word Squares
LeetCode: Word Search II
LeetCode: Stream of Characters
LeetCode: Short Encoding of Words
LeetCode: Replace Words
LeetCode: Remove Sub-Folders from the Filesystem
LeetCode: Prefix and Suffix Search
LeetCode: Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array
LeetCode: Map Sum Pairs
LeetCode: Longest Word in Dictionary
LeetCode: Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)
LeetCode: Implement Magic Dictionary
LeetCode: Add and Search Word – Data structure design
Count of distinct substrings of a string (計算String裡面有多少獨一無二的substrings)
Generate all unique substrings for given string (輸出所有獨一無二的substrings)
Finding the longest repeated substring (找出最長的有重複的substring)
Finding the longest common substring (找出LCS)
Finding the longest palindrome in a string (找出最長的palindrome)
(其實除了第二個 其他的都像是DP問題 但是Trie可能解決輸出結果而不是長度的問題)
常見的trie的operations: insert/search/startsWith
fuzzy matching
live data stream
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