LeetCode BFS題目以及要注意的點

Tech In Pieces發表於2020-11-27

(下面全都是高頻題目 要注意)

126 Word Ladder 2
127 word ladder
130 surrounded regions
133 clone graph
200 Number of island
207 course schedule
210 course schedule 2
261 graph valid tree
279 perfect square
286 walls and gates
201 remove invalid parentheses
317 shortest distance from all buildings
323 number of connected components in an undirected graph
407 Trapping Rain Water II
417 Pacific Atlantic Water Flow
490 the maze
499 the maze 3
505 the maze 2
529 Minesweeper
542 01 matrix
675 cut off trees for golf event
690 employee importance
743 network delay time
752 Open the lock
773 Sliding puzzle
785 Is Graph Bipartite?
787 Cheapest fights within k stops
815 bus routes
847 Shortest path visiting all nodes
854 K similar strings
864 shortest path
1236 Web Crawler
913 cat and mouse
1293 Shortest Path in a Grid with Obstacles Elimination
1091 shortest path in binary matrix
934 shortest bridge
909 snakes and ladders
1242 web crawler multithreaded
863 All nodes distance K in binary tree
994 rotting oranges
1197 Minimum knight moves
