然後,用昨天的資料和前天的資料full join下,這樣形成一個新增和減少的關係表
insert overwrite table ba_user_push partition (dt)
select concat(
,if(add_code is null,'',add_code)
,if(all_code is null,'""',all_code)
,if(remove_code is null,'',remove_code)
) as message
from (
select if(client_str1 is null,client_str2,client_str1) as client_str
,if(registration_id1 is null,registration_id2,registration_id1) as registration_id
,if(hupu_uid1 is null,hupu_uid2,hupu_uid1) as hupu_uid
from tmp_push_step1
where dt = ${bdp.system.bizdate}
and (registration_id1 is null --有減少
or registration_id2 is null) --有新增 只處理這2部分
group by if(client_str1 is null,client_str2,client_str1)
,if(registration_id1 is null,registration_id2,registration_id1)
) t1 left
join (
select client_str1 as client_str
,registration_id1 as registration_id
,stringaddquotation(wm_concat(',',code1)) as all_code
from bigdata2c.tmp_shihuo_push_step1
where dt = ${bdp.system.bizdate}
and client_str1 is not null
group by client_str1
) t2
on t1.client_str = t2.client_str
and t1.registration_id = t2.registration_id left
join (
select client_str1 as client_str
,registration_id1 as registration_id
,wm_concat(',',stringaddquotation(code1)) as add_code
from bigdata2c.tmp_shihuo_push_step1
where dt = ${bdp.system.bizdate}
and registration_id2 is null
group by client_str1
) t3
on t1.client_str = t3.client_str
and t1.registration_id = t3.registration_id left
join (
select client_str2 as client_str
,registration_id2 as registration_id
,wm_concat(',',stringaddquotation(code2)) as remove_code
from bigdata2c.tmp_shihuo_push_step1
where dt = ${bdp.system.bizdate}
and registration_id1 is null
group by client_str2
) t4
on t1.client_str = t4.client_str
and t1.registration_id = t4.registration_id
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