class Heap(object):
def __init__(self, capacity):
self.a = [None] * (capacity + 1)
self.n = capacity
self.count = 0
def insert(self, data):
if self.count >= self.n:
return False
self.count += 1
i = self.count
self.a[i] = data
# 讓新插入的節點與父節點對比大小。如果不滿足子節點小於等於父節點的大小關係,
# 我們就互換兩個節點。一直重複這個過程,直到所有的子節點小於等於父節點。
while int(i / 2) > 0 and self.a[i] > self.a[int(i / 2)]:
temp = self.a[i]
self.a[i] = self.a[int(i / 2)]
self.a[int(i / 2)] = temp
i = int(i / 2)
return True
def remove_max(self):
if self.count == 0:
return False
self.a[1] = self.a[self.count]
self.count -= 1
return True
def heapify(self):
# 刪除堆頂元素之後,就需要把第二大的元素放到堆頂,那第二大元素肯定會出現在左右子節點中。
# 然後我們再迭代地刪除第二大節點,以此類推,直到葉子節點被刪除。
i = 1
while True:
max_pos = i
if 2 * i <= self.count and self.a[i] < self.a[2 * i]:
max_pos = 2 * i
if 2 * i + 1 <= self.count and self.a[max_pos] < self.a[2 * i + 1]:
max_pos = 2 * i + 1
if max_pos == i:
self.a[self.count + 1] = None
temp = self.a[i]
self.a[i] = self.a[max_pos]
self.a[max_pos] = temp
i = max_pos
def build_heap(self, arr):
n = len(arr)
arr.insert(0, None)
# 我們只對 n/2 開始到 1的資料進行堆化,下標是n/2+ 1 到 n 的節點都是葉子節點,不需要堆化,
# 對於完全二叉樹來說,下標是n/2+ 1 到 n 的節點都是葉子節點
for i in range(int(n / 2), 0, -1):
self.heapify_by_arr(arr, n, i)
return arr
def heapify_by_arr(arr, l, i):
while True:
max_pos = i
if 2 * i <= l and arr[i] < arr[2 * i]:
max_pos = 2 * i
if 2 * i + 1 <= l and arr[max_pos] < arr[2 * i + 1]:
max_pos = 2 * i + 1
if max_pos == i:
temp = arr[i]
arr[i] = arr[max_pos]
arr[max_pos] = temp
i = max_pos
def sort_by_heap(self, arr):
k = len(arr)
arr = self.build_heap(arr)
while k > 1:
temp = arr[k]
arr[k] = arr[1]
arr[1] = temp
k -= 1
self.heapify_by_arr(arr, k, 1)
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