Artificial Intelligence Computing Conference(2018.09.12)
- Microsoft Artificial Intelligence Conference(2018.05.21)ROSIntel
- Intel Artificial Intelligence Conference(2018.11.14)Intel
- China Cloud Computing Conference(2018.07.24)Cloud
- 人工智慧的歷史(History of artificial intelligence)人工智慧Intel
- A curated list of Artificial Intelligence (AI) courses, books, video lectures and papersIntelAIIDE
- Artificial Intelligence Index:2018年AI Index報告出爐IntelIndexAI
- 2025年人工智慧與可持續發展國際學術會議 2025 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Development (ICAISD 2025)人工智慧IntelAIdev
- China Internet Conference(2018.07.12)
- OPPO Developers Conference(2018.12.26)Developer
- Statistical Computing and Empirical Methods
- 第四屆檢測技術與智慧系統國際學術會議(DTIS 2024) The 4th International Conference on Detection Technology and Intelligence SystemIntel
- Tencent Cloud Developers Conference(2018.12.15)CloudDeveloper
- Dialogue: New Chapter in the History of ComputingAPT
- CSCI1120 Introduction to Computing
- MA2552 Introduction to Computing (DLI)
- VNC(Virtual Network Computing)服務VNC
- EMATM0061: Statistical Computing and Empirical
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- Artificial、 synthetic和man made的區別
- An Overview of High Performance Computing and Responsibly Reckless AlgorithmsViewORMGo
- CSCI-UA.0480-051: Parallel ComputingParallel
- An Algorithm Summary of Programming Collective Intelligence (4)GoIntel
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- 從SAP Leonardo到SAP Data IntelligenceIntel
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- 什麼是 Intelligence Enterprise 的 Business network?Intel
- 論文閱讀 | An Artificial Neural Network-based Stock Trading System
- ISSCC2025 Computing-In-Memory Session 趨勢整理Session
- The practice of high-performance graph computing system Plato in Nebula GraphORM
- 商業智慧系統(Business Intelligence System,BI)Intel
- SAP Data Intelligence API如何獲得Access TokenIntelAPI
- Evolutionary Computing: Notebook assignment - Traveling Salesman Problem 練習隨筆
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- 在SAP Data Intelligence Modeler裡建立新的pipelineIntel
- 在SAP Data Intelligence裡測試data Generator graphIntel
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