package good; //Evaluate complex expressions import java.util.Scanner; public class Example { public static void main(String[] arg) {//test Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); // String one = in.next(); try { System.out.println("(1.5+1)+(1+1)=" + RemoveBrackets(new StringBuffer("(1.5+1)+(1+1)"))); } catch (Exception e){ System.out.println("Please check if the expression is valid if there is an error"); } } public static double RemoveBrackets(StringBuffer a) {//Bracket removal method while (a.toString().indexOf('(') != -1) { int i = a.toString().indexOf('('); int j = GetBracketPosition(a.toString(), i + 1); String to = a.toString().substring(i + 1, j); a.replace(i, j + 1, String.valueOf(RemoveBrackets(new StringBuffer(to)))); } return OnlyMultiplication(a.toString());//計算除乘法以外的算式 } //A method for calculating addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division without parentheses private static double OnlyMultiplication(String a) {//To eliminate the formula other than multiplication char[] b = a.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); i++) {/*I'm going to check the addition and subtraction because I'm going to multiply and divide and then I'm going to add and subtract*/ if (b[i] == '+') { return OnlyMultiplication(a.substring(0, i)) + OnlyMultiplication(a.substring(i + 1));//Prevent double parenthesis } if (b[i] == '-') { return OnlyMultiplication(a.substring(0, i)) - OnlyMultiplication(a.substring(i + 1)); } }//So let's go over here and do the subtraction and the subtraction //That means there's no plus or minus sign //A separate multiplication or division String[] sum1 = a.split("/");//The second half of this method is to remove the division sign double too = Double.valueOf(CalculateMultiplication(sum1[0])); for (int i = 1; i < sum1.length; i++) { too = too * 1.0 / Double.valueOf(sum1[i]); } return too; } //So the only way to multiply is to multiply private static double CalculateMultiplication(String aaa) {//Remove the multiplication sign double to = 1.0; if (aaa.indexOf('*') == -1) {//Without a multiplication sign return Double.valueOf(aaa); } String[] too = aaa.split("\\*"); for (int i = 0; i < too.length; i++) { to = to * Double.valueOf(too[i]); } return to; } private static int GetBracketPosition(String a, int b) {//Find the corresponding close parenthesis position int count1 = 1; int count2 = 0; char[] aa = a.toCharArray(); for (int i = b; i < a.length(); i++) { if (aa[i] == '(') {//Prevent double parenthesis count1++; } if (aa[i] == ')') { count2++; if (count2 == count1) { return i; } } } return 0; } }
OK 程式碼可以先看一下 相信肯定有人能夠不靠解析 直接看懂
我們先考慮括號的問題 因為括號內容優先計算
當我們吧所有括號裡面的內容處理好之後 我們用計算的結果替換掉括號以及裡面的表示式
當然 必須要提示的一點 不排除會有雙層括號情況的出現 所以我們要對拆分出來的括號裡面分表示式在進行一次括號檢測 當檢測到沒有括號的時候 我們才呼叫無括號表示式計算方法 計算表示式的最終結果
OK 下面我們進入無括號表示式計算方法的解釋環節
現在強調一下 我們已經完成括號處理
這樣就成功吧式子拆成了要麼是乘除運算 要麼是單獨是數 這樣處理起來是不是就方便的太多太多了
哈哈哈哈 香不香
OK 我們的解析就到這
當然 方法肯定不止一種 比我這個方法好的方法也肯定多了去了