life is short 中譯本(粗校)
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Life is Short
(January 2016 )
(2016 年 1 月)
Life is short, as everyone knows. When I was a kid I used to wonder about this. Is life actually short, or are we really complaining about its finiteness? Would we be just as likely to feel life was short if we lived 10 times as long?
Since there didn't seem any way to answer this question, I stopped wondering about it. Then I had kids. That gave me a way to answer the question, and the answer is that life actually is short.
Having kids showed me how to convert a continuous quantity, time, into discrete quantities. You only get 52 weekends with your 2 year old. If Christmas-as-magic lasts from say ages 3 to 10, you only get to watch your child experience it 8 times. And while it's impossible to say what is a lot or a little of a continuous quantity like time, 8 is not a lot of something. If you had a handful of 8 peanuts, or a shelf of 8 books to choose from, the quantity would definitely seem limited, no matter what your lifespan was.
Ok, so life actually is short. Does it make any difference to know that?
It has for me. It means arguments of the form "Life is too short for x" have great force. It's not just a figure of speech to say that life is too short for something. It's not just a synonym for annoying. If you find yourself thinking that life is too short for something, you should try to eliminate it if you can.
When I ask myself what I've found life is too short for, the word that pops into my head is "bullshit." I realize that answer is somewhat tautological. It's almost the definition of bullshit that it's the stuff that life is too short for. And yet bullshit does have a distinctive character. There's something fake about it. It's the junk food of experience. 1
當我問自己,我發現了什麼事是生命太短以至於我不能做的,突然出現在我腦海中的詞是"廢話"。我意識到這答案似乎有點重複或者說囉嗦。這幾乎是“廢話”的定義,它本身就是指生命太短我們不能去做的東西。然而,“廢話”確實有獨特之處。它有欺騙性,就好比“垃圾食品”。 (這一段翻得不是很好,回頭再繼續修改。bullshit翻譯成“無意義之事”會不會更好) 1
If you ask yourself what you spend your time on that's bullshit, you probably already know the answer. Unnecessary meetings, pointless disputes, bureaucracy, posturing, dealing with other people's mistakes, traffic jams, addictive but unrewarding pastimes.
There are two ways this kind of thing gets into your life: it's either forced on you, or it tricks you. To some extent you have to put up with the bullshit forced on you by circumstances. You need to make money, and making money consists mostly of errands. Indeed, the law of supply and demand insures that: the more rewarding some kind of work is, the cheaper people will do it. It may be that less bullshit is forced on you than you think, though. There has always been a stream of people who opt out of the default grind and go live somewhere where opportunities are fewer in the conventional sense, but life feels more authentic. This could become more common.
You can do it on a smaller scale without moving. The amount of time you have to spend on bullshit varies between employers. Most large organizations (and many small ones) are steeped in it. But if you consciously prioritize bullshit avoidance over other factors like money and prestige, you can probably find employers that will waste less of your time.
If you're a freelancer or a small company, you can do this at the level of individual customers. If you fire or avoid toxic customers, you can decrease the amount of bullshit in your life by more than you decrease your income.
But while some amount of bullshit is inevitably forced on you, the bullshit that sneaks into your life by tricking you is no one's fault but your own. And yet the bullshit you choose may be harder to eliminate than the bullshit that's forced on you. Things that lure you into wasting your time have to be really good at tricking you. An example that will be familiar to a lot of people is arguing online. When someone contradicts you, they're in a sense attacking you. Sometimes pretty overtly. Your instinct when attacked is to defend yourself. But like a lot of instincts, this one wasn't designed for the world we now live in. Counterintuitive as it feels, it's better most of the time not to defend yourself. Otherwise these people are literally taking your life. 2
Arguing online is only incidentally addictive. There are more dangerous things than that. As I've written before, one byproduct of technical progress is that things we like tend to become more addictive. Which means we will increasingly have to make a conscious effort to avoid addictions — to stand outside ourselves and ask "is this how I want to be spending my time?"
As well as avoiding bullshit, one should actively seek out things that matter. But different things matter to different people, and most have to learn what matters to them. A few are lucky and realize early on that they love math or taking care of animals or writing, and then figure out a way to spend a lot of time doing it. But most people start out with a life that's a mix of things that matter and things that don't, and only gradually learn to distinguish between them.
For the young especially, much of this confusion is induced by the artificial situations they find themselves in. In middle school and high school, what the other kids think of you seems the most important thing in the world. But when you ask adults what they got wrong at that age, nearly all say they cared too much what other kids thought of them.
尤其是對於年輕人而言,這種混亂很大程度是由於他們發現自己處於人為的環境而引起的。在中學和高中,其他孩子對你的看法似乎是世界上最重要的事情。 但是,當你問大人,他們在那個年齡出了什麼問題時,幾乎所有人都說他們太在意其他孩子對他們的看法。
One heuristic for distinguishing stuff that matters is to ask yourself whether you'll care about it in the future. Fake stuff that matters usually has a sharp peak of seeming to matter. That's how it tricks you. The area under the curve is small, but its shape jabs into your consciousness like a pin.
確認重要內容的一種啟發式方法是問自己是否將來會關心它。 假冒的東西通常看起來很重要。 那就是它欺騙你的方式。 曲線下的區域很小,但形狀像大頭針一樣刺入您的意識。
The things that matter aren't necessarily the ones people would call "important." Having coffee with a friend matters. You won't feel later like that was a waste of time.
對我們有意義的事情不一定是人們通常認為“重要”的事情。 和朋友一起喝咖啡也很重要, 因為以後您並不會覺得那是浪費時間。
One great thing about having small children is that they make you spend time on things that matter: them. They grab your sleeve as you're staring at your phone and say "will you play with me?" And odds are that is in fact the bullshit-minimizing option.
生小孩的一大好處是,他們會讓您將時間花在重要的事情上:他們。 當您凝視手機時,他們抓住你的袖子,說:“能和我一起玩嗎?” 實際上,這是避免“廢話”最佳選擇。
If life is short, we should expect its shortness to take us by surprise. And that is just what tends to happen. You take things for granted, and then they're gone. You think you can always write that book, or climb that mountain, or whatever, and then you realize the window has closed. The saddest windows close when other people die. Their lives are short too. After my mother died, I wished I'd spent more time with her. I lived as if she'd always be there. And in her typical quiet way she encouraged that illusion. But an illusion it was. I think a lot of people make the same mistake I did.
如果生命短暫,我們應該期待生命的短暫帶給我們的驚訝。 而這也是趨勢。 你認為理所當然的事情,突然就消失了。 您認為您總是可以寫那本書,或者爬那座山,或者做其他事,然後您就會意識到,“機會之窗”已經關了。 當你周圍的人死亡時,那扇最可悲的“機會之窗”也會關閉。 他們的生命其實也很短暫。 我母親去世後,我真希望我能和她在一起多待一些時光。那之後,我感覺好像她永遠都在那裡, 並且母親也以她慣有的安靜方式鼓勵了我的這種幻想。 但是那畢竟是一種幻想。 我認為,很多人都犯了和我相同的錯誤。
The usual way to avoid being taken by surprise by something is to be consciously aware of it. Back when life was more precarious, people used to be aware of death to a degree that would now seem a bit morbid. I'm not sure why, but it doesn't seem the right answer to be constantly reminding oneself of the grim reaper hovering at everyone's shoulder. Perhaps a better solution is to look at the problem from the other end. Cultivate a habit of impatience about the things you most want to do. Don't wait before climbing that mountain or writing that book or visiting your mother. You don't need to be constantly reminding yourself why you shouldn't wait. Just don't wait.
避免被某些事物嚇到的通常方法是有意識地意識到這一點。 當生活更加不穩定時,人們曾經意識到死亡的程度現在似乎有些病態。 我不確定為什麼,但是不斷提醒自己,死神徘徊在每個人的肩膀上似乎是不正確的答案。 也許更好的解決方案是從另一個角度來看問題。 養成對您最想做的事情“立刻去做”的習慣。 不要等待某一天有機會再去爬山,或寫書,或去看望母親。 您無需經常提醒自己為什麼不應該等待。 別等待就對了。
I can think of two more things one does when one doesn't have much of something: try to get more of it, and savor what one has. Both make sense here.
我想到沒有太多東西時可以做的兩件事:嘗試獲取更多東西,或者仔細品味擁有的東西。 兩者都有意義。
How you live affects how long you live. Most people could do better. Me among them.
您的生活會影響您的壽命。 大多數人可以做得更好。 我也是。
But you can probably get even more effect by paying closer attention to the time you have. It's easy to let the days rush by. The "flow" that imaginative people love so much has a darker cousin that prevents you from pausing to savor life amid the daily slurry of errands and alarms. One of the most striking things I've read was not in a book, but the title of one: James Salter's Burning the Days.
但是,通過密切關注自己的時間,您可能會獲得更大的效果。 讓日子匆匆過去很容易。 富有想象力的人們如此喜歡的“心流”狀態具有更暗的表親,可防止您在日常的差事和警報中停下來品嚐生活。 我讀過的最驚人的東西之一不是在一本書中,而是一本書的標題:詹姆斯·索爾特的《燃燒的日子》。 (還要再看看這一段,flow,darker cousin)
It is possible to slow time somewhat. I've gotten better at it. Kids help. When you have small children, there are a lot of moments so perfect that you can't help noticing.
讓時間變慢,在一定程度上是可能的。 這方面我做得挺好。孩子們給了我幫助。 當您有小寶貝時,一定有很多美好的時光,是您不會錯過的。
It does help too to feel that you've squeezed everything out of some experience. The reason I'm sad about my mother is not just that I miss her but that I think of all the things we could have done that we didn't. My oldest son will be 7 soon. And while I miss the 3 year old version of him, I at least don't have any regrets over what might have been. We had the best time a daddy and a 3 year old ever had.
感覺到您已經從經驗中擠出了一切,這確實有幫助。 我為母親感到難過的原因不僅在於我想念她,還在於我想到了我們本可以做的所有事情,而我們沒有做過。 我的大兒子快七歲了。 當我想念他3歲的樣子時,我至少沒有任何遺憾。 我們度過了父親和三歲孩子的最佳時光。
Relentlessly prune bullshit, don't wait to do things that matter, and savor the time you have. That's what you do when life is short.
不停地想方設法避免“光陰虛度”,不要等待去做重要的事情,並享受自己的時間。 這就是生命短暫時我們應有的態度。
1 At first I didn't like it that the word that came to mind was one that had other meanings. But then I realized the other meanings are fairly closely related. Bullshit in the sense of things you waste your time on is a lot like intellectual bullshit.
1 起初,我不喜歡想到的這個詞還有其他含義。 但是後來我意識到其他含義和主題也是密切相關的。 在浪費時間的這個意義上,“廢話”也像智力上的胡話。
2 I chose this example deliberately as a note to self. I get attacked a lot online. People tell the craziest lies about me. And I have so far done a pretty mediocre job of suppressing the natural human inclination to say "Hey, that's not true!"
2我故意選擇此示例作為對自我的註釋。 我在網上受到了很多攻擊。 人們說關於我的最瘋狂的謊言。 到目前為止,我在抑制人的自然傾向方面做得相當平庸,他說:“嘿,那不是真的!”
Thanks to Jessica Livingston and Geoff Ralston for reading drafts of this.
感謝Jessica Livingston和Geoff Ralston閱讀了這份草稿。
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