SAP CRM裡產品主資料的文字模型設計


SAP CRM的產品主資料設計了這幾種不同型別的文字模型:

SAP CRM裡產品主資料的文字模型設計 SAP CRM裡產品主資料的文字模型設計 SAP CRM裡產品主資料的文字模型設計 SAP CRM裡產品主資料的文字模型設計

Part1 and Part2 actually share the same assignment block COMM_PR_SHTEXT.

That means if you change text in Part1 ( part2 ), the change will automatically be displayed in part2 ( part1 ). The only difference is in part2, you can maintain text with different language but in part1 you can only maintain with log on language.

Part3 is implemented via set type COMM_PR_LGTEXT1.

Part4 is organization dependent text, implemented via set type COMM_PR_LGTEXT2.

relationship between settype and BOL relation:

Part1 and Part2:

SAP CRM裡產品主資料的文字模型設計

since if log on laugage is specified ,exactly one short text can be determined. This is reason why child carinality is 0..1 in second case.


SAP CRM裡產品主資料的文字模型設計

Part4: Product->ProductDistrChain->ProductDcLongtext

SAP CRM裡產品主資料的文字模型設計

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