SAP CRM產品主資料頁面的縮圖顯示設計原理
In CRM Product UI, A thumbnail could be displayed in Product header and Thumbnail assignment block.
The Thumbnail assignment block is not available in SAP predefined UI configuration. Customer needs to manually make it visible via UI configuration change:
The thumbnail view implementation itself is very simple, just use the lib thtmlb image tag.
The thumbnail view implementation itself is very simple, just use the lib thtmlb image tag.
If a product has multiple attachments, how does the UI know which one should be displayed as thumbnail? The default attachment with type BDS_IMAGE will be choosen.
However, these two fields are not available in default standard configuration of GS_CM/EditProp
if your application need also allow users to specify these two fields, you can create a new configuration by copying from the one with object type = PRD_MATSRV.
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