SAP 物料主資料裡的commodity code


SAP 物料主資料裡的Commodity Code

在物料主資料的Foreign Trade export檢視裡有一個欄位,叫做commodity code的。如下圖示:

SAP 物料主資料裡的commodity code


Commodity Code/Import Code Number for Foreign Trade

Official key corresponding to the harmonized system for the description and coding of merchandise.

Depending on the system settings, this field contains either the commodity code or the customs tariff number (import code number).

The commodity code is used for statistical purposes and must be declared to the authorities for various foreign trade transactions, both import and export transactions. Examples include INTRASTAT and EXTRASTAT declarations in the European Union or the Automated Export System (AES) in the USA.

The customs tariff number classifies goods according to the harmonized system for the description and coding of merchandise and serves to determine customs duties. You must declare this number to the customs authorities for every import transaction

1,Commodity Code簡介

What is Commodity Code?

If you import or export goods from within the European Union (EU) or outside it, you should understand the importance of commodity codes.

When trading internationally, you will need to find the correct commodity code for your goods so you can fill out customs paperwork accurately. The code is an eight-digit number for exports outside the EU or goods moving within the EU, but is a ten-digit number for imports from outside the EU. Once you know the commodity code, you can look up other important information such as duty rates and any import or export restrictions.

Classifying goods and how to do it

When trading internationally, you need to select the right commodity code for your goods. You can find classification codes in the Tariff.

Classifying your goods correctly will help ensure that you:

pay the right duty and VAT

know whether an import or export licence is needed

You are legally responsible for the correct classification of your goods, even if you use an agent. Incorrect classification can lead to your goods being delayed or seized and you will have to pay any duty and tax owed, plus possible financial penalties.

Where we create and assign it??

In  j1id,  you have to create commodity code in "Chapter ID" and assign to your material in "Material and Chapter ID combination".

Commodity code :指的商品編碼,可以諮詢報關行或貨代來查詢對應的海關監管條件,進出口關稅稅率等資訊。
HS code:HS編碼為編碼協調製度的簡稱,由國際海關理事會制定,英文名稱為 The Harmonization Code System (HS-Code)。國際通行的HS編碼有22大類98章,由2位、4位及6位碼組成。一般而言,HS code 包含commodity code 資訊。

2,SAP系統中Commodity codes的配置

Commodity codes group together materials that are similar in terms of customs.

Commodity codes are customized in the IMG via:

Sales and distribution --> Foreign Trade/Customs --> Basic Data for Foreign Trade --> Define Commodity Codes / Import Code Numbers By Country

3,SAP Table T604 for commodity code.

Commodity codes are stored at country level (table T604) The description can be maintained in any language, e.g. Polish and English (stored in table T604T)

The plant has a country assigned in its address data.

When you enter foreign trade view in material master, this has to be done at plant level, then SAP knows from the plant in which country it has to look for a commodity code that can be assigned to this material.

When you create a PO for a plant, that has a commodity code maintained in the material master (field MARC-STAWN), then this commodity code is adopted to the purchase order automatically. No need to enter anything manually for an item that has a material number.

In case of a text item, SAP uses again the plant of the item line to determine the country, then it presents all commodity codes maintained for that country in table T604.



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