[AlwaysOn] 建立SQL Server高可用性組T-SQL語法:ENDPOINT_URL子句


ENDPOINT_URL ='TCP://system-address:port'

指定SQL Server例項上資料庫映象終結點的URL路徑,該例項承載在當前replica on子句中定義的可用性副本。Specifies the URL path for the on the instance of SQL Server that hosts the availability replica that you are defining in your current REPLICA ON clause.

ENDPOINT_URL 子句是必需的。The ENDPOINT_URL clause is required. 有關詳細資訊,請參閱在新增或修改可用性副本(SQL Server)時指定端點URL。For more information, see .


指定用於指定終結點URL或只讀路由URL的URL。Specifies a URL for specifying an endpoint URL or read-only routing URL. URL引數如下:The URL parameters are as follows:


是一個字串,例如系統名、完全限定的域名或IP地址,它明確標識目標計算機系統。Is a string, such as a system name, a fully qualified domain name, or an IP address, that unambiguously identifies the destination computer system.


是與夥伴伺服器例項的映象端點(對於ENDPOINT_URL選項)關聯的埠號,或者是伺服器例項的資料庫引擎使用的埠號(對於READ_ONLY_ROUTING_URL選項)。Is a port number that is associated with the mirroring endpoint of the partner server instance (for the ENDPOINT_URL option) or the port number used by the Database Engine of the server instance (for the READ_ONLY_ROUTING_URL option).

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/81227/viewspace-2653975/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
