[AlwaysOn] 建立SQL Server高可用性組T-SQL語法:BASIC引數



用於建立基本可用性組。Used to create a basic availability group. 基本可用性組僅限於一個資料庫和兩個副本:一個主副本和一個輔助副本。Basic availability groups are limited to one database and two replicas: a primary replica and one secondary replica. 此選項替代了SQL Server標準版上已棄用的資料庫映象功能。This option is a replacement for the deprecated database mirroring feature on SQL Server Standard Edition. 有關詳細資訊,請參閱基本可用性組(始終在可用性組上)。For more information, see .

從SQL Server 2016(13.x)開始,支援基本可用性組。Basic availability groups are supported beginning in SQL Server 2016 (13.x).

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