[AlwaysOn] 建立SQL Server高可用性組T-SQL語法:HEALTH_CHECK_TIMEOUT引數



指定在WSFC群集假定伺服器例項執行緩慢或掛起之前,sp_server_diagnostics系統儲存過程返回伺服器執行狀況資訊的等待時間(毫秒)。Specifies the wait time (in milliseconds) for the system stored procedure to return server-health information before the WSFC cluster assumes that the server instance is slow or hung. 健康檢查超時(HEALTH_CHECK_TIMEOUT)在組級別設定,但僅與配置為自動故障轉移的同步提交可用性模式(AVAILABILITY_MODE = SYNCHRONOUS_COMMIT)的可用性副本相關。HEALTH_CHECK_TIMEOUT is set at the group level but is relevant only on availability replicas that are configured for synchronous-commit availability mode with automatic failover (AVAILABILITY_MODE = SYNCHRONOUS_COMMIT). 此外,只有將主副本和輔助副本都配置為自動故障轉移模式(FAILOVER_MODE = AUTOMATIC),並且輔助副本當前與主副本同步時,執行狀況檢查超時才能觸發自動故障轉移。Furthermore, a health-check timeout can trigger an automatic failover only if both the primary and secondary replicas are configured for automatic failover mode (FAILOVER_MODE = AUTOMATIC) and the secondary replica is currently synchronized with the primary replica.

預設的健康檢查超時(HEALTH_CHECK_TIMEOUT)值為30000毫秒(30秒)。The default HEALTH_CHECK_TIMEOUT value is 30000 milliseconds (30 seconds). 最小值為15000毫秒(15秒),最大值為4294967295毫秒。The minimum value is 15000 milliseconds (15 seconds), and the maximum value is 4294967295 milliseconds.

重要 Important

sp_server_diagnostics 不在資料庫級別執行執行狀況檢查。 sp_server_diagnostics does not perform health checks at the database level.

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