關於vSphere 5.5硬體版本注意事項

vSphere 5.5虛擬機器的硬體版本預設為8,但可擴充套件到10。vSphere 5.0虛擬機器的硬體版本為8,而vSphere 5.1虛擬機器的硬體版本為9。

vSphere Client僅可以管理到8版本的虛擬機器,而無法管理到架構為10版本的虛擬機器。架構為10版本的虛擬機器僅能夠通過vSphere Web Client實行管理維護。

vSphere Web Client基礎服務WebService穩定性不佳,萬一出現故障則會導致沒有任何的補救措施來進行硬體版本10的管理維護。以下是一些官方的說明資訊。

If you update the vCenter Server appliance to hardware version 10, you cannot edit the virtual machine settings for the appliance using the vSphere Client. This might cause difficulties in managing the vCenter Server Appliance, because you cannot use the vSphere Web Client to connect directly to the host on which the vCenter Server Appliance resides to manage it. Do not upgrade the vCenter Server Appliance to hardware version 10. VMware vSphere 5.5 Documentation Center


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