

轉自: https://blog.csdn.net/apporacle/article/details/45287809  


        無論在什麼時候,在不同版本的oracle 資料庫中遷移資料時,都必須要遵守如下的基本規則

  1.         1.  imp工具的版本必須和目標庫的版本相同。例如,使用版本為的imp工具匯入到版本為9.2.0.8的資料庫中,會遇到錯誤。
  2.         2. exp工具的版本必須與源庫或者目標庫中版本較低的相同。


  1.     1. exp工具匯出的dmp檔案,只能用imp工具匯入。也就是說exp/imp配對使用,expdp/impdp配對使用 。exp匯出的dmp檔案無法用impdp匯入。
  2.     2. 任何exp匯出的檔案,都可以imp到高版本的資料庫中。也就是說,exp/imp向下相容。
  3.     3. 低版本的imp工具無法讀取高版本的exp匯出的檔案。例如9.2 exp匯出的dmp檔案無法用9.0.1版本的imp工具匯入。
  4.     4. whenever  a lower version of the Export utility runs with a later release of the Oracle database, categories of database objects that did not exist in the earlier release are excluded from the export.

,參見文章末尾處 表21-5

Using Different Releases of Export and Import

This section describes compatibility issues that relate to using different releases of Export and the Oracle database.

Whenever you are moving data between different releases of the Oracle database, the following basic rules apply:

  • The Import utility and the database to which data is being imported (the target database) must be the same release. For example, if you try to use the Import utility to import into a database, then you may encounter errors.

  • The version of the Export utility must be equal to the release of either the source or target database, whichever is earlier.

    For example, to create an export file for an import into a later release database, use a version of the Export utility that equals the source database. Conversely, to create an export file for an import into an earlier release database, use a version of the Export utility that equals the release of the target database.

    • In general, you can use the Export utility from any Oracle8 release to export from an Oracle9 i server and create an Oracle8 export file.

Restrictions When Using Different Releases of Export and Import

The following restrictions apply when you are using different releases of Export and Import:

  • Export dump files can be read only by the Import utility because they are stored in a special binary format.

  • Any export dump file can be imported into a later release of the Oracle database.

  • The Import utility cannot read export dump files created by the Export utility of a later maintenance release. For example, a release 9.2 export dump file cannot be imported by a release 9.0.1 Import utility.

  • Whenever a lower version of the Export utility runs with a later release of the Oracle database, categories of database objects that did not exist in the earlier release are excluded from the export.

  • Export files generated by Oracle9 i Export, either direct path or conventional path, are incompatible with earlier releases of Import and can be imported only with Oracle9 i Import. When backward compatibility is an issue, use the earlier release or version of the Export utility against the Oracle9 idatabase.

Examples of Using Different Releases of Export and Import

 shows some examples of which Export and Import releases to use when moving data between different releases of the Oracle database.

Table 21-5 Using Different Releases of Export and Import

Export from->Import to Use Export Release Use Import Release

8.1.6 -> 8.1.6



8.1.5 -> 8.0.6



8.1.7 -> 8.1.6



9.0.1 -> 8.1.6



9.0.1 -> 9.0.2



9.0.2 -> 10.1.0



10.1.0 -> 9.0.2



 covers moving data only between the original Export and Import utilities. For Oracle Database 10 g release 1 (10.1) or higher, Oracle recommends the Data Pump Export and Import utilities in most cases because these utilities provide greatly enhanced performance compared to the original Export and Import utilities.

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