老外對MongoDB in Action評述

MongoDB gets a lot of press because it is considered the easiest NoSQL database to understand when transitioning from a relational database background.  This is due to support for relational features such as secondary indexes, explain plans and ad hoc queries.

Despite this relative ease of adoption, MongoDB still represents a significant change in the way data is stored, modified and retrieved.  I wanted to learn more so purchased this book as it promised to be written for developers with no MongoDB or NoSQL experience.

1. A Database for the modern web

The book starts by providing background information on MongoDB including the initial drivers for developing the database. The key features are identified as being:

Document data model
Ad hoc queries
Secondary indexes
Speed and durability

MongoDB’s core server components and tools are identified and explained.  A very useful comparison of MongoDB and other categories of NoSQL database is provided followed by a set of use cases describing when to consider MongoDB and (equally as important) when not to.  The comparison is sufficient to put MongoDB in context to the rest of the NoSQL databases but if you are looking for a more comprehensive overview of NoSQL I recommend reading NoSQL Distilled.

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/301743/viewspace-748132/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
