timer是基於PriorityQueue實現的(和PriorityBlockingQueue區別, 在於沒有阻塞機制, 不是執行緒安全的), 優先順序佇列是堆資料結構的典型應用
預設情況下, 按照自然順序(其實就是預設comparator的定義), 最小的元素排在堆頭
當然也可以自己重新實現comparator介面, 比如timer就用reify重新實現了comparator介面
整個過程其實比較簡單, 開個timer-thread, 不斷check PriorityQueue裡面時間最小的timer是否已經可以觸發
如果可以, 就poll出來, 呼叫callback, 並sleep, 都很好理解
唯一需要說的是, 這裡使用Semaphore,
訊號量和lock相似, 都是用於互斥
不同在於, 訊號量模擬資源管理, 所以不同於lock的排他, 訊號量可以接收多個aquire(取決於配置)
另外一個比較大的區別, lock是解鈴還須繫鈴人, 誰鎖誰解, 而訊號量無所謂, 任何執行緒都可以呼叫release, 或acquire
這裡使用訊號量, 是用於在cancel-timer時, 等待timer-thread結束
(defn cancel-timer [timer]
(check-active! timer)
(locking (:lock timer)
(reset! (:active timer) false)
(.interrupt (:timer-thread timer)))
(.acquire (:cancel-notifier timer)))
因為cancel的過程就是將active置false, 然後就是呼叫acquire等待訊號量cancel-notifier被釋放
而timer-thread線上程結束前, 會release這個訊號量
(defnk mk-timer [:kill-fn (fn [& _] )] (let [queue (PriorityQueue. 10 (reify Comparator (compare [this o1 o2] (- (first o1) (first o2)) ) (equals [this obj] true ))) active (atom true) ;;標誌位 lock (Object.) ;;建立lock物件, 由於PriorityQueue非執行緒安全, 所以使用locking來保證同時只有一個執行緒訪問queue notifier (Semaphore. 0) ;;建立訊號量, 初始為0 timer-thread (Thread. (fn [] (while @active (try
;;peek讀但不從queue中取出, 先讀出time看看, 符合條件再取出
(let [[time-secs _ _ :as elem] (locking lock (.peek queue))]
(if (and elem (>= (current-time-secs) time-secs))
;;無法保證恰好, 只要當前時間>=time-secs, 就可以執行, 可想而知對於afn必須不能耗時, 否則會影響其他timer ;; imperative to not run the function inside the timer lock ;; otherwise, it`s possible to deadlock if function deals with other locks ;; (like the submit lock) (let [afn (locking lock (second (.poll queue)))] ;;poll從queue中取出 (afn)) ;;真正執行timer中的callback (Time/sleep 1000) )) (catch Throwable t ;; because the interrupted exception can be wrapped in a runtimeexception (when-not (exception-cause? InterruptedException t) (kill-fn t) (reset! active false) (throw t)) ))) (.release notifier)))] (.setDaemon timer-thread true) (.setPriority timer-thread Thread/MAX_PRIORITY) (.start timer-thread) {:timer-thread timer-thread :queue queue :active active :lock lock :cancel-notifier notifier}))
對於迴圈schdule, 就是在timer的callback裡面, 再次schedule
(defnk schedule [timer delay-secs afn :check-active true] (when check-active (check-active! timer)) (let [id (uuid) ^PriorityQueue queue (:queue timer)] (locking (:lock timer) (.add queue [(+ (current-time-secs) delay-secs) afn id]) ))) (defn schedule-recurring [timer delay-secs recur-secs afn] (schedule timer delay-secs (fn this [] (afn) (schedule timer recur-secs this :check-active false)) ; this avoids a race condition with cancel-timer ))
Supervisor中的使用例子, 定期的呼叫hb函式更新supervisor的hb
在mk-timer時, 傳入的kill-fn callback, 會在timer-thread發生exception的時候被呼叫
:timer (mk-timer :kill-fn (fn [t] (log-error t "Error when processing event") (halt-process! 20 "Error when processing an event") ))
(schedule-recurring (:timer supervisor) 0 (conf SUPERVISOR-HEARTBEAT-FREQUENCY-SECS) heartbeat-fn)
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