1.1 父子元件
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var MyContainer = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function(){ return { list: ['item1', 'item2'], curItem: 'item1' } }, // 改變curItem的回撥函式 changeItem: function(item){ this.setState({ curItem: item }); }, render: function(){ return ( <div> The curItem is: {this.state.curItem} <List list={this.state.list} changeItem={this.changeItem}/> </div> ) } }); var List = React.createClass({ onClickItem: function(item){ this.props.changeItem(item); }, render: function(){ return ( <ul> { (function(){ var self = this; return this.props.list.map(function(item){ return ( <li onClick={self.onClickItem.bind(self, item)}>I am {item}, click me!</li> ) }); }.bind(this))() } </ul> ) } }) ReactDOM.render( <MyContainer />, document.getElementById('example') ); |
1.2 兄弟元件
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var MyContainer = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function(){ return { list: ['item1', 'item2'], curItem: 'item1' } }, // 改變curItem的回撥函式 changeItem: function(item){ this.setState({ curItem: item }); }, render: function(){ return ( <div> The curItem is: {this.state.curItem} <List list={this.state.list} curItem={this.state.curItem} /> <SelectionButtons changeItem={this.changeItem}/> </div> ) } }); var List = React.createClass({ render: function(){ var selectedStyle = { color: 'white', background: 'red' }; return ( <ul> { (function(){ var self = this; return this.props.list.map(function(item){ var itemStyle = (item == self.props.curItem) ? selectedStyle : {}; return ( <li style={itemStyle}>I am {item}!</li> ) }); }.bind(this))() } </ul> ) } }); var SelectionButtons = React.createClass({ onClickItem: function(item){ this.props.changeItem(item); }, render: function(){ return ( <div> <button onClick={this.onClickItem.bind(this, 'item1')}>item1</button> <button onClick={this.onClickItem.bind(this, 'item2')}>item2</button> </div> ) } }); ReactDOM.render( <MyContainer />, document.getElementById('example') ); |
2. 元件層次太深的噩夢
3. 全域性事件
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var EventEmitter = { _events: {}, dispatch: function (event, data) { if (!this._events[event]) return; // no one is listening to this event for (var i = 0; i < this._events[event].length; i++) this._events[event][i](data); }, subscribe: function (event, callback) { if (!this._events[event]) this._events[event] = []; // new event this._events[event].push(callback); }, unSubscribe: function(event){ if(this._events && this._events[event]) { delete this._events[event]; } } } |
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var MyContainer = React.createClass({ render: function(){ return ( <div> <CurItemPanel /> <SelectionButtons/> </div> ) } }); var CurItemPanel = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function(){ return { curItem: 'item1' } }, componentDidMount: function(){ var self = this; EventEmitter.subscribe('changeItem', function(newItem){ self.setState({ curItem: newItem }); }) }, componentWillUnmount: function(){ EventEmitter.unSubscribe('changeItem'); }, render: function(){ return ( <p> The curItem is: {this.state.curItem} </p> ) } }); var SelectionButtons = React.createClass({ onClickItem: function(item){ EventEmitter.dispatch('changeItem', item); }, render: function(){ return ( <div> <button onClick={this.onClickItem.bind(this, 'item1')}>item1</button> <button onClick={this.onClickItem.bind(this, 'item2')}>item2</button> </div> ) } }); ReactDOM.render( <MyContainer />, document.getElementById('example') ); |
事件繫結和解綁可以分別放在componentDidMount和componentWillUnMount中。由於事件是全域性的,最好保證在componentWillUnMount中解綁事件,否則,下一次初始化元件時事件可能會繫結多次。 使用事件模型,元件之間無論是父子關係還是非父子關係都可以直接溝通,從而解決了元件間層層回撥傳遞的問題,但是頻繁地使用事件實現元件間溝通會使整個程式的資料流向越來越亂,因此,元件間的溝通還是要儘量遵循單向資料流機制。
4. context(上下文)
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var MyContainer = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function(){ return { curItem: 'item1' } }, childContextTypes: { curItem: React.PropTypes.any, changeItem: React.PropTypes.any }, getChildContext: function(){ return { curItem: this.state.curItem, changeItem: this.changeItem } }, changeItem: function(item){ this.setState({ curItem: item }); }, render: function(){ return ( <div> <CurItemWrapper /> <ListWrapper changeItem={this.changeItem}/> </div> ) } }); |
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var CurItemWrapper = React.createClass({ render: function(){ return ( <div> <CurItemPanel /> </div> ) } }); var CurItemPanel = React.createClass({ contextTypes: { curItem: React.PropTypes.any }, render: function(){ return ( <p> The curItem is: {this.context.curItem} </p> ) } }); |
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var ListWrapper = React.createClass({ render: function(){ return ( <div> <List /> </div> ) } }); var List = React.createClass({ contextTypes: { changeItem: React.PropTypes.any }, onClickItem: function(item){ this.context.changeItem(item); }, render: function(){ return ( <ul> <li onClick={this.onClickItem.bind(this, 'item1')}>I am item1, click me!</li> <li onClick={this.onClickItem.bind(this, 'item2')}>I am item2, click me!</li> </ul> ) } }); |
5. Redux
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import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'; import reducers from "./reducers" import { Provider } from 'react-redux' import React, {Component} from 'react'; import { render } from 'react-dom'; import App from './App'; let store = createStore(reducers); render( <Provider store={store}> <App /> </Provider>, document.getElementById('root') ); |
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export default function changeItem(state = {'curItem': 'item1'}, action){ switch(action.type) { case 'CHANGE_ITEM': return Object.assign({}, { curItem: action.curItem }); default: return state; } } |
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export function changeItem(item) { return { type: 'CHANGE_ITEM', curItem: item } } |
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import React, {Component} from 'react'; import { connect, Provider } from 'react-redux'; import { changeItem } from './actions'; class App extends Component{ constructor(props, context) { super(props, context); } getChildContext() { return { curItem: this.props.curItem, changeItem: this.props.changeItem } } render() { return ( <div> <CurItemPanel /> <List /> </div> ) } } App.childContextTypes = { curItem: React.PropTypes.any, changeItem: React.PropTypes.any }; class CurItemPanel extends Component { constructor(props, context) { super(props, context); } render() { return ( <div>The curItem is: {this.context.curItem}</div> ) } } CurItemPanel.contextTypes = { curItem: React.PropTypes.any }; class List extends Component { constructor(props, context) { super(props, context); } onClickItem (item){ this.context.changeItem(item); } render() { return ( <ul> <li onClick={this.onClickItem.bind(this, 'item1')}>I am item1, click me!</li> <li onClick={this.onClickItem.bind(this, 'item2')}>I am item2, click me!</li> </ul> ) } } List.contextTypes = { changeItem: React.PropTypes.any }; let select = state => { return state}; function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) { return { changeItem: function(item) { dispatch(changeItem(item)); } }; } export default(connect(select, mapDispatchToProps))(App); |
6. transdux
npm install transdux –save
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import React, {Component} from 'react'; import Transdux from 'transdux'; import App from './TransduxApp.js'; import { render } from 'react-dom'; render( <Transdux> <App /> </Transdux>, document.getElementById('root') ); |
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import React, {Component} from 'react'; import {mixin} from 'transdux' import ChangeButton from './ChangeButton'; // 定義action是怎麼變的 let actions = { addHello(obj, state, props) { // 返回state return { msg: obj.msg } } }; class App extends Component{ constructor(props){ super(props); this.state = {msg: 'init'}; } render() { // 應該傳入呼叫了store.dispatch回撥函式給笨拙元件 return ( <div> {this.state.msg} <ChangeButton /> </div> ) } } export default mixin(App, actions); |
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import React, {Component} from 'react'; import {mixin} from 'transdux' import minApp from './TransduxApp'; class ChangeButton extends Component{ click() { this.dispatch(minApp, 'addHello', {'msg': 'hello world'}); } render() { return ( <div> <button onClick={this.click.bind(this)}>change content</button> </div> ) } } export default mixin(ChangeButton, {}); |
1. http://ctheu.com/2015/02/12/how-to-communicate-between-react-components/
2. https://blog.oyanglul.us/javascript/react-transdux-the-clojure-approach-of-flux.html 看我們3天hackday都幹了些什麼
3. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21285923/reactjs-two-components-communicating
4. https://blog.jscrambler.com/react-js-communication-between-components-with-contexts/