學用ORACLE AWR和ASH特性(4)-生成指定SQL的統計報表
2.3 生成指定SQL語句的統計報表
SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/awrsqrpt.sql
Current Instance
DB Id DB Name Inst Num Instance
----------- ------------ -------- ------------
3812548755 TEST08 1 test08
Specify the Report Type
Would you like an HTML report, or a plain text report?
Enter 'html' for an HTML report, or 'text' for plain text
Defaults to 'html'
Enter value for report_type: html選擇生成的報表格式,沒啥說的,就預設的html格式吧。
Type Specified: html
Instances in this Workload Repository schema
DB Id Inst Num DB Name Instance Host
------------ -------- ------------ ------------ ------------
* 3812548755 1 TEST08 test08 yans1
Using 3812548755 for database Id
Using 1 for instance number
Specify the number of days of snapshots to choose from
Entering the number of days (n) will result in the most recent
(n) days of snapshots being listed. Pressing
specifying a number lists all completed snapshots.
Enter value for num_days: 2指定報表快照的生成區間!
Listing the last 2 days of Completed Snapshots
Instance DB Name Snap Id Snap Started Level
------------ ------------ --------- ------------------ -----
test08 TEST08 7450 25 10 月 2009 00:00 1
7451 25 10 月 2009 01:00 1
7452 25 10 月 2009 02:00 1
7453 25 10 月 2009 03:00 1
7454 25 10 月 2009 04:00 1
7455 25 10 月 2009 05:00 1
7456 25 10 月 2009 06:00 1
7457 25 10 月 2009 07:00 1
7458 25 10 月 2009 08:00 1
7459 25 10 月 2009 09:00 1
7460 25 10 月 2009 10:00 1
7461 25 10 月 2009 11:00 1
7462 25 10 月 2009 12:00 1
7463 25 10 月 2009 13:00 1
7464 25 10 月 2009 14:00 1
7465 25 10 月 2009 15:00 1
7466 25 10 月 2009 16:00 1
7467 25 10 月 2009 17:00 1
7468 25 10 月 2009 18:00 1
7469 25 10 月 2009 19:00 1
7470 25 10 月 2009 20:00 1
7471 25 10 月 2009 21:00 1
7472 25 10 月 2009 22:00 1
7473 25 10 月 2009 23:00 1
7474 26 10 月 2009 00:00 1
7475 26 10 月 2009 01:00 1
7476 26 10 月 2009 02:00 1
7477 26 10 月 2009 03:00 1
7478 26 10 月 2009 04:00 1
7479 26 10 月 2009 05:00 1
7480 26 10 月 2009 06:00 1
7481 26 10 月 2009 07:00 1
7482 26 10 月 2009 08:00 1
7483 26 10 月 2009 09:00 1
7484 26 10 月 2009 10:00 1
Specify the Begin and End Snapshot Ids
Enter value for begin_snap: 7451
Begin Snapshot Id specified: 7451
Enter value for end_snap: 7475
End Snapshot Id specified: 7475指定開始和結束的快照ID:
Specify the SQL Id
Enter value for sql_id: a51q9un8j1kv6注意嘍,這裡要指定分析的SQL_ID,你可能想問,要分析的SQL ID從何而來呢?一般來說,提出這種問題說明你還未操作過awr或看到一條SQL。為什麼這麼說呢,因為一般來講,獲取問題SQL的途徑要麼是通過V$SQL(及其它相關檢視),要麼是通過AWR/STATSPACK等工具,而這些方式找到SQL語句時,只要你再稍微拿眼神的旁光這麼一掃,就會發現在語句的旁邊有一條SQL ID靜靜的矗立著:)
SQL ID specified: a51q9un8j1kv6
Specify the Report Name
The default report file name is awrsqlrpt_1_7451_7475.html. To use this name,
Enter value for report_name: awr_sqlrpt_1_7451_7475.html
Using the report name awr_sqlrpt_1_7451_7475.html
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- [20230303]生成相關備庫的awr報表(補充說明).txt
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