Oracle ORION模擬Database負載測試儲存效能
Oracle ORION(Oracle IO Number)是Oracle提供的儲存效能測試工具,Oracle並不對其提供技術支援。該工具的最大特點在於可以在沒安裝Oracle Database軟體的情況下,模擬Oracle負載,測試隨機或順序訪問指定大小塊的效能,效能指標包括:IOPS,MBPS,Latency(延遲時間)。
從Oracle Database 11g開始,ORION工具被整合到GI和Database軟體中,所以在$GI_HOME/bin和$ORACLE_HOME/bin目錄下都可以找到這個工具。如果是Oracle Database 10gR2需要手動下載ORION工具。
[root@rhel1 ~]#cd /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin
[root@rhel1 bin]# ./orion -help
ORION: ORacle IO Numbers -- Version
ORION runs IO performance tests that model Oracle RDBMS IO workloads.
It measures the performance of small (2-32K) IOs and large (128K+) IOs
at various load levels.
Each Orion data point is a test for a specific mix of small and large
IO loads sustained for a duration. An Orion test consists of multiple
data point tests. These data point tests can be represented as a
two-dimensional matrix. Each column in the matrix represents data
point tests with the same small IO load, but varying large IO loads.
Each row represents data point tests with the same large IO load, but
varying small IO loads. An Orion test can be for a single point, a
single row, a single column, or the whole matrix.
The 'run' parameter is the only mandatory parameter. Defaults
are indicated for all other parameters. For additional information on
the user interface, see the Orion User Guide.
<testname> is the prefix used for all input and output filenames. By
default, it is 'orion'. It can be specified with the 'testname'
<testname>.lun should contain a carriage-return-separated list of LUNs.
The output files for a test run are prefixed by <testname>_<date> where
date is "yyyymmdd_hhmm".
The output files are:
<testname>_<date>_summary.txt - Summary of the input parameters, along with
the minimum small IO latency (in usecs), the maximum
MBPS, and the maximum IOPS observed.
<testname>_<date>_mbps.csv - Performance results of large IOs in MBPS.
<testname>_<date>_iops.csv - Performance results of small IOs in IOPS.
<testname>_<date>_lat.csv - Latency of small IOs in microseconds.
<testname>_<date>_hist.csv - Histogram of IO latencies.
<testname>_<date>_trace.txt - Extended, unprocessed output.
Mandatory parameters:
run Type of workload to run (simple, normal, advanced, dss, oltp).
simple - Tests random small (8K) IOs at various loads,
then random large (1M) IOs at various loads.
normal - Tests combinations of random small (8K) IOs and
random large (1M) IOs.
advanced - Tests the workload specified by the user
using optional parameters.
dss - Tests with random large (1M) IOs at increasing
loads to determine the maximum throughput.
oltp - Tests with random small (8K) IOs at increasing
loads to determine the maximum IOPS.
simple 在可變負載的情況下測試隨機小IO(8K),然後再在可變負載的情況下測試隨機大IO(1M)的效能。
normal 測試隨機小IO(8K)和隨機大IO(1M)的效能。
advanced 通過使用可選的引數自定義負載情況。
dss 在負載不斷增加的情況下測試隨機大IO(1M),找出最大的吞吐量。
oltp 在負載不斷增加的情況下測試隨機小IO(8K),找出最大的IOPS值。
Optional parameters:
testname Name of the test run.
num_disks Number of disks (physical spindles). This number is
used to gauge the range of loads that Orion should test
at. Increasing this parameter results in Orion using
heavier IO loads. Default is the number of LUNs in
size_small Size of small IOs in KB. Default is 8. 預設8K。
size_large Size of large IOs in KB. Default is 1024.預設1024K。
type Type of large IOs (rand, seq). Default is rand.
rand - Randomly distributed large IOs.
seq - Sequential streams of large IOs.
num_streamIO Number of concurrent IOs per stream. This parameter is only
used if -type is seq. Default is 4.
simulate Orion tests on a virtual LUN formed by combining the
specified LUNs in one of these ways. This parameter is
typically only used if -type is seq. Default is concat.
concat - A serial concatenation of the LUNs. Each
sequential stream issues IOs to only one LUN.
raid0 - A RAID-0 mapping across the LUNs. Each
sequential stream issues IOs across all LUNs,
using RAID-0 striping.
write Percentage of IOs that are writes (SEE WARNING ABOVE).
Default is 0.
cache_size Size in MBs of the array's cache.
Unless this option is set to 0, Orion issues a number
of unmeasured, random IOs before each large sequential
data point. These IOs fill up the storage array's cache
(if any) with random data so that IOs from one
data point do not result in cache hits for the next
data point. Read tests are preceded with junk reads
and write tests are preceded with junk writes. If
specified, this 'cache warming' is performed until
cache_size MBs of IO have been read or written.
Default behavior is to issue 2 minutes of unmeasured random
IOs before each data point.
duration Duration of each data point in seconds. Default is 60.
num_small Number of outstanding small IOs. This parameter controls the
small IO load. Only used if -matrix is point, col, or max.
No default.
num_large This parameter controls the large IO load.
For -type rand, number of outstanding large IOs.
For -type seq, number of sequential IO streams. Only used
if -matrix is point, row, or max. No default.
matrix An Orion test consists of multiple data point tests. These data
point tests can be represented as a two-dimensional matrix.
Each column in the matrix represents data point tests with
the same small IO load, but varying large IO loads. Each
row represents data point tests with the same large IO load,
but varying small IO loads. An Orion test can be for a
single point, a single row, a single column, or the whole
matrix, depending on the matrix option setting below.
Default is basic.
basic - Test small IOs only, then large IOs only.
detailed - Test entire matrix.
point - Test with num_small small IOs, num_large large
col - Test a varying large IO load with num_small
small IOs.
row - Test a varying small IO load with num_large
large IOs.
max - Test varying loads up to the num_small and
num_large limits.
verbose Prints tracing information to standard output if set.
Not set by default.
For a preliminary set of data
-run simple
For a basic set of data
-run normal
To evaluate storage for an OLTP database
-run oltp
To evaluate storage for a data warehouse
-run dss
To generate combinations of 32KB and 1MB reads to random locations
-run advanced
-size_small 32 -size_large 1024 -type rand
-matrix detailed
To generate multiple sequential 1MB write streams, simulating RAID0 striping
-run advanced
-simulate RAID0 -write 100 -type seq
-matrix col -num_small 0
[root@rhel1 ~]# /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/orion -run simple
ORION: ORacle IO Numbers -- Version
Calibration will take approximately 9 minutes.
Using a large value for -cache_size may take longer.
Maximum Large MBPS=35.13 @ Small=0 and Large=2
Maximum Small IOPS=86 @ Small=5 and Large=0
Small Read Latency: avg=57862 us, min=12943 us, max=270920 us, std dev=25577 us @ Small=5 and Large=0
Minimum Small Latency=15313 usecs @ Small=1 and Large=0
Small Read Latency: avg=15313 us, min=726 us, max=231989 us, std dev=24119 us @ Small=1 and Large=0
Small Read / Write Latency Histogram @ Small=5 and Large=0
Latency: # of IOs (read) # of IOs (write)
0 - 1 us: 0 0
2 - 4 us: 0 0
4 - 8 us: 0 0
8 - 16 us: 0 0
16 - 32 us: 0 0
32 - 64 us: 0 0
64 - 128 us: 0 0
128 - 256 us: 0 0
256 - 512 us: 0 0
512 - 1024 us: 14 0
1024 - 2048 us: 21 0
2048 - 4096 us: 257 0
4096 - 8192 us: 1220 0
8192 - 16384 us: 1994 0
16384 - 32768 us: 82 0
32768 - 65536 us: 158 0
65536 - 131072 us: 127 0
131072 - 262144 us: 49 0
262144 - 524288 us: 0 0
524288 - 1048576 us: 0 0
1048576 - 2097152 us: 0 0
2097152 - 4194304 us: 0 0
4194304 - 8388608 us: 0 0
8388608 - 16777216 us: 0 0
16777216 - 33554432 us: 0 0
33554432 - 67108864 us: 0 0
67108864 - 134217728 us: 0 0
134217728 - 268435456 us: 0 0
從Oracle Database 11g開始,ORION工具被整合到GI和Database軟體中,所以在$GI_HOME/bin和$ORACLE_HOME/bin目錄下都可以找到這個工具。如果是Oracle Database 10gR2需要手動下載ORION工具。
[root@rhel1 ~]#cd /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin
[root@rhel1 bin]# ./orion -help
ORION: ORacle IO Numbers -- Version
ORION runs IO performance tests that model Oracle RDBMS IO workloads.
It measures the performance of small (2-32K) IOs and large (128K+) IOs
at various load levels.
Each Orion data point is a test for a specific mix of small and large
IO loads sustained for a duration. An Orion test consists of multiple
data point tests. These data point tests can be represented as a
two-dimensional matrix. Each column in the matrix represents data
point tests with the same small IO load, but varying large IO loads.
Each row represents data point tests with the same large IO load, but
varying small IO loads. An Orion test can be for a single point, a
single row, a single column, or the whole matrix.
The 'run' parameter is the only mandatory parameter. Defaults
are indicated for all other parameters. For additional information on
the user interface, see the Orion User Guide.
<testname> is the prefix used for all input and output filenames. By
default, it is 'orion'. It can be specified with the 'testname'
<testname>.lun should contain a carriage-return-separated list of LUNs.
The output files for a test run are prefixed by <testname>_<date> where
date is "yyyymmdd_hhmm".
The output files are:
<testname>_<date>_summary.txt - Summary of the input parameters, along with
the minimum small IO latency (in usecs), the maximum
MBPS, and the maximum IOPS observed.
<testname>_<date>_mbps.csv - Performance results of large IOs in MBPS.
<testname>_<date>_iops.csv - Performance results of small IOs in IOPS.
<testname>_<date>_lat.csv - Latency of small IOs in microseconds.
<testname>_<date>_hist.csv - Histogram of IO latencies.
<testname>_<date>_trace.txt - Extended, unprocessed output.
Mandatory parameters:
run Type of workload to run (simple, normal, advanced, dss, oltp).
simple - Tests random small (8K) IOs at various loads,
then random large (1M) IOs at various loads.
normal - Tests combinations of random small (8K) IOs and
random large (1M) IOs.
advanced - Tests the workload specified by the user
using optional parameters.
dss - Tests with random large (1M) IOs at increasing
loads to determine the maximum throughput.
oltp - Tests with random small (8K) IOs at increasing
loads to determine the maximum IOPS.
simple 在可變負載的情況下測試隨機小IO(8K),然後再在可變負載的情況下測試隨機大IO(1M)的效能。
normal 測試隨機小IO(8K)和隨機大IO(1M)的效能。
advanced 通過使用可選的引數自定義負載情況。
dss 在負載不斷增加的情況下測試隨機大IO(1M),找出最大的吞吐量。
oltp 在負載不斷增加的情況下測試隨機小IO(8K),找出最大的IOPS值。
Optional parameters:
testname Name of the test run.
num_disks Number of disks (physical spindles). This number is
used to gauge the range of loads that Orion should test
at. Increasing this parameter results in Orion using
heavier IO loads. Default is the number of LUNs in
size_small Size of small IOs in KB. Default is 8. 預設8K。
size_large Size of large IOs in KB. Default is 1024.預設1024K。
type Type of large IOs (rand, seq). Default is rand.
rand - Randomly distributed large IOs.
seq - Sequential streams of large IOs.
num_streamIO Number of concurrent IOs per stream. This parameter is only
used if -type is seq. Default is 4.
simulate Orion tests on a virtual LUN formed by combining the
specified LUNs in one of these ways. This parameter is
typically only used if -type is seq. Default is concat.
concat - A serial concatenation of the LUNs. Each
sequential stream issues IOs to only one LUN.
raid0 - A RAID-0 mapping across the LUNs. Each
sequential stream issues IOs across all LUNs,
using RAID-0 striping.
write Percentage of IOs that are writes (SEE WARNING ABOVE).
Default is 0.
cache_size Size in MBs of the array's cache.
Unless this option is set to 0, Orion issues a number
of unmeasured, random IOs before each large sequential
data point. These IOs fill up the storage array's cache
(if any) with random data so that IOs from one
data point do not result in cache hits for the next
data point. Read tests are preceded with junk reads
and write tests are preceded with junk writes. If
specified, this 'cache warming' is performed until
cache_size MBs of IO have been read or written.
Default behavior is to issue 2 minutes of unmeasured random
IOs before each data point.
duration Duration of each data point in seconds. Default is 60.
num_small Number of outstanding small IOs. This parameter controls the
small IO load. Only used if -matrix is point, col, or max.
No default.
num_large This parameter controls the large IO load.
For -type rand, number of outstanding large IOs.
For -type seq, number of sequential IO streams. Only used
if -matrix is point, row, or max. No default.
matrix An Orion test consists of multiple data point tests. These data
point tests can be represented as a two-dimensional matrix.
Each column in the matrix represents data point tests with
the same small IO load, but varying large IO loads. Each
row represents data point tests with the same large IO load,
but varying small IO loads. An Orion test can be for a
single point, a single row, a single column, or the whole
matrix, depending on the matrix option setting below.
Default is basic.
basic - Test small IOs only, then large IOs only.
detailed - Test entire matrix.
point - Test with num_small small IOs, num_large large
col - Test a varying large IO load with num_small
small IOs.
row - Test a varying small IO load with num_large
large IOs.
max - Test varying loads up to the num_small and
num_large limits.
verbose Prints tracing information to standard output if set.
Not set by default.
For a preliminary set of data
-run simple
For a basic set of data
-run normal
To evaluate storage for an OLTP database
-run oltp
To evaluate storage for a data warehouse
-run dss
To generate combinations of 32KB and 1MB reads to random locations
-run advanced
-size_small 32 -size_large 1024 -type rand
-matrix detailed
To generate multiple sequential 1MB write streams, simulating RAID0 striping
-run advanced
-simulate RAID0 -write 100 -type seq
-matrix col -num_small 0
[root@rhel1 ~]# /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/orion -run simple
ORION: ORacle IO Numbers -- Version
Calibration will take approximately 9 minutes.
Using a large value for -cache_size may take longer.
Maximum Large MBPS=35.13 @ Small=0 and Large=2
Maximum Small IOPS=86 @ Small=5 and Large=0
Small Read Latency: avg=57862 us, min=12943 us, max=270920 us, std dev=25577 us @ Small=5 and Large=0
Minimum Small Latency=15313 usecs @ Small=1 and Large=0
Small Read Latency: avg=15313 us, min=726 us, max=231989 us, std dev=24119 us @ Small=1 and Large=0
Small Read / Write Latency Histogram @ Small=5 and Large=0
Latency: # of IOs (read) # of IOs (write)
0 - 1 us: 0 0
2 - 4 us: 0 0
4 - 8 us: 0 0
8 - 16 us: 0 0
16 - 32 us: 0 0
32 - 64 us: 0 0
64 - 128 us: 0 0
128 - 256 us: 0 0
256 - 512 us: 0 0
512 - 1024 us: 14 0
1024 - 2048 us: 21 0
2048 - 4096 us: 257 0
4096 - 8192 us: 1220 0
8192 - 16384 us: 1994 0
16384 - 32768 us: 82 0
32768 - 65536 us: 158 0
65536 - 131072 us: 127 0
131072 - 262144 us: 49 0
262144 - 524288 us: 0 0
524288 - 1048576 us: 0 0
1048576 - 2097152 us: 0 0
2097152 - 4194304 us: 0 0
4194304 - 8388608 us: 0 0
8388608 - 16777216 us: 0 0
16777216 - 33554432 us: 0 0
33554432 - 67108864 us: 0 0
67108864 - 134217728 us: 0 0
134217728 - 268435456 us: 0 0
大部分的IO延遲都處在8192 - 16384us之間。
[root@rhel1 ~]# ll
total 104
-rw------- 1 root root 1076 Jun 17 2011 anaconda-ks.cfg
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 116 May 8 2009
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun 17 2011 Desktop
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 33383 Jun 17 2011 install.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3682 Jun 17 2011 install.log.syslog
-rw-r----- 1 root root 580 Mar 24 00:34 oks.log
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 May 13 2012 oradiag_root
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7004 Apr 7 20:35 orion_20140407_2028_hist.txt 柱狀圖情況,包括每個資料指標操作期間(預設60秒)的IO延遲柱狀圖
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 526 Apr 7 20:35 orion_20140407_2028_iops.csv IOPS情況
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 554 Apr 7 20:35 orion_20140407_2028_lat.csv 延遲情況
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 498 Apr 7 20:35 orion_20140407_2028_mbps.csv MBPS情況
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1743 Apr 7 20:35 orion_20140407_2028_summary.txt 概要
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3242 Apr 7 20:35 orion_20140407_2028_trace.txt 詳細的跟蹤檔案
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10 Apr 7 20:04 orion.lun



[root@homeserver /]# time sh -c "dd if=/dev/zero of=dd-test-file bs=8k count=1000000 && sync"
1000000+0 records in
1000000+0 records out
8192000000 bytes (8.2 GB) copied, 139.084 seconds, 58.9 MB/s
real 2m26.057s(表示真實時間)
user 0m1.360s
sys 0m24.854s
[root@rhel1 ~]# ll
total 104
-rw------- 1 root root 1076 Jun 17 2011 anaconda-ks.cfg
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 116 May 8 2009
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun 17 2011 Desktop
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 33383 Jun 17 2011 install.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3682 Jun 17 2011 install.log.syslog
-rw-r----- 1 root root 580 Mar 24 00:34 oks.log
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 May 13 2012 oradiag_root
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7004 Apr 7 20:35 orion_20140407_2028_hist.txt 柱狀圖情況,包括每個資料指標操作期間(預設60秒)的IO延遲柱狀圖
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 526 Apr 7 20:35 orion_20140407_2028_iops.csv IOPS情況
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 554 Apr 7 20:35 orion_20140407_2028_lat.csv 延遲情況
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 498 Apr 7 20:35 orion_20140407_2028_mbps.csv MBPS情況
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1743 Apr 7 20:35 orion_20140407_2028_summary.txt 概要
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3242 Apr 7 20:35 orion_20140407_2028_trace.txt 詳細的跟蹤檔案
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10 Apr 7 20:04 orion.lun



[root@homeserver /]# time sh -c "dd if=/dev/zero of=dd-test-file bs=8k count=1000000 && sync"
1000000+0 records in
1000000+0 records out
8192000000 bytes (8.2 GB) copied, 139.084 seconds, 58.9 MB/s
real 2m26.057s(表示真實時間)
user 0m1.360s
sys 0m24.854s
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