

一個Python 的 AI Chatbot框架

建立一個聊天室可以聽起來很棒,但它是完全可行的。 IKY是一個內建於Python中的AI動力對話對話介面。 使用IKY,很容易建立自然語言會話場景,無需編碼工作。 平滑的UI使得輕鬆建立和訓練機器人的對話,並且隨著從與人們的對話中學習而不斷變得更聰明。 IKY可以通過將API與該平臺整合在您所選擇的任何渠道(如Messenger,Slack等)上。

您不需要成為人工智慧的專家來建立具有人工智慧的真棒聊天機。 有了這個基本的專案,你可以隨時建立一個人工智慧動力聊天機。可能有幾十個錯誤。 所以隨時可以通過拉請求作出貢獻。

An AI Chatbot framework built in Python

Building a chatbot can sound daunting, but it’s totally doable. IKY is an AI powered conversational dialog interface built in Python. With IKY it’s easy to create Natural Language conversational scenarios with no coding efforts whatsoever. The smooth UI makes it effortless to create and train conversations to the bot and it continuously gets smarter as it learns from conversations it has with people. IKY can live on any channel of your choice (such as Messenger, Slack etc.) by integrating it’s API with that platform.

You don’t need to be an expert at artificial intelligence to create an awesome chatbot that has artificial intelligence. With this basic project you can create an artificial intelligence powered chatting machine in no time.There may be scores of bugs. So feel free to contribute via pull requests.

專案地址: https://github.com/alfredfrancis/ai-chatbot-framework
