資料結構與演算法分析 (雜湊)


標籤: Data-Structures


1. 分離連結法





  • Find:通過雜湊函式計算出雜湊值,找到相應的連結串列,剩下的就是連結串列的遍歷操作
  • Insert:先使用Find例程,根據查詢結果,決定是否需要插入到連結串列中,將之插入到頭節點後的第一個位置

    int hash(int key, int size){
        return key%size;
    Hash Init(int Size){
        Hash H;
        H = malloc(sizeof(struct HashTable));
        H->Size = Size;
        //H->List = malloc(sizeof(Position)*H->Size);
        H->List = malloc(sizeof(struct ListNode)*H->Size);
        for (int i = 0; i < H->Size; ++i) {
            H->List[i] = malloc(sizeof(struct ListNode));
            H->List[i]->Next = NULL;
        return H;
    Position Find(int key, Hash H){
        Position P;
        Position L;
        L = H->List[hash(key, H->Size)];
        P = L->Next;
        while(P && P->Elem != key){
            P = P->Next;
        return P;
    void Insert(int key, Hash H){
        Position P,NewCell;
        Position L;
        L = H->List[hash(key,H->Size)];
        P = Find(key,H);
        if (P == NULL){
            NewCell = malloc(sizeof(struct ListNode));
            NewCell->Elem = key;
            NewCell->Next = L->Next;
            L->Next = NewCell;


H->List = malloc(sizeof(struct ListNode)*H->Size);
for (int i = 0; i < H->Size; ++i) {
    H->List[i] = malloc(sizeof(struct ListNode));
    H->List[i]->Next = NULL;


H->List = malloc(sizeof(struct ListNode)*H->Size);
for (int i = 0; i < H->Size; ++i) {
    H->List[i]->Next = NULL;

單步除錯發現錯誤提示 SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault).


It means your program has tried to access memory that doesn't belong to it. Basically, you have a pointer that contains an invalid value somewhere in your code - a common source of this error is dereferencing a NULL pointer.


2. 開放定址法

不同於分離連結法使用連結串列,開放定址法在衝突發生時,藉助函式 F(i)來選擇另外的空單元

  1. 線性探測法 F(i) = i
  2. 平方探測法 F(i) = i^2
  3. 雙雜湊 F(i) = i * hash2(X)(注意和再雜湊的區別:將雜湊表大小改變)


HashTable Init(int Size){
    HashTable H;
    H = malloc(sizeof(struct HashTbl));
    H->Size = Size;
    H->Array = malloc(sizeof(Cell) * H->Size);
    for (int i = 0; i < H->Size; ++i) {
        H->Array[i].Info = Empty;
    return H;


int Find(int key, HashTable H){
    int CurrentPos;
    int CollisionNum = 0;
    CurrentPos = Hash(key, H->Size);
    while(H->Array[CurrentPos].Info != Empty && H->Array[CurrentPos].Elem != key){
//      CurrentPos += CollisionNum;              //針對線性探測
        CurrentPos += 2*CollisionNum - 1;        //針對平方探測
//      CurrentPos += CollisionNum * hash2(key,H->Size); //針對雙雜湊
        if (CurrentPos>=H->Size)
            CurrentPos -= H->Size;
    return CurrentPos;

這裡有一點:平方探測的快速實現,F(i) = F(i-1) +2 * i - 1 , 下一個要探測的單元通過乘2減1確定 在原書上有一句警告提示,切勿改變while(H->Array[CurrentPos].Info != Empty && H->Array[CurrentPos].Elem != key)的測試順序,個人猜測是從優化角度考慮的


void Insert(int key, HashTable H){
    int Position;
    Position = Find(key,H);
    if (H->Array[Position].Info != Legitimate){
        H->Array[Position].Elem = key;
        H->Array[Position].Info = Legitimate;

總結: 線性探測易出現一次聚集,平方探測易出現二次聚集

3. 利用Hash表實現多項式乘法

2個連結串列每一項相乘時時間複雜度是 O(MN),消耗 O(1) 插入到Hash表中

HashTable insert(ElementType key, HashTable h){
    int Pos;
    Pos = find(key,h);
    if(h->Cells[Pos].info == Legitimate){
        h->Cells[Pos].element.Cof += key.Cof;
    }else if(h->Cells[Pos].info == Empty){
        h->Cells[Pos].element = key;
        h->Cells[Pos].info = Legitimate;
        h->currentNum ++;


for (Position_list P1 = Poly1->Next; P1 != NULL; P1 = P1->Next) {
    for (Position_list P2 = Poly2->Next; P2 != NULL; P2 = P2->Next) {
        T.Exp = P1->Element.Exp + P2->Element.Exp;
        T.Cof = P1->Element.Cof * P2->Element.Cof;
        insert(T, H);

思路清楚,程式碼簡潔,效能比較好。 翻閱了參考解釋,如下:

    Another method of implementing these operations is to use a search tree instead of a hash table; a balanced tree is required because elements are inserted in the tree with too much order. A splay tree might be particularly well suited for this type of a problem because it does well with sequential accesses. Comparing the different ways of solving the problem is a good programming assignment.


4. Hash表改進字謎程式

第一章第一頁的字謎問題,將W個單詞的 單詞表讀入雜湊表中,O(W) 對每一個四元組(行,列,方向,字元數)測試是否有單詞出現。雜湊表的查詢 O(1),而方向只有8個,單詞的字元數最大數也是個常數,O(R.C)

int x[8] = { 0,1,1,1,0,-1,-1,-1 };
int y[8] = { 1,1,0,-1,-1,-1,0,1 };


 for (int row = 0; row < n; row++) {
    for (int col = 0; col < n; col++) {
        for (int d = 0; d < 8; d++) {
            string s;
            int rr = row;
            int cc = col;
            for (int count = 1; count <= n; count++) {
                s += table[rr][cc];
                rr += x[d];
                cc += y[d];
                Position pos = find(s.c_str(), h);

改程式序: 通過將每一個單詞的W以及W的所有字首放入Hash表中,可以在查詢時,如果確定字首不在Hash表中,可以提前結束查詢

    for (int count = 1; count <= n; count++) {//長度  
                s += table[rr][cc];  
                rr += x[d];  
                cc += y[d];  
                Position pos = find(s.c_str(), s.length(), h);  
                if (isLegitimate(pos, h) && retrive(pos, h).info == word)  
                    printf("%s\n", s.c_str());  
                else if (!isLegitimate(pos, h)) {//找不到字首  

總結: 雜湊表的原理簡單,但是用處很大,比如編譯器前端中符號表記錄變數等,拼寫檢查程式中的詞典雜湊
