

沒錯!近日,Google 釋出了它的首款微信小程式「猜畫小歌」,玩法非常簡單,按照提示詞進行畫畫,只要 20 秒之內 AI 能夠猜出你畫的是什麼,就能進入下一關繼續挑戰。

於是,作為「靈魂畫手」你會發現,AI 這麼牛?!? 我畫成這鬼樣也能識別出來?

作為「寫實畫手」你會鬱悶:我畫得這麼生動,AI 竟然還認不出來???

而作為「無趣的IT男」則表示,天真!你這是在幫 Google 的 AI 提供訓練樣本啊...
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◉Google's latest move to crack China: A Wechat Game
◉Google launches game on Tencent's Wechat as it eyes China market
◉Google launches its first Wechat mini program as its China experiments continue
其實幾個標題除了講 Google 釋出微信小程式,都在暗示著谷歌對迴歸中國的不斷嘗試。實際上早在去年,谷歌翻譯「Google Translate」App 就已經正式迴歸(LR 插一句,沒用過的推薦試試!),如今,在微信小遊戲上的新嘗試,算是前進了一小步,相信「Google 搜尋」的迴歸也是指日可待:D
○其中的eye 和experiment 都是很熟悉的小詞,
eye 作為動詞,表示“端詳,審視,細看〔尤因不相信某人或想得到某物〕”to look at someone or something carefully, especially because you do not trust them or because you want something,而experiment 除了“實驗”,還有“嘗試,試驗”的意思。
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Alphabet Inc's Google said on Wednesday it has launched an artificial intelligence (AI) game on Tencent Holdings Ltd social media app WeChat, as the company continues toshow tentative signs ofre-entering China's consumer market.
○Google 是 Alphabet 的一個子公司。
○tentative意思是“(計劃、想法、建議、行動等)試驗(性)的,試探(性)的,暫時的”(of a plan or idea) not certain or agreed, or (of a suggestion or action) said or done in a careful but uncertain way because you do not know if you are right,此外還有“躊躇不決的,猶豫的”的意思,舉個?,I havetentative plans to take a trip to London in October. 我暫定 10 月份去倫敦旅行。
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Caihua Xiaoge, orGuess My Sketch, a drawing game based on Google's AI image recognition technology, is its firstWeChat mini program.
○外媒將「猜畫小歌」譯為「Guess My Sketch」,sketch 有“素描,速寫;草圖”的意思,稱其是一款基於 Google 人工智慧影像識別技術的微信畫畫小遊戲。
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Mini programsare apps that users can install directly within WeChat, instead of having to use Google PlayorApple's App Store. Several foreign firms, including Starbucks Corp, have also launched mini apps.
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In Caihua Xiaoge, players are given a limited amount of time to draw an item on their smartphone or tablet. The goal is to get Google's AI software to correctly identify the drawing before the clock runs out. The play progresses from simple items like clouds to more complicated ones like elephants.
○run out表示“用完,耗盡”,舉個?,We're running out of time. 我們沒時間了。
再來對比另一個版本,國內媒體 Sixth Tone 對遊戲的介紹補充了更多細節。機器每猜對一次畫,你就能解鎖一個「勳章」,並且能看到其他玩家對同一個詞語作畫的傑作:
Players have 20 seconds to draw a picture of a given object, ranging from ice skates to popsicles. Google then uses machine learning to guess what the drawings represent. Every time the machine gets the answer right, the player unlocks a badge; when users click into each badge, they can compare their mini-masterpieces with their friends’ sketches.
○badge 表示榮譽/勇氣等的標記(something that shows that you have a particular quality),徽章;像章;證章;紀念章等。
○popsicle/ˈpɒpsɪkəl/ 冰棍、冰棒
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The game is meant to give people "the opportunity to experience just how natural AI-powered interactions can now be," Google product manager Chris Tam said in the blog post.
谷歌產品經理Chris Tam稱,這個遊戲旨在讓人們“有機會體驗一下人工智慧的互動現在是多麼自然”。
However, the technology hasn't impressed everyone. “Sometimes it's artificial intelligence, but sometimes it's artificial stupidity,” Zhang Jizhou, a pharmacist, told Sixth Tone. He stopped playing after the AI failed to guess some of his drawings.
○pharmacist/'fɑːməsɪst,'fɑːməsəst/ 指的是“藥劑師”(someone whose job is to prepare medicines in a shop or hospital)
○什麼是Artificial stupidity?
It is a phrase that has be employed in different ways, but is most commonly used as a humorous retort to the notion of artificial intelligence (AI).
實際上就是人工智慧「Artificial Intelligence」的反義詞,譯成「人工智障」似乎有點過,又很貼切,可能就是翻譯界所謂的“信、達、不雅”。
○retort 一詞昨天才出現過,可作為動詞也可作名詞,意思是“反駁”,舉個?,His sharpretort clearly made an impact. 他的尖銳反駁顯然起了作用。
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