VCL介面控制元件DevExpress VCL Controls釋出v18.1.3|附下載
DevExpress VCL Controls是 Devexpress公司旗下最老牌的使用者介面套包。所包含的控制元件有:資料錄入,圖表,資料分析,導航,佈局,網格,日程管理,樣式,列印和工作流等,讓您快速開發出完美、強大的VCL應用程式!DevExpress廣泛應用於ECM企業內容管理、 成本管控、程式監督、生產排程,在企業/政務資訊化管理中佔據一席重要之地。
【適用範圍】:Delphi / C++Builder XE2 / XE3 / XE4 / XE5 / XE6 / XE7 / XE8 / XE10 , Embarcadero Delphi , C++Builder 10 Seattle
1) DXperience最新版本漢化資源(2萬詞彙專業漢化、節約3成專案研發時間、一行程式碼輕鬆搞定!)
2) DevExpress for .NET高階培訓(“功能講解+示例演示+實戰演練”三位一體的培訓模式,讓您真正學有所獲!)
ExpressBars Suite
- T651477 - Ribbon - Popup menu separators are not displayed if the Bezier skin is in effect
- T647332 - Ribbon - The Application Button's caption is not vertically aligned with tab captions if the ribbon control's Style property is set to a value other than rs2007
ExpressEditors Library
- T647030 - TcxCustomDropDownEdit descendants - It is impossible to change the dropdown button's default glyph
- T619298 - TcxShellTreeView - In certain cases, an AV occurs on entering the "Documents" folder by using the editor's Path property
- T641833 - TdxDBBreadcrumbEdit - Calling the Insert procedure of the editor's underlying data set has no effect
ExpressEntityMapping Framework
- T646569 - A type conversion error occurs when obtaining a Firebird database's schema that includes views
- T648935 - The "Connection is busy with results for another hstmt" error occurs when accessing a remote SQL Server
- T650514 - The session component's Find method returns an entity object that corresponds to a deleted database record
ExpressLayout Control
- T647848 - The offset between the bottom border of a layout group and its content is calculated incorrectly in all skins that display the group caption as a separate section
- T592109 - Mail Client demo - Scrolling the mail folders list results in incorrect positioning of badge adorners
ExpressPivotGrid Suite
- T651619 - An AV occurs when closing an application that displays the Customization Form whose site resides in a layout control
- T650883 - TcxDBPivotGrid - Opening a dataset bound to pivot grid fields displayed in the Customization Form doesn't update their captions
- T647855 - The locked state image is not displayed for a pivot grid containing grouped fields
ExpressQuantumGrid Suite
- T648716 - All Views except Chart - Calling the View's Controller.ShowFindPanel procedure within the parent form's OnShow event handler do not focus the Find Panel if the View's FindPanel.DisplayMode property is fpdmAlways
- T620521 - Binding the same dataset's lookup field to multiple Data Grid controls simultaneously can result in errors
- T646647 - Chart View - The View has an incorrect background color when a skin is used
- T649303 - Table and Banded Table Views - A collapsed group is displayed twice if there are no other groups in the View and its OptionsBehavior.FixedGroups property is True
- T645927 - Table and Banded Table Views - In-place Edit Form - Switching the form layout from default to custom saves an incorrect root group name in a DFM file
- T488281 - Table View - The top unscrollable portion of the View flickers while the content is being scrolled down by more rows than it is currently visible
- T649142 - Table View - The View continues to reserve space for the vertical hybrid scrollbar after the control's height is increased to fit View's content vertically if View's OptionsView.ColumnAutoWidth property is set to True
- T650737 - The Quick Column Customization popup menu is built slowly in certain cases
- T647337 - WinExplorer View - Visual style settings assigned via the View item's Styles.Content property are displayed incorrectly
購買DevExpress VCL Controls正版授權的朋友可以點選"諮詢線上客服"哦~~~
- VCL介面控制元件DevExpress VCL釋出v17.2.8|附下載控制元件devExpress
- VCL報表工具DevExpress VCL Controls v18.1.4釋出|附下載devExpress
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