DevExpress VCL v17.2.7全新發布|附下載
DevExpress VCL Controls是 Devexpress公司旗下最老牌的使用者介面套包。所包含的控制元件有:資料錄入,圖表,資料分析,導航,佈局,網格,日程管理,樣式,列印和工作流等,讓您快速開發出完美、強大的VCL應用程式!DevExpress廣泛應用於ECM企業內容管理、 成本管控、程式監督、生產排程,在企業/政務資訊化管理中佔據一席重要之地。
【適用範圍】:Delphi / C++Builder XE2 / XE3 / XE4 / XE5 / XE6 / XE7 / XE8 / XE10 , Embarcadero Delphi , C++Builder 10 Seattle
1) DXperience最新版本漢化資源(2萬詞彙專業漢化、節約3成專案研發時間、一行程式碼輕鬆搞定!)
2) DevExpress for .NET高階培訓(“功能講解+示例演示+實戰演練”三位一體的培訓模式,讓您真正學有所獲!)
此列表包含了在 v17.2.7中解決的所有問題:
ExpressBars Suite
- T620758 - Ribbon - TdxRibbonStatusBar - The status bar painted by using the Office2016Colorful skin visually overlaps the right border of an application form, provided that the status bar's ShowSizeGrip property is False
ExpressDocking Library
- T627739 - May be you can help understand why font size changed
ExpressEditors Library
- T619741 - Changing focused TcxRadioGroupItem from TcxCheckBoxProperties-OnChange-Event doesnt selects the new item
- T612994 - NullString is no longer displayed in a tcxcombobox after form is moved to a monitor with a different DPI setting.
- T619669 - TcxCheckListBox scrollbar
- T622136 - TdxCameraControl uses CPU resources for still frame repainting after the State property is set to cssPause
ExpressLayout Control
- T627990 - Layout Control Hidding Items
- T620572 - On using the Far East locale, the layout item's caption is truncated starting from an accelerator character enclosed in parenthesis
- T622524 - SVG Images - A "text" element containing Unicode character codes displays them as is instead of the corresponding characters
- T620763 - SVG Images - Actual positions of outlines within a "path" element are calculated incorrectly if their origin points are specified in relative coordinates
- T622962 - SVG Images - The "linearGradient" element whose "gradientUnits" attribute is "userSpaceOnUse" is displayed incorrectly in certain cases
- T621088 - SVG Images - The "stroke-dasharray" attribute's values are not scaled according to the target image size
ExpressMap Control
- T619368 - An SVG image displayed by a map pointer does not scale on changing the monitor DPI
- T618329 - 8-bit grayscale masked images are incorrectly displayed in certain cases
ExpressPrinting System
- T629430 - TcxSchedulerReportLink - Modern Style - Weeks View reports are built without dates in all day cells
- T618170 - TdxRichEditControlReportLink - Font sizes in the resulting document are calculated incorrectly if the system DPI exceeds 96
- T625693 - Trim in Preview than CardGridView is preview
購買DevExpress VCL正版授權的朋友可以點選"諮詢線上客服"哦~~~
- 介面控制元件DevExpress v17.2.7|附下載控制元件devExpress
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- 【版本升級】VCL介面控制元件DevExpress VCL釋出v17.2.6|附下載控制元件devExpress
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- DevExpress v17.2新版亮點——VCL篇(二)devExpress
- DevExpress v17.2新版亮點——VCL篇(一)devExpress
- 【重要更新】DevExpress正式釋出v18.1.3|附下載devExpress
- .NET介面控制元件DevExpress釋出v18.1.5|附下載控制元件devExpress
- 頂級介面控制元件DevExpress釋出v18.1.4|附下載控制元件devExpress
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