VCL報表工具DevExpress VCL Controls v18.1.4釋出|附下載
DevExpress VCL Controls是 Devexpress公司旗下最老牌的使用者介面套包。所包含的控制元件有:資料錄入,圖表,資料分析,導航,佈局,網格,日程管理,樣式,列印和工作流等,讓您快速開發出完美、強大的VCL應用程式!DevExpress廣泛應用於ECM企業內容管理、 成本管控、程式監督、生產排程,在企業/政務資訊化管理中佔據一席重要之地。
【適用範圍】:Delphi / C++Builder XE2 / XE3 / XE4 / XE5 / XE6 / XE7 / XE8 / XE10 , Embarcadero Delphi , C++Builder 10 Seattle
1) DXperience最新版本漢化資源(2萬詞彙專業漢化、節約3成專案研發時間、一行程式碼輕鬆搞定!)
2) DevExpress for .NET高階培訓(“功能講解+示例演示+實戰演練”三位一體的培訓模式,讓您真正學有所獲!)
【DevExpress VCL Controls v18.1.4下載】
ExpressEditors Library
- T655199 - cxMRUEdit - The glyph provided by the Properties.ButtonGlyph property is painted on the dropdown button instead of the ellipsis button
- T638320 - TcxDBSpinEdit bound to an FMTBcd field incorrectly displays its value if the FormatSettings.DecimalSeparator setting differs from the system's decimal separator
- T660468 - TdxUIAdornerManager - It is impossible to assign content to a guide adorner's callout popup via the AControl parameter of the TdxGuideGetCalloutPopupControl procedural type in C++Builder
- T642420 - The focused editor doesn't have a blue border in Windows 10
ExpressExport Library
- T658500 - Table and Banded Table Views - The ExportGridTo~ procedures add an empty column to the left of the exported content if check boxes are positioned in the column header or row indicator in web-style row selection mode
ExpressLayout Control
- T658734 - DevExpress data-aware editors flicker in response to refreshing their bound dataset
ExpressMap Control
- T651534 - The actual zoom factor value can be less than 1 in certain cases if the OptionsBehavior.Animation property is set to True
ExpressPivotGrid Suite
- T652261 - An AV occurs on calling the pivot grid's RestoreFrom~ methods to restore the layout of grouped fields
- T659362 - The "Control has no parent window" exception occurs when undocking a dock panel that displays the Customization Form
- T653490 - The EVariantTypeCastError exception occurs when the TcxPivotGridDrillDownDataset component creates a dataset for a linked pivot grid whose grouped field's Properties property is set to TextEdit
ExpressPrinting System
- T659377 - Export to PDF - Fonts are scaled twice if the system DPI setting does not match 96
- T648679 - FlowChart Report Link - The report contains only the objects that the control currently displays
- T639137 - Large images are not printed
- T653465 - PDF Viewer Report Link - The Print dialog's "Current Page" option prints the currently previewed page instead of the currently active page in a document
- T656666 - SpreadSheet Report Link - A long text string in a row's last data cell doesn't continue on another page
- T654340 - TeeChart Report Link - Chart content is cropped if the control's parent form is displayed on a monitor whose DPI exceeds 96
- T660845 - Text reports are generated very slowly with high DPI settings (more than 96)
- T656368 - The Print Preview dialog is incorrectly scaled at high DPI settings (more than 96)
- T634532 - The report's page header and footer are scaled incorrectly in the Print Preview dialog if the system DPI differs from 96
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- FastReport VCL如何從程式碼訪問報告物件AST物件
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