DevExtreme Complete Subscription是效能最優的 HTML5,CSS 和 JavaScript 移動、Web開發框架,可以直接在Visual Studio整合開發環境,構建iOS,Android,Tizen和Windows Phone 8應用程式。DevExtreme包含 PhoneJS 和 ChartJS 兩個原生UI元件,並且提供原始碼。目前,DevExtreme支援VS2010/2012/2013整合開發環境,相容Android 4+、iOS5+、Windows 8、Window Phone 8、Tizen五大移動平臺,是Visual Studio開發人員開發跨平臺移動產品的首選工具。
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Data Grid
- T626571 - A validation message is shown many times if DataGrid works in virtual mode
- T616780 - Can't resize a fixed column if resizing is not enabled for the next fixed column
- T624036 - DataGrid - Calling editRow after filtering throws the "Cannot read property 'data' of undefined" error
- T606935 - DataGrid - Header cells are sometimes misaligned with grid content if horizontal scrolling is enabled on 200 dpi screens
- T618230 - DataGrid - It is necessary to keep the column size with the disabled allowResizing field
- T621152 - DataGrid - The columnOption method sets an option for a wrong column when using multi-row columns
- T627738 - DataGrid - The format option is not taken into account on exporting to Excel if it's specified as a function
- T627688 - DataGrid - The getCellElement method returns an incorrect cell element in "form" editing mode if the visible column option is disabled
- T622771 - DataGrid - The Lookup column option setting operates incorrectly if the grid contains banded columns
- T616759 - DataGrid - The title element is generated for HTML in the masterDetail template
- T620172 - DataGrid changes the pageSize option if the option value is zero when the state storing is enabled
- T617685 - DataGrid displays an incorrect number of records if the widget is grouped by three or more columns and groupPaging is enabled
- T629585 - DataGrid displays data incorrectly when records are grouped by a field that has the 'null' value in several records
- T614958 - Documentation - Add a note that relative column width is not appropriate for fixed columns in DataGrid
- T615278 - dxDataGrid - The "Select all" checkbox has a wrong value in deferred selection mode
- T622253 - dxDataGrid freezes on scrolling when a column with the specified datatype has a null value
- T620278 - Excel crashes when using Excel's 'Text to Columns' functionality in the exported file
- T624124 - Menu placed in the DataGrid cell template displays the Down arrow after upgrade to 17.2.7
- T615903 - The "Cannot create property 'summary' on string 'success'" error occurs when the infinite scrolling is used and the grid gets its data source from an AJAX request
- T618080 - The Grid adds unnecessary group footer rows for summaries when infinite scrolling is used
Data Visualization
- T626652 - Chart - A stacked spline area shows an extra series
- T620010 - dxChart - Points are not connected in the Range Area series
- T629169 - PieChart - Elements' order differs form the underlying datasource items' order
- T618473 - PieChart - Label connectors cross other labels if resolveLabelOverlapping is "shift" in certain scenarios
- T621507 - PieChart - Label text is cut off
- T629067 - The Chart does not calculate its initial value axis range correctly
DevExtreme Core
- T626006 - A typescript definition is wrong for the base64_encode method after upgrading to version 17.2.7
- T603117 - Documentation - Add a note that localization keys should not be used from JS
- T623796 - NumberBox - Standard formats incorrectly work when Globalize is included
- T601350 - NumberBox with the format option specified works incorrectly if the Poland locale is applied using Intl
- T622196 - Template methods don't replace previously set values
- T627015 - The Promise.catch callback function is not called when the ODataStore.insert method fails
- T614207 - The 'valueChanges' event unexpectedly fires when a reactive form is used with the DxTextBox component
- 跨平臺開發框架DevExtreme釋出v17.2.7|附下載框架devREM
- 【版本升級】跨平臺開發框架DevExtreme釋出v18.1.4|附下載框架devREM
- 跨平臺開發工具DevExtreme釋出v18.1.3|附下載devREM
- VCL介面控制元件DevExpress VCL釋出v17.2.8|附下載控制元件devExpress
- 【版本升級】介面控制元件DevExpress釋出v17.2.8|附下載控制元件devExpress
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