Perl 6 中的 Roles Vs. Protocol
Protocol 在 Swift 中是一組方法和屬性的集合, 可用於程式碼複用。 Perl 6 中有與之類似的結構, 叫做 Role
, 下面轉換一個 Swift 的 Protocol 為 Perl 6 的 Role, 把部門人員的相關資訊列印為一個表格:
Protocol in Swift
import UIKit
func padding(amount: Int) -> String {
var paddingString = ""
for _ in 0..<amount {
paddingString += " "
return paddingString
// 協議
protocol TabularDataSource {
var numberOfRows: Int { get }
var numberOfColumns: Int { get }
func labelForRow(row: Int) -> String // 行標籤
func labelForColumn(column: Int) -> String // 列標籤
func itemForRow(row: Int, column: Int) -> Int // 表格中的單元格
struct Person {
let name: String
let age: Int
let yearsOfExperience: Int
// 讓 **Department** 遵守 **TabularDataSource**協議
struct Department: TabularDataSource {
let name: String
var people = [Person]()
init(name: String) { = name
mutating func addPerson(person: Person) {
// 實現協議中宣告的屬性和方法
var numberOfRows: Int {
return people.count
var numberOfColumns: Int {
return 2
func labelForRow(row: Int) -> String {
return people[row].name
func labelForColumn(column: Int) -> String {
switch column {
case 0: return "Age"
case 1: return "Years of Experence"
default: fatalError("Invalid column!")
func itemForRow(row: Int, column: Int) -> Int {
let person = people[row] // 指定的行
switch column {
case 0: return person.age
case 1: return person.yearsOfExperience
default:fatalError("Invalid column!")
var deparment = Department(name: "Engineering")
deparment.addPerson(Person(name: "Joe", age: 30, yearsOfExperience: 6))
deparment.addPerson(Person(name: "Karen", age: 40, yearsOfExperience: 18))
deparment.addPerson(Person(name: "Fred", age: 50, yearsOfExperience: 20))
// 傳入一個資料來源
func printTable(dataSource: TabularDataSource) {
let rowLabels = (0 ..< dataSource.numberOfRows).map { dataSource.labelForRow($0) }
let columnLabels = (0 ..< dataSource.numberOfColumns).map { dataSource.labelForColumn($0) }
// 建立一個陣列儲存每個行標籤的寬度
let rowLabelWidths = { $0.characters.count }
// 限定行標籤的最大長度
guard let maxRowLabelWidth = rowLabelWidths.maxElement() else {
// 建立第一行, 包含列標題
var firstRow = padding(maxRowLabelWidth) + " |"
// 跟蹤每列的寬度
var columnWidths = [Int]()
for columnLabel in columnLabels {
let columnHeader = " \(columnLabel) |"
firstRow += columnHeader
for i in 0 ..< dataSource.numberOfRows {
let paddingAmount = maxRowLabelWidth - rowLabelWidths[i]
var out = rowLabels[i] + padding(paddingAmount) + " |"
for j in 0 ..< dataSource.numberOfColumns {
let item = dataSource.itemForRow(i, column: j)
let itemString = " \(item) |"
let paddingAmount = columnWidths[j] - itemString.characters.count
out += padding(paddingAmount) + itemString
其中的計算屬性在 Perl 6 中可以使用重寫屬性的方法來完成。
Role in Perl 6
use v6;
sub padding(Int $amount) {
my $paddingString = "";
$paddingString ~= " " for 0 ..^ $amount;
return $paddingString;
# 宣告一個介面, 只定義了方法和屬性, 沒有做實現
role TabularDataSource {
has $.numberOfRows is rw;
has $.numberOfColumns is rw;
method labelForRow(Int $row) { ... }
method labelForColumn(Int $column) { ... }
method itemForRow(Int $row, Int $column) { ... }
class Person {
has Str $.name;
has Int $.age;
has Int $.yearsOfExperience;
class Department does TabularDataSource {
has $.name;
has @.people;
method new(Str $name) {
self.bless(name => $name);
# 實現介面中的方法
# 重寫方法 has $.numberOfRows 其實是 has $!numberOfRows 加上 method numberOfRows() { ... } 方法。
method numberOfRows() {
return @!people.elems;
method numberOfColumns() {
return 2;
method addPerson(Person $person) is rw {
# 如果類遵守了某個 role 但是未實現其中的方法, 則會報錯如下:
# Method 'labelForRow' must be implemented by Department because it is required by a role
method labelForRow(Int $row) {
return @!people[$row].name;
method labelForColumn(Int $column) {
given $column {
when 0 { return "Age" }
when 1 { return "Years of Experence" }
default { die("Invalid column!")}
method itemForRow(Int $row, Int $column) {
my $person = @!people[$row];
given $column {
when 0 { return $person.age }
when 1 { return $person.yearsOfExperience }
default { die("Invalid column") }
my $department ="Engineering");
$department.addPerson( => "Joe", age => 30, yearsOfExperience => 6));
$department.addPerson( => "Karen", age => 40, yearsOfExperience => 18));
$department.addPerson( => "Fred", age => 50, yearsOfExperience => 20));
sub printTable(TabularDataSource $dataSource) {
my @rowLabels = (0 ..^ $dataSource.numberOfRows ).map: { $dataSource.labelForRow($_)};
my @columnLabels = (0 ..^ $dataSource.numberOfColumns).map: {$dataSource.labelForColumn($_)};
my @rowLabelWidths = {$_.chars};
my $maxRowLabelWidth = @rowLabelWidths.max // return;
my $firstRow = padding($maxRowLabelWidth) ~ " |";
my @columnWidths;
for @columnLabels -> $columnLabel {
my $columnHeader = " $columnLabel |";
$firstRow ~= $columnHeader;
for 0 ..^ $dataSource.numberOfRows -> $i {
my $paddingAmount = $maxRowLabelWidth - @rowLabelWidths[$i];
my $out = @rowLabels[$i] ~ padding($paddingAmount) ~ " |";
for 0 ..^ $dataSource.numberOfColumns -> $j {
my $item = $dataSource.itemForRow($i, $j);
my $itemString = " $item |";
my $paddingAmount = @columnWidths[$j] - $itemString.chars;
$out ~= padding($paddingAmount) ~ $itemString;
role 中的 { ... }
是 yadayada操作符, 起佔位作用, 表示方法會在別處實現。類中的方法同樣也可以這樣宣告。
| Age | Years of Experence |
Joe | 30 | 6 |
Karen | 40 | 18 |
Fred | 50 | 20 |
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