#! /usr/bin/perl
# Termial configure script
# Execute on the linux operation system reduced to 256M version
# General the configure file
#system("./ukey2file >conf.txt");
# Check if conf.txt generate corretctly.
if(system("[ -s conf.txt ]")!=0)
die "general conf.txt error!n";
# Read the configure file to a hash list
$termflag = '1';
%file_cache ;
$config_file = "conf.txt";
%config = &read_config_file($config_file);
print "Read the conf.txt has been completed.n";
# General the temp password file
$value = $config{'centerid'};
if($value eq "")
die "the center id is null,please check the usbkey.n";
system("./genpospwd $value 86092 >password");
if(system("[ -s password ]")!=0)
die "general password file error!n";
# Prompt the user to confirm the site no
$value = $config{'siteno'};
print "====================================================================n";
print "The site number is: $value, press y to continue or press n to exit. n";
print "====================================================================n";
$in_line =
if(lc($in_line) eq 'y')
elsif(lc($in_line) eq 'n')
die "Becase the user does not confirm this site number and exit the program.n";
print "Input error,please input again.n";
goto label_reinput;
# Update the configure file appconf.xml for every item
$value = $config{'ccp1'};
$value = $config{'ccp2'};
$value = $config{'ccp3'};
$value = $config{'updaterftp'};
$value = $config{'updateuser'};
$value = $config{'updatepwd'};
$value = $config{'uploadftp'};
$value = $config{'uploaduser'};
$value = $config{'uploadpwd'};
$value = $config{'lib'};
# Choose VGA drive from yingteda
if($value ne '')
$termflag = '0';
# Choose CMOS password file
if($value eq '')
$cmosfile = 'cmos_ytd';
elsif($value eq '')
$cmosifle = 'cmos_ytd_he';
elsif($value eq '')
$cmosfile = 'cmos_gt';
elsif($value eq '')
$cmosfile = 'cmos_sjm';
elsif($value eq '')
$cmosfile = 'cmos_ldr';
elsif($value eq '')
$cmosfile = 'cmos_jt';
elsif($value eq '')
$cmosfile = 'cmos_jf';
elsif($value eq '')
$cmosfile = 'cmos_dxd';
die "lib name error!n";
&update_appconf("module","name","printer","filePath",$value eq ""?"":"lib/".$value);
$value = $config{'inputtype'};
if($value eq 'keyboard')
$termflag = '0';
&update_appconf("gladeXml","name","main","filePath",$value eq ""?"":"resource/".$value."/");
# Replace all configure files to new ones
$value = $config{'rc_local'};
if($termflag eq '1')
system ("cp ../etc/rc.d/$value.touch ../etc/rc.d/rc.local");
system ("cp ../etc/rc.d/$value ../etc/rc.d/rc.local");
print "File ../etc/rc.d/rc.local has been replaced.n";
$value = $config{'xorgconf'};
if($termflag eq '1')
system ("cp ../etc/X11/$value.touch ../etc/X11/xorg.conf");
system ("cp ../etc/X11/$value ../etc/X11/xorg.conf");
print "File ../etc/X11/xorg.conf has been replaced.n";
system ("cp ../etc/rc.d/rc.pos ../etc/rc.d/rc");
print "File ../etc/rc.d/rc has been replaced.n";
system ("cp ../etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit.pos ../etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit");
print "File ../etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit has been replaced.n";
system ("cp ../home/oneu/.xinitrc.pos ../home/oneu/.xinitrc");
print "File ../home/oneu/.xinitrc has been replaced.n";
system ("cp ../home/oneu/.bash_profile.pos ../home/oneu/.bash_profile");
print "File ../home/oneu/.bash_profile has been replaced.n";
system ("cp ../etc/inittab.pos ../etc/inittab");
print "File ../etc/inittab has been replaced.n";
# Read the switch from the configure file
$dialtype = $config{'dialtype'};
if ($dialtype eq 'adsl')
$upfile = '../etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ppp0';
print "Dial type is adsl.n";
# Update adsl user and password
$conf = &get_config('pppoe_conf');
$user = $config{'adsl_user'};
$pass = $config{'adsl_pwd'};
&save_directive($conf, "USER", $user);
print "Update ../etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ppp0 about adsl has been completed.n";
elsif ($dialtype eq 'pstn')
$upfile = '../etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-pstn';
print "Dial type is pstn.n";
# Update pstn user and password
$conf = &get_config_pstn();
$dialer = $conf->[1];
$olduser = $dialer->{'values'}->{'username'};
$user = $config{'pstn_user'};
$pass = $config{'pstn_pwd'};
$phone = $config{'pstn_tel'};
$dialer->{'values'}->{'Phone'} = $phone;
$dialer->{'values'}->{'Username'} = $user;
$dialer->{'values'}->{'Password'} = $pass;
print "Update ../etc/wvdial.conf about pstn dial phone,user and password has been completed.n";
# Update modemport in file wvdial.conf
$dialer = $conf->[0];
$modemport = $config{'modemport'};
$dialer->{'values'}->{'Modem'} = $modemport;
print "Update ../etc/wvdial.conf about pstn dial modemport has been completed.n";
# Update modemport in file ifcfg-pstn
$conf = &get_config('../etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-pstn');
&save_directive_boot($conf, "MODEMPORT", $modemport, '../etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-pstn');
print "Update ../etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-pstn about pstn dial modemport has been completed.n";
die "dialtype is not correct.n";
# Update the boot file for pstn or adsl
$conf = &get_config($upfile);
&save_directive_boot($conf, "ONBOOT", 'yes', $upfile);
print "Update ".$upfile." about dial onboot or not has been completed.n";
# Update CMOS password,root passwor and oneu password
system("./cmospwd /r $cmosfile");
print(" and restored.n");
system("passwd root --stdin <
$oneupass =
system("passwd oneu --stdin <
# Drop the temp file
#system("rm -rf password");
#system("rm -rf conf.txt");
print "The temp file has been deleted.n";
# Update the configure file "../home/oneu/posseller/conf/appconf.xml"
sub update_appconf
use XML::DOM;
my ($tag,$item1,$value1,$item2,$value2) = @_;
if ($value2 eq "")
print "Failed to update appconf.xml,item $value1->$item2 has no value.n";
goto label;
my $parser = new XML::DOM::Parser;
my $doc = $parser->parsefile ("../home/oneu/posseller/conf/appconf.xml");
my $nodes = $doc->getElementsByTagName( $tag );
for( my $i = 0; $i < $nodes->getLength; $i++ )
my $itemValue = $nodes->item($i)->getElementsByTagName($item1)->item(0)->getFirstChild->getNodeValue;
if($itemValue eq $value1)
my $data_len = length($nodes->item($i)->getElementsByTagName($item2)->item(0)->getFirstChild->getNodeValue);
$doc->printToFile ("../home/oneu/posseller/conf/appconf.xml");
#print FILE $doc->toString;
#close FILE;
print "Update appconf.xml item $value1->$item2 has been completed.n";
# Update pap-secrets user and password and copy pap file to chap file
sub update_pap_secrets
my ($user, $pass) = @_;
if($dialtype eq "adsl")
$olduser = &find("USER", $conf);
@secs = &list_secrets();
($sec) = grep { $_->{'client'} eq $olduser } @secs;
if (!$sec)
($sec) = grep { $_->{'client'} eq $user } @secs;
if ($sec)
$sec->{'secret'} = $pass;
$sec->{'client'} = $user;
$sec = { 'secret' => $pass,
'client' => $user,
'server' => '*' };
print "Update ../etc/ppp/pap-secrets about pstn has been completed.n";
system("cp ../etc/ppp/pap-secrets ../etc/ppp/chap-secrets");
print "Update ../etc/ppp/chap-secrets about pstn has been completed.n";
# read_config_file(file)
# Reads the given config file, and returns a hash of values
sub read_config_file
local %rv;
open(CONF, $_[0]) || die "Failed to open config file $_[0] : $!";
if (/^#/ || !/S/) { next; }
$name = $1; $val = $2;
$name =~ s/^s+//g; $name =~ s/s+$//g;
$val =~ s/^s+//g; $val =~ s/s+$//g;
$rv{$name} = $val;
return %rv;
# list_secrets()
# Common functions for editing a PPP users file
sub list_secrets
local(@rv, $line, $_);
open(SEC, $config{'pap_file'});
$line = 0;
@w = &split_words($_);
if (@w >= 3) {
local(%sec, @ips);
$sec{'client'} = $w[0];
$sec{'server'} = $w[1];
$sec{'secret'} = $w[2];
@ips = @w[3..$#w];
$sec{'ips'} = @ips;
$sec{'line'} = $line;
$sec{'index'} = scalar(@rv);
push(@rv, %sec);
return @rv;
# create_secret(&secret)
sub create_secret
open(SEC, ">>$config{'pap_file'}");
print SEC &join_words($_[0]->{'client'}, $_[0]->{'server'},$_[0]->{'secret'}, @{$_[0]->{'ips'}}),"n";
close( SEC);
# change_secret(&secret)
sub change_secret
&replace_file_line($config{'pap_file'}, $_[0]->{'line'},
&join_words($_[0]->{'client'}, $_[0]->{'server'},
$_[0]->{'secret'}, @{$_[0]->{'ips'}})."n");
# delete_secret(&secret)
sub delete_secret
&replace_file_line($config{'pap_file'}, $_[0]->{'line'});
# split_words(string)
sub split_words
local($s, @w);
$s = $_[0];
while($s =~ /^s*([^"s]+|"([^"]*)")(.*)$/) {
push(@w, defined($2) ? $2 : $1);
$s = $3;
return @w;
# join_words
sub join_words
local(@w, $w);
foreach $w (@_) {
if ($w =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+$/) { push(@w, $w); }
else { push(@w, ""$w""); }
return join(" ", @w);
# opt_crypt(password)
# Returns the given password, crypted if the user has configured it
sub opt_crypt
if ($config{'encrypt_pass'}) {
$salt = chr(int(rand(26))+65).chr(int(rand(26))+65);
return &unix_crypt($_[0], $salt);
return $_[0];
# get_config()
# Parse the PPPOE configuration file
sub get_config
local @rv;
local $lnum = 0;
if ($_[0] eq 'pppoe_conf')
open(FILE, $config{$_[0]}) || return undef;
open(FILE, $_[0]) || return undef;
if (/^s*(S+)s*=s*"([^"]*)"/ ||
/^s*(S+)s*=s*'([^']*)'/ ||
/^s*(S+)s*=s*(S+)/) {
push(@rv, { 'name' => $1,
'value' => $2,
'line' => $lnum });
return @rv;
# find(name, &config)
# Looks up an entry in the config file
sub find
local $c;
foreach $c (@{$_[1]}) {
if (lc($c->{'name'}) eq lc($_[0])) {
return $c->{'value'};
return undef;
# save_directive(&config, name, value)
sub save_directive
local ($old) = grep { lc($_->{'name'}) eq lc($_[1]) } @{$_[0]};
local $lref = &read_file_lines($config{'pppoe_conf'});
local $nl = "$_[1]=".($_[2] =~ /^S+$/ ? $_[2] : ""$_[2]"");
if ($old) {
$lref->[$old->{'line'}] = $nl;
else {
push(@$lref, $nl);
# save_directive_boot(&config, name, value, file)
sub save_directive_boot
local ($old) = grep { lc($_->{'name'}) eq lc($_[1]) } @{$_[0]};
local $lref = &read_file_lines($_[3]);
local $nl = "$_[1]=".($_[2] =~ /^S+$/ ? $_[2] : ""$_[2]"");
if ($old) {
$lref->[$old->{'line'}] = $nl;
else {
push(@$lref, $nl);
# get_adsl_ip()
# Returns the device name and IP address of the ADSL connection (if up),
# or nothing if down
sub get_adsl_ip
local $out = `$config{'status_cmd'} 2>&1`;
if ($out =~ /link is up/i &&
$out =~ /ons+interfaces+ppp(d+)[00-377]+inet addr:s*(S+)/i) {
return ($1, $2);
elsif ($out =~ /attacheds+tos+(pppd+)/i) {
return ($1, undef);
else {
return ( );
# get_pppoe_version(&out)
sub get_pppoe_version
local $out = `$config{'pppoe_cmd'} -V 2>&1`;
${$_[0]} = $out;
return $out =~ /versions+(S+)/i ? $1 : undef;
# common libs
# replace_file_line(file, line, [newline]*)
# Replaces one line in some file with 0 or more new lines
sub replace_file_line
local $realfile = &translate_filename($_[0]);
open(FILE, $realfile);
@lines =
if (@_ > 2) { splice(@lines, $_[1], 1, @_[2..$#_]); }
else { splice(@lines, $_[1], 1); }
open(FILE, ">$realfile");
print FILE @lines;
# read_file_lines(file)
# Returns a reference to an array containing the lines from some file. This
# array can be modified, and will be written out when flush_file_lines()
# is called.
sub read_file_lines
if (!$_[0]) {
local ($package, $filename, $line) = caller;
print STDERR "Missing file to read at ${package}::${filename} line $linen";
local $realfile = &translate_filename($_[0]);
if (!$file_cache{$realfile}) {
local(@lines, $_);
open(READFILE, $realfile);
push(@lines, $_);
$file_cache{$realfile} = @lines;
return $file_cache{$realfile};
# flush_file_lines([file], [eol])
sub flush_file_lines
local $f;
local @files;
if ($_[0]) {
local $trans = &translate_filename($_[0]);
$file_cache{$trans} ||
&error("flush_file_lines called on non-loaded file");
push(@files, $trans);
else {
@files = ( keys %file_cache );
local $eol = $_[1] || "n";
foreach $f (@files) {
open(FLUSHFILE, ">$f");
local $line;
foreach $line (@{$main::file_cache{$f}}) {
(print FLUSHFILE $line,$eol );
close (FLUSHFILE);
# translate_filename(filename)
# Applies all relevant registered translation functions to a filename
sub translate_filename
local $realfile = $_[0];
return $realfile;
# from here is the script for pstn dial.
# get_config_pstn()
# Returns a list of all configuration settings
sub get_config_pstn
local (@rv, $sect);
local $lnum = 0;
open(FILE, "<..>while(
if (/^s*[(.*)]/) {
# Start of a section
$sect = { 'name' => $1,
'index' => scalar(@rv),
'line' => $lnum,
'eline' => $lnum,
'values' => { },
'onames' => { } };
push(@rv, $sect);
elsif (/^s*([^=]+S)s*=s*(.*)/ && $sect) {
# A directive within a section
$sect->{'values'}->{lc($1)} = $2;
$sect->{'onames'}->{lc($1)} = $1;
$sect->{'eline'} = $lnum;
return @rv;
# update_dialer(&dialer)
sub update_dialer
local $lref = &read_file_lines("../etc/wvdial.conf");
splice(@$lref, $_[0]->{'line'}, $_[0]->{'eline'} - $_[0]->{'line'} + 1,
# dialer_lines(&dialer)
sub dialer_lines
local @rv = "[$_[0]->{'name'}]";
local $k;
foreach $k (keys %{$_[0]->{'values'}}) {
local $pk = $_[0]->{'onames'}->{$k} || $k;
push(@rv, $pk." = ".$_[0]->{'values'}->{$k});
return @rv;
# parse_opt(name, [checker, error])
sub parse_opt
local $n = lc("$_[0]");
if ($in{$n."_def"}) {
else {
local $func = $_[1];
!$func || &$func($in{$n}) || &error($_[2]);
&set_config($_[0], $in{$n});
# set_config(name, [value])
sub set_config
local $n = lc("$_[0]");
if (defined($_[1])) {
$dialer->{'values'}->{$n} = $_[1];
$dialer->{'onames'}->{$n} = $_[0];
else {
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