# 下列表示式邏輯運算後的結果為?(儘量直接思考解答,可以用程式碼測試結果)
# True and True #true
# False and True #false
# 1 == 1 and 2 == 1 #false
# "test" == "test" #true
# 1 == 1 or 2 != 1 #true
# True and 1 == 1 #true
# False and 0 != 0 #false
# True or 1 == 1 #true
# "test" == "testing" #false
# 1 != 0 and 2 == 1 #false
# "test" != "testing" #true
# "test" == 1 #false
# not (True and False) #true
# not (1 == 1 and 0 != 1) #false
# not (10 == 1 or 1000 == 1000) #false
# not (1 != 10 or 3 == 4) #false
# not ("testing" == "testing" and "Zed" == "Cool Guy") #true
# 1 == 1 and not ("testing" == 1 or 1 == 0) #true
# 3 == 3 and not ("testing" == "testing" or "Python" == "Fun") #false
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