《設計模式——可複用物件導向軟體的基礎》學習筆記(1.3)Describing design patterns...
1.What is important to describe DP
(1)Graphical notations capture the end product of the design process.
(2)We should record the decisions, alternatives, and trade-offs that led to it.
2.The way to describe DP
Each pattern is divided into sections according to the following template. The template lends a uniform structure to the information.
(1)Pattern name and Alias:名稱和別名
(4)Motivation:a scenario about the problem and solution.
(11)Sample Code:樣例程式碼
(12)Known Uses:實際案例
(13)Related Patterns:相關DP
(1)Graphical notations capture the end product of the design process.
(2)We should record the decisions, alternatives, and trade-offs that led to it.
2.The way to describe DP
Each pattern is divided into sections according to the following template. The template lends a uniform structure to the information.
(1)Pattern name and Alias:名稱和別名
(4)Motivation:a scenario about the problem and solution.
(11)Sample Code:樣例程式碼
(12)Known Uses:實際案例
(13)Related Patterns:相關DP
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