B1-Pre-Intermediate-Accepting a Job Offer
Dialogue 對話
A. Hi, this is Melinda speaking.
B. Good morning, Melinda. This is Jim Williams, the HR Director at Professional
Computers, Inc. I am calling to follow up about the employment offer I sent you
last week. I hope you’ve had time to consider our offer. I was wondering if you
had any questions or if you’ve come to a decision?
早上好,Melinda。我是Jim Williams,專業電腦有限公司的人事總監。我打電話
A. Well, the position and areas of responsibility are an excellent fit with both
my skills and my career goals. But I do have a few questions, yes. I’m happy
with the base salary you’re offering, but I wanted to ask about performance
bonuses. Also, do you have overtime pay?
B. We do offer performance bonuses based on our employee review process.
Our bonuses are given for performances that are above expectations. And we
do offer overtime as well. When you work more than 40 hours a week, you will
receive time-and-a-half pay.
A. Ok, good, I’m glad to hear that. Also, what kinds of insurance benefits are
B. Well, health and life insurance benefits will be provided after 60 days of
employment. Those prices are outlined in our health insurance manual that you
will be given on your first day.
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Lesson Transcript
by 英語
A. Got it. Thank you, Mr. Williams. I think you’ve answered all my questions. I
wanted to be sure that I was making the best possible decision for both myself
and the company. I would love to accept the position and am honored to join
the company!
B. Great, we’re so glad to have you with us! Remember, the offer is contingent
on a background check and the signing of our confidentiality agreements. Can
you stop in next week to take care of these things?
A. Definitely. I understand. Does Tuesday morning work?
B. It does. I look forward to working with you! Please feel free to call me
anytime if you think of anything else.
follow up ˈfɑloʊ ˈəp 跟進
benefits ˈbenəˌfɪts 福利
background check bækɡraʊnd tʃek 背景調查
employment offer ɪm'plɔɪmənt 'ɔːfər 錄用信
base salary ˈbeɪs ˈsælriː 底薪
performance bonuses pəˈfɔrməns 'boʊnəs 績效獎勵
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Lesson Transcript
by 英語
overtime pay ˈoʊvərˌtaɪm ˈpeɪ 加班費
employee review ɪmˌplɔˈiː rɪˈvjuː 員工考核
time-and-a-half ˈtaɪm ənd ə ˈhæf 1.5倍(工資)
contingent kən'tɪndʒənt 取決於
confidentiality agreementsˌkɒnfɪˌdenʃɪ'ælɪtɪ
drug testing drʌɡ 'testɪŋ 藥物檢測
job acceptance letter dʒɑːb ək'septəns 'letər 接受錄用
hiring manager 'haɪərɪŋ 'mænɪdʒər 招聘經理
negotiate nɪˈgoʊʃiːˌeɪt 協商
recruitment firm rɪ'kruːtmənt fɜːrm 招聘公司
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follow up (to follow up)
They expect visitors mainly to gather information about their offerings and then follow upwith a phone call.
The authors plan to follow up with additional studies of infants and perhaps other animalspecies.
He called me to follow up about my services I had received last week.
employment offer (employment offer)
I received an employment offer from the insurance company today!
Did you respond to the employment offer I sent you last week yet?
She hopes to receive an employment offer from one or two companies later this week.
benefits (benefit)
They were demanding that the workers give up benefits, such as health care andpensions.
The company offers its employees a pension plan, free health insurance, and otherbenefits.
What kinds of benefits does your company offer?
Passive voice(被動語態)
Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known; however, who or what is performing the action.
When rewriting active sentences in passive voice, note the following:
the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence
the finite form of the verb is changed (to be + past participle)
the subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the passive sentence (or is dropped)
動詞形式變化(to be+過去分詞)
Sample sentences:
A sandwich was made for me to eat.
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