import os import torch import lpips from PIL import Image from torchvision.transforms import ToTensor # 初始化LPIPS模型 loss_fn = lpips.LPIPS(net='vgg') def calculate_lpips(img_path1, img_path2): # 讀取影像 img1 = img2 = # 將影像轉換為張量 img1_tensor = ToTensor()(img1).unsqueeze(0) img2_tensor = ToTensor()(img2).unsqueeze(0) # 計算LPIPS lpips_value = loss_fn(img1_tensor, img2_tensor) return lpips_value.item() # 資料夾路徑 folder_path1 = 'your_folder_path1' folder_path2 = 'your_folder_path2' # 獲取資料夾中的所有影像路徑 image_paths1 = [os.path.join(folder_path1, img) for img in os.listdir(folder_path1) if img.endswith('.jpg')] image_paths2 = [os.path.join(folder_path2, img) for img in os.listdir(folder_path2) if img.endswith('.jpg')] # 確保兩個資料夾中有相同名稱的影像 assert set(os.path.basename(p) for p in image_paths1) == set(os.path.basename(p) for p in image_paths2), "The two folders must contain images with the same names." # 計算並列印所有同名影像對的LPIPS lpips_values = [] for img_name in os.listdir(folder_path1): if img_name.endswith('.jpg'): img_path1 = os.path.join(folder_path1, img_name) img_path2 = os.path.join(folder_path2, img_name) lpips_value = calculate_lpips(img_path1, img_path2) lpips_values.append(lpips_value) print(f'LPIPS between {img_path1} and {img_path2}: {lpips_value}') # 計算並列印LPIPS的平均值 average_lpips = sum(lpips_values) / len(lpips_values) print(f'Average LPIPS: {average_lpips}')