The principle of the TechFinger game trading system is to automate transactions between different game platforms and ensure the reliability and security of transactions through smart contracts.
Before conducting transactions,the system will automatically obtain the latest game item price information from different game platforms,compare and analyze it,and find the most profit margin for price difference
Big trading opportunities.The system will automatically conduct transactions and write transaction records into the blockchain to ensure transparency and tamper resistance of transactions.
Blockchain games have the following characteristics:
1)Decentralization means that all execution code and game data of blockchain games are stored on the blockchain.Due to the characteristics of blockchain distributed ledgers,this means that the operation of the game is completely open and transparent
2)Asset ownership refers to the ownership level of in-game assets by players above the game.This means that even if the game is no longer updated,operated,or even with no players participating,the virtual assets obtained by players in the game still permanently exist in the blockchain on which the game relies.As long as the assets exist in the market,they can be sold to obtain tokens.
3)The gameplay is different.From a gaming perspective,the advantage of blockchain games is their natural economic system built on blockchain,and their potential profitability makes old players sticky and can also attract new players to join.On the other hand,due to the fact that the distributed ledger of blockchain must undergo a series of operations such as validation,bookkeeping,storage,maintenance,and transmission when processing data,and is completed on a decentralized network,the processing time is longer than that of a centralized network,and decentralized attributes are difficult to achieve with high performance and low latency,which means that blockchain games have weaker performance in real-time response.
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