

Gone Angles

One by one那一張又一張的書頁
The pages remind me you'll always be a villain提醒著我你將一直是一個罪人
For you, angels have fallen你看,天使們已經墜落
Now they're gone他們隕落了
See? Now they're gone看見了麼,已經不見蹤影了
Forever gone永遠地
From the hell that served as my one and only home從那收容我的唯一歸宿地獄裡消失了
Though it may hurt today即便今天暗自神傷
Tomorrow I'll be heading my way明日仍會昂首啟程
I tried, I tried 我不斷嘗試過了
What did we expect?我們曾期盼著何物呢
My dearest friend我最好的朋友安吉拉啊
Tell me when we shall make it end告訴我,我們什麼時候讓一切結束
So let me take your hand就讓我牽起你的手
Like one of those madmen讓我們像那些瘋子一樣
Tip tappity tappity tap(踢踏舞)
Dance our last dance跳起最後一支舞
Ta talila lulilatu
La tulali lalulilu(詠歎調)
Spinning vinyl opera讓黑膠唱片響起詠歎調《任我的淚水流淌》
(Lascia ch'io pianga)(請讓我哀悼)
Longing for this moment我渴望著這樣一個時刻
(mia cruda sorte,)(我悲慘的命運)
Brewing all this hatred讓內心的憎惡翻騰
(e che sospiri)(請讓我嘆息)
So I have a reason這樣我就有理由
(la libertà.)(我失去的自由)
Reason to see you dead親眼見證你的死期
Don't you worry你不用擔心
I saved a spot for you in recycle bin在垃圾桶裡我已經預留了你的位置
Your neighbouring addresses point to the books you burned你身旁標註的地址暴露了你焚燒的藏書
Stop now停下來吧
One by one一個一個地
Your desires convince me you've always been a human你的渴望讓我相信你一直身為人類
For you, the shelves have fallen但你看,書架已經坍塌
Now they're gone它們倒塌了
See? Now they're gone看見了麼,它們不見蹤影了
Forever gone永遠地
From the stage that allowed us our one and only dreams從那承載我們唯一的夢想的舞臺上消失了
What's more to say?你還有什麼要說的麼
Pain always catches up to those who chooses to stay痛苦只會纏上那些選擇停滯不前的人
Though it may hurt today即便今天暗自神傷
Tomorrow I'll be heading my way明日我仍會昂首啟程
