西數USB硬碟 WD10JMVW-11AJGS 4資料恢復步驟
DFL engineers are teaching the standard data recovery steps from Western Digital WD10JMVW-11AJGS4 USB3.0 My Passport hard drives.
DFL資料恢復工程師介紹從西數WD10JMVW-11AJGS4 USP3.0My Passport 硬碟中提取資料的標準資料恢復步驟。
Drive model number: WD10JMVW-11AJGS4
Capacity: 1TB
Head/Platter number: 4 heads/2 Platters
磁頭/盤數:4個磁頭頭/ 2盤
When connecting the patient USB hdd to pc, HDD is not detected in disk management and sometimes hang the pc. Please note, the case to be discussed has no physical head damage, just firmware corruption. If the drive has physical head damage, users need to swap the heads first with Hard Drive Ramp Toolkit Pro. and then use DFL-SRP for WD to fix the firmware failure and finally use DDP data recovery program to extract the data.
當將故障USB HDD連線到PC時,硬碟管理中沒有檢測到硬碟驅動,有時會掛起PC。請注意,我們現在所討論的步驟是建立在沒有物理磁頭損壞的情況下,只是存在韌體損壞故障。如果硬碟有物理磁頭損壞,使用者需要首先用需要為磁碟更換磁頭。然後使用DFL-SRP的WD模組對故障進行韌體故障修復,最後使用DDP資料恢復程式提取資料。
Please note: WD10JMVW-11AJGS4 has encryption problem on SA and over 80% cases are caused by the common firmware corruption.
Here are the steps to recover lost data from these cases:
Step 1: Swap the USB PCB with compatible SATA PCB(Users can get compatible WD SATA PCB here)
Step 2: Transfer the ROM chip(U12) from USB PCB to SATA PCB;
Step 3: Install the SATA PCB to patient HDD;
Step 4: Connect patient HDD to DFL-SRP hardware, Short connect TV9 and TV10 and power on the drive and wait until the drive gets ready;
Step 5: Enter the program and backup all firmware modules;
Step 6: Backup original ROM, Bypass SA and power off;
Step 7: Power on the drive, auto load ATA, get details and enter the program;
Step 8: Load module directory to RAM (If the FW can be read/written successfully, no need to use this step);
Step 9: Common Repair-Slow Fix Option 1;
Step 10: Write original ROM back;
Step 11: Power off and on and go to DDP data recovery program;
Step 12: Go to file extraction and all data has been there ready for extraction.
步驟1:用相容的SATA PCB交換USB PCB(使用者可以諮詢我們購買相容的WD SATA PCB)
步驟2:將ROM晶片(U12)從USB PCB焊接到SATA PCB;
步驟3:將SATA PCB安裝到故障硬碟上;
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/31452571/viewspace-2155662/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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