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GoToAssist (16:48:18)
Your Product Support Expert, Sandor@SAP has arrived.
ming yue sun (16:48:22) Is kernel 720 out of support?
Sandor@SAP (16:48:59)
Hi, just a moment I am checking it
Sandor@SAP (16:54:49)
In the marketplace the kernel version 7.20 is already archived. So there is no kernel patch update to this version.
I found also the following note:
1975687 - SAP Kernel 7.21 (EXT) replaces SAP Kernel 7.20 (EXT) as standard kernel in Q1/2015
Sandor@SAP (16:55:32)
So, you can use the kernel 7.20, but there is no bugfix in case of any new bug
ming yue sun (16:55:48) What year can kernel 720 support?
Sandor@SAP (16:55:55)
Recommendation is therefore to us a higher version
ming yue sun (16:56:29) 核心720可以支援到哪一年呢?
Sandor@SAP (16:58:44)
Please check the note
1633731 - Usage of the 7.20 Downward-Compatible Kernel
Sandor@SAP (16:59:31)
Based on the PAM:
Supported Until 31.03.2015
ming yue sun (17:01:52) Does that mean it's out of support?
Sandor@SAP (17:01:59)
ming yue sun (17:02:15) how about kernel 721 ?
Sandor@SAP (17:03:00)
yes, it is supported
ming yue sun (17:03:28) What year can kernel 721 support?
Sandor@SAP (17:03:53)
Supported Until 31.12.2020
ming yue sun (17:04:15) i see, thanks
Sandor@SAP (17:04:24)
you can check it in the PAM:
Sandor@SAP (17:04:28)
ming yue sun (17:04:59) my account can not visit the PAM , what is the matter?
Sandor@SAP (17:05:37)
ok, only give you the reference, where you can find information
Sandor@SAP (17:07:03)
have nice day
ming yue sun (17:10:16) my account can not visit the
ming yue sun (17:10:36) What's the matter?
Sandor@SAP (17:10:58)
ok, thanks for the feedback. I copy here the info:
Supported Until 31.12.2020
ming yue sun (17:11:30) i can not visit too
ming yue sun (17:13:00) Is there a problem with your website or my account?
ming yue sun (17:13:21) i need visit
ming yue sun (17:13:49) The website repeatedly asked me to enter the username and password
Sandor@SAP (17:14:09)
the area is migrated to:
ming yue sun (17:15:51) is also migrated to: ?
Sandor@SAP (17:16:36)
migrated to
Sandor@SAP (17:17:05)
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